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Can atheists truly study Genesis Chapter One with an open "scientific" mind?

or does a bias of "being atheist" get in the way?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    New Scientist magazine said: “The lay view persists—of scientists having ‘disproved’ religion. It is a view that commonly expects scientists to be nonbelievers; that Darwin put the last nails in God’s coffin; and that a succession of scientific and technological innovations since have ruled out the possibility of any resurrection. It is a view that is wildly wrong.”—May 26, 1977, p. 478.

    A member of the French Academy of Sciences stated: “Natural order was not invented by the human mind or set up by certain perceptive powers. . . . The existence of order presupposes the existence of organizing intelligence. Such intelligence can be none other than God’s.”—Dieu existe? Oui (Paris, 1979), Christian Chabanis, quoting Pierre-Paul Grassé, p. 94.

    Scientists have identified over 100 chemical elements. Their atomic structure displays an intricate mathematical interrelationship of the elements. The periodic table points to obvious design. Such amazing design could not possibly be accidental, a product of chance.

    Illustration: When we see a camera, a radio, or a computer, we readily acknowledge that it must have been produced by an intelligent designer. Would it be reasonable, then, to say that far more complex things—the eye, the ear, and the human brain—did not originate with an intelligent Designer?

  • 5 years ago

    Everyone has free will. Some just don't take contrasting thoughts and opinions into consideration. They shut themselves off from what is and what could be. Atheists aren't all about science, but it is more tangible than just "believing" or "having faith." Having an open mind is seeing the subject at hand from different sides. Each may have their own valid points. The religious - take christians, usually refuse to believe that there could be something bigger or simpler than just saying god is responsible for everything. It's kind of a copout explanation for things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Can atheists truly study Genesis Chapter One with an open "scientific" mind?"

    Primitive, Bronze Age superstitious nonsense is 'scientific' ?

    You're kidding right ?

    SOME obvious bible flaws

    Bats are not birds.

    Bats are NOT "fowl" … with 4 legs.

    Rabbits do not chew their own cud.

    Pi does not equal 3.

    The Earth is not a circle.

    Rabbits do not have hoofs.

    The cure for leprosy is not rubbing birds blood all over a person.

    The earth is not flat.

    Snakes can't talk. Genesis 3:1

    Donkeys can't talk.

    People can't float to the sky.

    There are lots more


  • 1 decade ago

    The bias of being anything gets in the way.

    Atheists are generally very firmly set against believing in the Bible.

    In the same way, Christians are very firmly set against believing theories like evolution and the big bang.

    So I'm going to go with, "no, but there may be some exceptions."

    Source(s): Experience.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Culture has all the answers. You want to know where people came from? Well when the sky God got out of his canoe at the first waterfall and took a leak then we, the true people, appeared like ants and weve been living here ever since oh, gee thanks, Im glad I asked. This is what culture does for you.

    But now technology throws a curve, and the curve is that we live so long that we figure out what a scam this is. We figure out that what you are supposed to work for isnt worth having, we figure out that our politicians are bufoons, we figure out that professional scientists are reputation building grab tailing weasels, we discover that all organisations are corrupted by ambition. We figure it out.

    Then as intellectuals, and anybody who figures it out is an intellectual, believe me, because they are slinging the programming to push you the other way, discover that you are alienated. Thats what figuring it out means, it means that you understand that the BMW, the Harvard degree, the whatever it is, that this is all baloney, and manipulated, and hyped, and that mostly you have a bunch of clueless people trying to figure out which fork they should use.

    But this position is presented as alienation and therefore somehow tinged with the potential for pathology, its a bad thing to be alienated.

    ~Terence Mckenna

  • No, the Bible teaches Truth and they do not know the Truth of God who is Christ Jesus . He says I am the Way the Truth and the Life no man commeth unto the Father but by me!

    So atheists how can They Know the Truth when the Truth is not in them? They are deceived by Satan and chose to be so deceived ,

    Education was and should be given by Truth Givers and people who are open to the Truth. That would be the Church not secular Education. Education should only be Administered by followers of Christ Jesus Who can teach the Truth because they Know Him who is the Truth of God. NO Truth exists OUT side of Him!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We understand simple words, which is all there is to "understanding" genesis. But we also think and read other things, like the works that the bible and genesis was plagiarized from.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Being an atheist gets in the way. When that little black book says things like: First God made heaven & earth" The atheist brain has already realized it's reading a work of violent fiction. We can't do much about it. Sorry. :(

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are confused as to what open-mindedness means. It does NOT mean accepting propositions uncritically or without evidence. It means the willingness to consider a differing point of view or to examine a situation further. Believe it or not, believing things without evidence is the opposite of open-minded.

    Here's a good video about what open-mindedness is:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, common sense does tend to get in the way.

    Remember, there is nothing in your holy book that is even remotely testable from a scientific perspective. That which can be asserted without evidence should be dismissed without evidence.

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