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Do Atheists have no morals at all?

How many atheists think its ok to:

1. Murder

2. Rape

3. Steal

4. Force young children to pray to your god?

woops, that last one is loaded, isn't it?

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no evidence to suggest that atheists conduct themselves in a less moral or ethical way than theists do. In fact, atheists in the U.S. make up only a fraction of a percent of the prison population (0.209% in 1997) while making up 12.7% (Pew Research study) of the total population.

    Looks to me like atheists are MORE moral than Christians.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Atheists Have No Morals

  • 8 years ago

    First of all, Yes I am atheist,

    Morals, lets see; every person its different atheist, christian, Muslim, etc. Not everything I see posted by other atheist reflects my way of thinking, for:

    Stealing is wrong to a certain extent (this is where my personal morals afloat), if you are living in extreme poverty and the only way to feed or provide certain needs for you or your family is an exception for a valid reason to violate a certain law per say.

    Killing is wrong again but to a certain extent; for me taking human life is taking my humanity out of me, to become a less human and regress into a more savage being. A life is the most precious thing we have, and nobody has the right to take it away, of course there is always an exception to every dilemma. Lets say somebody was is threatening you or your love ones with a weapon, could be physical or verbal etc, I will say a knife. A person with a knife is rushing toward you, his intent is to end your life, you struggle on the ground, the knife drops on the ground, he has tackled you to the ground, he managed to wrap his fingers around your neck. He is choking the life out of you, you struggle to get free, his grip is far too strong to break, you are starting to lose consciousness, this is the end of your life, all your memories, of your loves ones, friends dreams, and all you hold dear is being taking from you... All of a sudden there is something bright, a glare in the corner of your eye there is the knife, you only got mere seconds before you pass out so you grabbed not because its the only thing that can save you at this precise moment, no, no, no, its because your instinct to survive took over, your very survival was on the line. The very same knife that was intended to end your life has been used to save your life and take the life of another human being.

    As you have learned, seen, and experienced life keeps changing; Religion, society, and morals constantly change, things are being accepted, things that were shun and penalized with severe punishment, incarceration, or dead are been accepted as normal in today's society.

    Religion 20, 50,100, or a thousand or 2, have evolved, change by man, not by god, we have change the meaning/saying of "God made us on his image" No! We have made God in our image! God has not being changing in the past hundred centuries or thousands, we are the one chnaging god. Its time to rethink our lives and start thinking what is really important, Have a nice day.

  • 6 years ago

    Well you see its a matter of perception what are morals that any one should give a motherfuck about them kill rape so what. Morals didn't get Hitler so much power and money and fame morals won't get you anywhere this is fraudulent america welcom tell your children they can make it big here by doing porn they'll make more than most doctors lawyers whatever schmo job you can think of busting a nut is worth more to america

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  • 1 decade ago

    Let's see... the Book of Judges tells of a time when God told the Israelites to do all of those things to certain tribes who didn't follow God's ways. So your point of comparison is?

    For the record, I use the Golden Rule, which existed LONG before Christianity or even formal Judaism. It comes from Sumeria or Mesopotamia or Phoenicia or someplace like that. And that's just the earliest we know of. Could be before those cultures, too.

    My personal variant is "First, do no unnecessary harm to another."

    The "unnecessary" allows me to defend myself. It would also allow doctors to perform life-saving surgery.

    That's pretty much all you need right there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some of them might. Most of them have plenty of morals. There are more Christians than atheists in prison so that tells something right there.

    You will be amazed at how many people will misunderstand this question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know not one atheist like this..

    maybe as a kid some stole a buck from mom.. :)

    How ever..we have no 'morals* in a biblical sense, buut as far i know, most of us have basic human decency to be a good member of society

  • Vampie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Those are all wrong except that 1 and 3 may have some justifications.

    i.e. murder in the case of self defence or stealing to avoid starving to death.

    Morals are ever changing. It used to be that until only very recently, spousal rape was recognized in Western countries. In a lot of countries it still is recognized/enforced.

    Morals like these ones are common sense and arent exclusive to religion.

    To those who say that they are from god then why do they change? Why was it okay to have slaves, force your wife to have sex etc.?

    Why is it that we have now declared these things to be immoral?

    And saying that morals only come from a particular god i.e. Jesus implies that not only are atheists immoral but also all other theists.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. No

    2. No

    3. Only in dire circumstances

    4. LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    You're cheeky ;)

    Well, a good guage is to do a survey of how many atheists are in prison for violent crimes as opposed to those raised beleiving in God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only atheists can be truly moral, because only atheists can make moral decisions entirely on conscience without reference to imaginary deity figures.

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