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Did The Republicans Nominate John McCain Because They Knew He Would Lose ..?

And that Obama would be such a failure the American people would quickly forget about George Bush, and pave the way for Jeb in 2012?


So you are telling me the Republicans really thought they could win with a candidate who supported the war(and Bush) and would not need a cooling off perioid before they could be trusted again?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, they thought he would win. The race was very close, within the margin of error in the polls. McCain knew he was behind with the black and Hispanic communities. His only hope was to pull in the women's vote - hence the choice of Sarah Palin. It helped some, until Sarah started flapping her tongue. Instead of helping McCain, she became like a fifth wheel to a wagon, she ended up a liability. I don't think many women liked her - especially after the Katie Couric interview.

    Unfortunately, the popularity of Palin didn't translate into many votes. After a few weeks of Sarah, people (especially independents) decided on Obama. It was also the fact that McCain voted with Bush more than 90% of the time; people wanted to get as far away from the Bush Catastrophe as they could.

    Since the Repugnicons are only interested in hanging on to power, (to h*** with principles), it doesn't make sense that they would intentionally throw an election. The two Bushes were both such mediocrities that Jeb doesn't stand a chance to get the nomination in 2012. He's shown as Governor of Florida that he's no smarter than his brother or father.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. The Republicans nominated McCain because they saw him as a more moderate Republican who, in the past, had been identified as a maverick. They thought that this previous label would distinguish him from the Bush neocon element that had been running the country and doing such a poor job for the last few years. It did not work.

    When the economy came to the brink of collapse that was the final straw for most of the American people and Republicans in general were held responsible. McCain had also too often supported Bush policies to be able to disassociate himself from Bush policies. Choosing Palin as his running mate also did not help to inspire confidence in McCain. President Obama is doing a good job, considering what he encountered when he took office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In a word, no. I've heard the theory that they picked McCain because they wanted to blame the economic collapse on the Democrats, but I don't buy it. The Republicans don't sit dances out. Being in power is their ultimate goal. The Karl Rove plan was even to turn the US into a one-party system, and you can't do that by sharing power with another party.

    All the Republican candidates in 2008 were deeply flawed. Romney was a Mormon. Thompson was just old and saggy. Giuliani was just -creepy-. Huckabee made the mistake of trying to carve out a niche for himself as The Christian Candidate. In the end, McCain turned out to be the least flawed. He came up from last place. At one point his campaign was so broke they had to lay off most of the people and even give up their bus.

    Even then, the party had to pick Palin as McCain's running mate to bring the Christian Right back into the tent. She both helped and hurt him, but he was behind to begin with and she didn't give him enough boost to pull ahead at any point in the race.

    And if I was a betting person, I would bet you a year's income that we will never have another president named Bush. 8^)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, McCain was their best candidate but they were ultimately unaware of how tired the American public was of Republican Party leadership behind the Resolute Desk for the last 8 years.

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  • 1 decade ago

    McCain was nominated because he is a great leader and a war hero. What did Obama ever do? Oh yeah, he was a community organizer. Big deal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Might be. Ron Paul was clearly the best candidate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    we thought McCain would beat Obama

    We didnt expect millions of idiotic voters falling for his empty rhetoric

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that is the single most idiotic thing I ever heard.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    possible but most likely not.

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