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How many lives could have been saved?

How many lives could have been saved if we would have used even a portion of the $75 billion that has been used trying to prove AGW, to provide clean drinking water to poor nations?

Over $75 billion has been spent in an attempt to prove global warming is man's fault. To date, no scientific research has been able to pin the change in temp (whether up or down) to human activity (and this includes trying to intentionally fabricate reports). Imagine if even a portion of this money went instead to provide clean drinking water for the poorer nations? Millions could be saved next year alone, and every year after that. But instead, rich nations continue to pour money into "science" in an effort to prove man is evil and bad for the planet.


Lord Percy,

get your facts straight. The number is $75 BILLION spent not million.

Please do your research before saying something so I do not have to waste my time trying to educate you.

As for AGW, again, you have no idea what you are talking about. Consensus is not science. never use this as an argument for or against a scientific theory. Second, there is no consensus.

And I could provide hundreds more but running out of space.

My point, before answering, do the research. here are some topics for you.

Hockey Stick Debate

Sea Level rise

Ice melting

And do not use any main stream media sources, as they are worthless.

Update 2:


A military has a use. It protects the citizens of the country from annialation. But that is not the issue, so forget the argument.

yes, science is very important. Otherwise, we would still be in caves. But chasing a theory because you want it to be true is idiocy. The theory may not be disproved, but it has enough doubt that we should stop wasting money on it.

Not a single life can be attributed to AGW. The world has always had droughts and floods. Even the hurricane levels are low now compared to historical. We can save MILLIONS next year and absolutely know we saved these children and people, or, we can keep pretending the world is going to end and waste more money trying desperately to prove it.

BTW, the world has been warmer than now, and the population expanded and humans prospered during it.

Update 3:


You have a point, but this is not the time or place to debate it.

Update 4:


Sorry, but again, that is another topic.

Update 5:

Many of you have pointed out the $75 BILLION is just from US spending. You are correct. You are also correct that this is only the direct cost. I have not looked at the indirect cost.

nor have I looked at the cost in lives from such idiotic policies as using our food for fuel. These topics are for another post as we could go on forever.

Update 6:


No one would say studying the environment is worthless. But come on, look at some actual data once in a while. Compare how much was spent on climate research 30 years ago to now. The amount being thrown at AGW is staggering. If you had studied economics, then you would know that when resources are used for something, something else gets less resources. I am not saying the money would have been used to actually save people, but one can imagine how many people could have been helped if a portion of this money had been used to actually help people.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry but it was closer to 20 times that much money that was stripped out of the space program budget and vanished into the Rockefeller estate when Jimmy Carter cut back all the major functional potions of the space program that was going to build a major solar power system in space to provide more than 80% of the entire planets electricity from space by 1995. Also on the program were agricultural satellites and residential satellites and manufacturing facilities with mining on the moon. All the money for these programs has still been collected in taxes for the last 30 years so the real question is just what did Carter do with the money. It seems very likely that things were structured to feed the money to Rockefeller and himself and that is why he always acts as if he has a guilty conscience because he does from killing the space based satellite power program and stealing the money to build it.

    Some scientific information revealing the truth about global warming, when it happened and what probably caused it.

    Where the heat came from and why it was abnormally cold previously

  • andy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    How about this, why don't the poorer Nations try to help themselves first. Why does the developed Nations who have tried in certain African Nations to better the people get thrown out and now it's our fault? Also, there is a huge catch 22, some of these areas are over populated based on the farming techniques in the area. What I would love to see is that the billions already being pumped into these areas be used to change the culture so that they become self-sufficient instead of the Developed World keep feeding them every day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Every once and awhile I will ask a question here only come back and read the answers and mutter "Wow, how do people come up with this stuff?" Sometimes it's off topic, sometimes it's irrational, sometimes they just don't believe facts, whatever. This is probably one of those times for you.

    As for $75 billion spent on climate science (and I believe that's only for the US), it is indeed an obscene sum. And that's just to convince people to accept bad policies which are going to cost trillions and kill lots of people not to mention the people already dying for other reasons as you pointed out.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'd wager that it's even more.

