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I can't answer questions suddenly- no "answer this question button" since yesterday?

Okay, I can view questions but there the box to answer is not there- apparently others still have it because most questions have answers. What is going on? Yahoo glitch or something hinky with MY system?

I'm putting it here because yes, this section is the busiest- and someone here may have a clue for me. Thanks


I can't run any updates- because there are no more updates for WinME which I am using! I haven't changed any settings in the browser- I'm using Firefox- not the version- I guess I'll see if my husband's laptop which has XP in it, is normal.....*sigh* I am resisting upgrading so far- cause this old computer just rocks- it's FASTER and less trouble than hubby's laptop!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You may be looking at questions that have already been answered and closed.

    click the home button and go back through the menus to the section you want and try again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If there is no option to answer a question, its usually because you have already answered it, or a best answerer has already been chosen. It should not be listed if that is the case.

    Either that or you have used up the number of questions you can answer per day. Other than that I have no idea. lol

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would answer the question but there is no box to answer.


    It sounds more like a browser problem than a Y!A? problem. Check your settings

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That happened to me once, years ago. Try reinstalling Java Script. Here's a link, because when this happened to me I was unable to search for a free installation of Java. Hope it helps.

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  • 1 decade ago

    That's happened to me before. Just some sort of glitch. It seemed to fix itself after a while.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you in 'Resolved Question' thread?

    Only 'Open Questions' can be answered.

    Perhaps you choose an answer, thus resolving a question but 'show me another' will the keep you in resolved q's

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you sure it's not because the time is up on the question, and the asker is not allowing any more answers??? If not then I have no idea...

  • beait
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It happened to me yesterday too, but not for as long as you've been having problems.

    What a pain!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    oh man how frustrating...have you done all windows updates?

    my email wont allow me to compose...for 2 weeks

  • 1 decade ago

    what time r u going on(they proboly dont want u on to early!)

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