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On Days of our lives do you think Mia, Chad or both will turn out to be Bo and Carlys?

I am starting to suspect the other person she is protecting is a child fathered by Bo. We know Chad was adopted so that is a chance, and Mia doesn't have a relationship with her parents. I think it will turn out to be Mia since they are suppose to be bonding this week. This is days though and I think it could come down to she had twins and that is part of why Grace died. Or I think that Mia will be Bo and Carlys daughter and Chad will turn out to be a rapidly aged Zack and that Lawerence kidnapped him and faked his death.


keely-- You must not be much of a days fan because 16 years ago Bo and Carly were living together while engaged so it is very possible that when she left salem she was pregnant.

Update 2:

Kasey-- you should know on DOOL ages mean nothing, but if they are using a "real" timeline here Carly left Bo and Salem 16 years ago

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh my - lol.

    I think the part of baby grace being the child of a brother and sister as parents is a bit too taboo even for a soap opera. At least I hope so.

    But Carly having a baby by Bo or rapidly aging Zach are not outsid ethe realm of believability.

    Source(s): too many years of watching DOOL, OLTL, GH
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Carly & Bo never had any kids so nice theory but it doesn't make any sense. we don't need any more people coming back from the dead either. Carly had just recovered from amnesia before leaving for Europe with Lawrence & she & BO spent a great deal of time apart because after Vivian buried Carly alive & Lawrence dug her up she had amnesia & everyone else thought she was dead.

  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting theories...and let's face it, in the world of soap operas, anything is possible lol. I remember watching one day when Belle Black was about 6, and a week or so later she's aged 10 years and is in high school lol. If her age had not been changed, she would only be 16 now.

  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting thoughts. However it wouldn't be possible for Bo and Carly to have a child. But maybe Lawrence and Carly had another child. Or Mia's parents adopted her, but she was really Carly's. Ooh now I can play around with this. Thanks for the good ideas. =)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its not possible for mia or chad to be bo and carlys...hope has never met carly first of all and sean is alot older then both mia and chad and Bo never had an affair..

    Source(s): sadly an obsessed days fan!
  • Kasey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't think either will be there because of their ages (16)

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