    Look at all the trillions wasted on finding alternatives for oil for the last 50 years. All the millions wasted on windmills and solar when they can't even provide 1% of our energy needs.

    "Environmentalism" has cost millions of lives since it was taken over by a bunch of socialist fascists. DDT was banned for no reason, causing millions to die every year from malaria.

    Once you realize that this is not about "saving the planet" or "helping the environment" or even "saving the whales" and other animals, you begin to see just how insidious the whole agenda is. How it is geared to drain our economy and put shackles on us to prevent freedom.

    We need to wake up and push back on this nonsense. Unfortunately that's quite a task since there are billions behind the agenda and they continue to take our tax money to fund their wants.

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  • docimo
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Just desired to mean you can recognise that despair is NOT AFFECTED via the lifestyles you are living. You would be a millionaire and also have it. Depression is a intellectual disorder. It can influence any individual. MCR helped me considering, to start with, song has relatively been a tremendous facet of my lifestyles. It's my solace. It would now not be yours, however for me song is my simplest break out. MCR stored me considering the lyrics and the song hooked up to me in approaches not anything else relatively did. Take, for example, certainly one of my favourite MCR songs, Famous Last Words. "I am now not afraid to hold on dwelling, I am now not afraid to stroll this international by myself." There are instances while I've felt so damaged and by myself that not anything would support, besides this. Because it offers me braveness, it makes me carry my head up and MEAN it. I imply the lyrics, although they are now not my phrases. Black parade. "I'm gonna exhibit my scar. Give a cheer for the entire damaged, pay attention right here, considering it is who we're." For the damaged, and the crushed, it says that if you're damaged, if you're shattered, that you are now not a freak. Believe it or now not, repeatedly we blame matters that don't seem to be our fault on ourselves. MCR, for me a minimum of, used to be the item that informed me being damaged used to be k.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your first mistake is thinking that we wouldn't be spending that money studying climate even if there were no global warming. Climate is hugely important to the economy and the information is extremely valuable, so most of that money would get spent on it either way. Things like agriculture, water supplies, and construction planning depend on knowledge of weather and climate. It's not just the government that spends money on weather related research--the market for weather derivatives is in the tens of billions of dollars.

    The money is not being spent "in an attempt to prove global warming is man's fault," The money is being spent to better understand weather and climate, and that pays benefits whether or not global warming is real (it is). Global warming just makes it all the more pressing to understand climate.

    Also, while we're on the subject of spending and saving lives, let's look at how much has been spent the war in Iraq--at least TEN TIMES as much as the number you quote! The indirect costs are now believed to be in the TRILLIONS of dollars. So think how many lives could have been saved if THAT money had gone to provide clean drinking water to poor nations, and how much greater would be the US' perception in the world if that's what we'd done with it. Instead of saving lives, that war has directly caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands of Americans.

    EDIT: We spend more money because our tools are much more complex and expensive. Satellites do not come cheap, but they are one of the best investments that our government makes--certainly compared to things like Stealth bombers and aircraft carriers, that are not intended to defend the territory of the United States at all (since there is no conventional military threat to the United States), but to project power elsewhere.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't count that high.

    You are right about the nitwits and our money, but brace yourself for more. It seems to me that the people with brains enough to handle things right are more interested in other thing than being in control!

  • martin
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    Nice post! what a waste of money!

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Can you just compare this to military budgets?

    I know too well conservatives opposition to non applied scientific research. The thing is... one day your life might just as well be saved thanks to such research programs they saw as "wasteful" and which have now found applications.

    By the way, many of the poors do not have water BECAUSE of global warming, desertification and increased salinity in coastal water reserves (cf sea level increase in Bangladesh)

    How many lives could have been saved with the money wasted by the US on the Iraq war?

    How many lives could have been saved with the money trashed by the US due to the economic crisis it has started?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    75 million was not spent and the th vast majority of scientists as well as every science Academy in the world believe in global warming

    you statements lack proof

    like gravity it i accepted that Global warming caused by man exists

    who mislead you with the figure of 75 billion? one of Those insane right wing conspiracy sites?

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