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Where were you 20 years ago when the Berlin wall came down?

Where were you 20 yrs ago when the Berlin wall came down? I was a 30 yr old in Berlin calling home to USA to tell them what was happening and that I was about to go join the party...My mother was crying on phone telling me to get to the airport and come home.


To this day Grandma I have a piece of it...most who see it wonder why I have a rock on my bedside table and I am happy to tell them it is from a life changing/maturing event.

14 Answers

  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What a keepsake you have. The time that event took place, I was in

    front of the TV set, watching President Reagan tell, the leader of

    West or was it East Germany, "Mr Gorbachev, tear down that wall".

    That day held alot of promise for those people. Families long separated

    were looking forward to rejoining again. After countless years of being

    apart. What a joyess reunion they all must have had. And feeling free

    for the first time, must have been almost breathtaking for so many..

    I can imagine how emotional everyone present that day, felt. I don't

    recall people crying, only looks of jubilation. I couldn't help but feel

    that heart rendering moment, when sledge hammers began to do

    their work, until finally a hole appeared and then more of the wall

    fell away. The wide grins on so many was captured on film that day.

    We here in the states, couldn't help but feel the emotion and felt

    so glad for them. It's hard to believe, it's been 20 years since we

    saw that happen. Time passes almost like an instant. And we grow

    from a sniveling child, to an adult, and then one day, we are old and

    feeble. So having lived long enough to experience some of the

    wonders in the worlds' history, makes those of us who've lived to see

    them, feeling very fortunate. For we can tell our children, that we

    witnessed so many things, by way of the television, if not in real life.

    And still lived to tell of what we saw and felt during those times. So

    many historic moments did happen during my life. And I'm glad that

    there is the internet to take me back to whatever point in time, I

    wish to return to. To recapture the feelings I felt back when. And to

    refresh my memory even further. That was just one world event I have

    seen. And I'm sure I'll witness even more before I'm gone.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Berlin is just a vivant, passionately and addictive town, a town that's only great for invest the vacation. Learn more with hotelbye . In Berlin you'll only enjoy their famous sights, their great swathes of natural, its sky bars and fashionable restaurants. Berlin is a significant center of politics, culture, press, and science. Observed for its national flair, Berlin is home to the world famous Berlin Opera and Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, while their varied artwork scene encompasses countless galleries, functions, and museums, including those centred on Museum Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But, nothing claims Berlin just like the Brandenburg Gate, long the city's most defining monument and its reply to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Brandenburg Gate was created for King Frederick Wilhelm II in 1791 and today durante times remain an important symbol with several famous visitors like: Statement Clinton and Barack Obama.

  • 5 years ago

    Well, after all, EVERYTHING is about OBAMA. In fact it was his miraculous birth that gave President Reagan the impetus to demand that the wall be torn down. As for mentioning Kennedy's involvement, he's giving ole Teddy a posthumous reach around as payment for getting him elected.

  • 7 years ago

    Believe it or not I was on vacation in Germany with my sister and her German boyfriend (soon to be husband) and we gathered at the wall together with pickaxes and chisels from his mother's tool shed and helped destroy the wall. I awoke the next morning in an East Berlin hotel with my sister and her boyfriend, walked around the neighborhood and was amazed at how different it looked compared to the West.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I remember being in my store and getting a phone call from my younger brother, telling me to turn on the TV. I couldn't believe my eyes. Later I bought brick from the wall. My son now has it and it made it thru all the show and tells at schools.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was enjoying my 51st birthday and when I heard about the Berlin wall being torn down, I thought it was the nicest gift I had ever gotten.

  • Milou
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I was 44 and glued to the T.V. It was wonderful to be alive And to see the wall come down. I was very happy for the people over there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Watching the news about this memorable event. I was 35 at the time.

  • KathyC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i was working full time at one hospital, private duty at another, two days a week at a nursing home and raising a son and a daughter, i caught it on the news during headstart homework..the regan years were busy times.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Working on the farm. But I don't remember seeing it on TV, though I do remember reading about it in the newspaper.

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