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How to be a Top Contributor?

I am seeing in YA, a label of 'top contributor'. What is the qualification and advantage of this 'award?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If in any category your answers are among the top best. Then you get the label. I'm top contributor in "credit", I know quiet a bit about credit and have about 70 best answers related to credit. No advantage or as such, just that people will know you are good.

    Source(s): ME
  • 1 decade ago

    No advantage.

    I wax and wane in and out of top contributor; depending on how active I am.

    To be a top contributor, you have to answer a lot of questions in one particular category, and earn enough best answers to gain about 250 points a week; in that category (you can be a top contributor in up to 3 categories; which means a LOT of answering).

    Human nature being what it is; if You do reach top contributor in a particular category; you'll find that you tend to earn more 'best answers'/

    It's all fun and good nature; so don't take it too seriously.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To become a top contributor, you need to have a lot of 'best answers' chosen by the person who asked the particular question. Nothing big about being a top contributor. I was one before in this Earth science field but eventually lost my badge.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in basic terms answer a lot of questions in a chosen classification,yet not polls and surveys or jokes and riddles(no T/C for them),and characteristic 10% superb solutions, attempt to earn around 250-3 hundred factors each and every week interior the chosen classification this is composed of solutions, real solutions and a tick according to answer,i finished this and have been given it in 3 weeks i replaced into receiving around 10-15 real solutions each and every week so as that provide you with a concept, and the T/C badge constantly seems on a monday,yet as quickly as you have it you're able to desire to maintain contributing around 250-3 hundred factors each and every week interior the chosen classification or you will lose it, so it enables to % something that pastimes you or you will purely lose interest! stable luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You have to give the best answers. Each best answer will add 10 points to ur acc. Try to answer as many as possible. If most of them are best answer, then ur score will be higher, other wise also each answer add 2 points. Remember if u ask any question 1 point will be deducted from ur accnt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I see no advantage of it, it only impress naive people, I see some people have this badge give quite poor answers, they may try flatter people get best answer, I want tell truth, that much more important of delusions, top contributor often not deserve it, if real experts judge answers I receive many more best answers, when naive people judge best answers, often mean nothing, they may believe bad answers best.

  • 1 decade ago

    Learn more and teach more.

    Source(s): My policy.
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