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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

I want to be in the ARMY. but the recruiter says I do not meet the weight requirements?

I have a appointment with the recruiter at 230 tommorrow and he'll be measuring my height and weight and checking my body fat etc. Apparently I do not meet the US ARMY requirements for entry do to my weight I guess if I want to get in I am going to have to bassically kill myself excersizing to gain entry to get down to a appropriate weight. im 25, 258 pnds and at 5'10 what would you do?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    put off enlisting for about another 6 months, that way you can prep for boot camp when youre more fit man b/c honestly youre too overweight

    you dont have to get big and bad for army training but you have to be in good shape, so weight lifting isnt so crucial. your main focus should be on proper dieting (little to no carbs,fast food,fats, alot of water), ALOT of cardio!!!!, and weight training (like pushups, sit ups, crunches, pull ups and dips).

    combine alot of running (4 to 5 times a week) a good diet (6 small meals a day) and consistent push ups etc and youll start feeling better and more fit

    your target weight for your size should be somewhat close to 215...its possible! stay focused!

    Source(s): ready to leave for marine boot camp but turned down due to my anemia
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    1) switch up your workout routine. if you do the same thing every day, then your body will build a resistance to it. hop on a bike or an elliptical machine, and lift some weights (free weights > machine). a rowing machine would also be very beneficial. also look into buying a weight vest - adding 50 lbs of resistance on your runs would definitely make your body work out harder! 2) take a trip to see a local recruiter in person. a lot of recruiters, just going on your stats, would assume that they're wasting their time with someone like you. go in person, tell them your story, let them see how motivated you are, and ask them to give you a "tape test". that's the dirty little secret of those weight tables - they don't actually matter. the Army cares about BODY FAT %, not WEIGHT. (also ask the recruiter for tips on how to do better with your PT - personally, I did at least 100 wall push ups a day until I had built up enough upper body strength to do a handful of real push ups.) On paper, your stats may not look good, but in person you'll come off as exactly the sort of highly motivated person that recruiters dream about. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Running is the best way to take weight off. Get yourself on a well-balanced diet that is high in lean protein and consists of lots of veggies. You don't have to kill yourself working out but you do have to discipline yourself in your workout and eating habits. Find out exactly how much you have to shed and then set the goal. It won't happen overnight but it is possible. My husband used to play college football so his main goal was to keep weight on. He was 5'9 and 244 the first time he went to talk to a recruiter. He is in very obvious good shape and his recruiter just told him he needed to shed the extra weight before MEPS. He went into the DEP weighing 244 and by the time he left for boot camp he weighed 202. He shed another 18 pounds during boot camp. Just get yourself on a good routine and you will be just fine. Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Become president and change the the weight requirements. No seriously just work out and loose some weight. The army is gonna be hell if your not fit.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you want to join than go for it. Do the excersise. It is your recruiters job to help you achieve the weight goal if you want to join. He can't do the work for you but he can help you along the way Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    There are weight and physical fitness requirements to join the army.

    I would practice my push-ups and sit-ups.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do NeanderThin diet. It's good for you. Unlike other diets, it is healthy. It is pretty much eating like a caveman.

    Also figure out a daily/weekly workout

  • 1 decade ago

    If you think losing 50 lbs on your own will kill you then you wouldn't make it through basic training anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you really want to be in the Army, you would commit to losing the weight. if you do'nt want to do that then I guess you must not really want it. Exercise your heart out. find the motivation to work out.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would lose about 30 pounds if u lose that then u will be good to go.

    Source(s): whole family in the military
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