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So much time spent talking about Health Care, so little spent on our 30% OBESITY RATE. What gives?

Do you agree or disagree with any of the following general statements?

1) The U.S. has the highest obesity rate in the world.

2) Obesity is an unhealthy condition... it leads to a number of severe health problems such as heart disease, strokes, some cancers, and other conditions which are expensive to treat.

3) The unhealthier the country, the more expensive it will be to keep them all insured.

4) Food policy (e.g. no regulations on advertising junk food to kids, permitting vending machines in schools, subsidizing the unhealthiest foods) as well as, for example, No Child Left Behind forcing schools to cut physical education, and other failed policy has something to do with why we're the fattest country in the world, which has something to do with why we can't afford our health insurance.

If you don't have major disagreements with those statements, then why do you suppose we spend so much time worrying about who gets insurance and so little time worrying about food policy's relationship to our country's poor health?

Books: Food Politics, The Omnivore's Dilemma, In Defense of Food

Movies: Food Inc., Killer at Large

We are not unhealthy because of unaffordable health insurance. We have unaffordable health insurance because we are unhealthy. What is going to wake us up and get us off our asses?


Synful Visions - The food industry uses that defense as a shield in one hand, and with the other seeks to brainwash children into eating their sh*t food. Don't believe me? Watch an episode of Spongebob and wait for the commercials.

I do appreciate that you value individual responsibility though, and I don't think the government should regulate people's choices. But it SHOULD regulate the efforts of corporations to brainwash kids. Remember, cigarette companies use to advertise to kids.

Update 2:

Again, my argument is not that government regulate anything about people's choices.

It should regulate its own behavior. It SUBSIDIZES surplus crops with our tax dollars that are used to make the most caloric and unhealthiest foods cheaper than the healthy foods.

6 Answers

  • Laura
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wholeheartedly agree with the previous two posters. The government should not be responsible for holding my family's hands and make us go out and get active, nor should they participate when we decide what foods to eat.

    Part of providing affordable health care to everyone is ensuring that we have a better chance to ensure our own personal health.

    If you're so danged concerned about how EVERYONE ELSE eats or doesn't get physically active enough then you should become involved in community awareness programs that promote the healthy habits that our country lacks. Attend PTA meetings at your children's schools (if you have kids) and campaign for better food in the lunch room (just stay away from that diet-soda-instead-of-juice crap, please) or specialized programs in and out of school that promote physical well being. Go to school to become a dietitian or doctor, or one of a number of related professions.

    I'll say it plainly, our country's problem is not lack of government restrictions and control, but the general ignorance that most people choose to accept. This goes for one's health, finances, or education as well as a multitude of other options.

    There is a time and a place for government restriction, and my decision to eat that second or third slice of pizza is NOT one of them.

  • 5 years ago

    Are you attempting to illustrate how coo coo libs are? First conflict isn't a interest or exciting ingredient to do. while it is going to become needed it is often too high priced. conflict time fees are seldom non-compulsory. it is till you carry on with liberal logic and only renounce and be ruled by utilising the victor. i assume you're able to have us have faith that the guy you libs call illiterate grew to become into lots smarter than the intellectually extra suitable liberals that he ought to convince all of them to flow to conflict with lies. He can not study write or communicate yet he can convince you. Debt and deficit are actually not the comparable ingredient. Debt is the entire volume of funds owed. Deficit is funds spent it is extra desirable than what grew to become into budgeted for a economic year. Surplus is Budgeted funds that grew to become into no longer spent in a economic year. It would not take a genius economist to declare shall we funds extra funds than we are able to spend this year. we've Obama who mandatory to pass a stimulus and it grew to become into such an emergency no one would have time to study it. Nancy Pelosi suggested if it wasn't handed we would lose 500,000,000 jobs a month. it is a good number of jobs for a inhabitants of 306,323,six hundred. ought to there be a sprint inaccuracy (lie) there? The CBO says Obama's numbers do no longer upload as much as what he gets. properly who're they to speak? Now if i choose a provider say, like economic centers why could i flow to the only i be attentive to lies and has shown in recent historic previous they don't be attentive to what they're talking approximately. you be attentive to purely like the stimulus we choose perfect now that isn't kick in for a pair years. it is of extreme consequence to the presently and quickly to be unemployed. shall we no longer forget approximately another ingredient you have a bent to lose sight of. data are what they're have been and consistently would be. you are able to no longer take a vote to popular what occurred.

  • 1 decade ago

    No soup for you!

    Come on man! think! We make choices for ourselves, this is supposedly what free people do. Why does everyone want government to decide for us!

    Ok I have to call you out on this one, "We have unaffordable health insurance because we are unhealthy. "

    We have unaffordable health insurance because of decades of government interference in the free market.

  • 1 decade ago

    What does the gov't have anything to do with the obesity rate?? Its not their fault, nor is it their responsibility. We must worry about our own health, and stop relying on others to make decisions and choices for us.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Don't worry. One the Government has control of the Health Care system, they'll take care of that, too.

    They'll tell you what you can eat, what you can drink, that you're not allowed to smoke, how many kids you can have, how you're to raise those kids.....everything.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obesity is a choice.

    The government shouldn't have to protect people from their own idiocy.

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