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Anonymous asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Are liberals dissapointed that climate change has been proven to be a giant hoax?

It must suck having poured heart and soul into something that was illusory

12 Answers

  • Eric c
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They cannot be disappointed because they are in denial. This denial allows them to rationalize any evidence that goes against AGW.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only thing I'm disappointed in is that there are so many alarmists who don't even care what the emails actually said. They're so determined to believe global warming that they are trying to redefine the context in order to maintain their alarmism and keep their heads in the sand.

    Coincidentally your first link doesn't say anything about the content of the emails it is the alarmists trying to deny the emails are real, but the second link gives a very good summary by a distinguished blogger who like you, read and understood the emails in the proper context.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just read Dana's site. It's hilarious how the twists himself like that. He's debunking STRAW MEN and makes red herrings. Spin, spin, spin.

    And who's saying that it's "one big conspiracy", it's mostly a bunch of fund grabbing "scientists". And AGW is where the funds are right now! And usually for a conspiracy, it only requires a few at the top, the rest just follow w/o necessarily having bad intentions. Not that I'm claiming it's all just a big conspiracy.

    But there is lots of profit in the AGW scam, that's for sure.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    precisely, and in particular what are your data which will disprove `international warming` ? inspite of the particular incontrovertible fact that Glen Beck says that the warmest 12 months on checklist interior the U. S. is going lower back extra then 50 years, this is undeniable incontrovertible fact that globally 5 of the final 6 years have been the warmest on checklist. RULE OF THUMB...... purely via fact a conservative radio or television communicate tutor individual tells you something it does not propose you need to settle for it as fact, and you need to make the hassle to pass referance what they help you be conscious of.previously you get lower back to me, you need to understand that I purely reported that 5of the final 6 years globally have been the warmest on checklist, so what you need to might desire to do is somewhat analyze to disprove this. meaning which you will might desire to study some articles and supply me data which will disprove what I purely reported.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Global warming is a myth, a lie, a liberal conspiracy to destroy the west and make things easier for the Chinese to take over because they want us all to be slaves to communism. That's why you never hear them criticizing China, who pollutes far more than the United States. This article is just more proof.

  • 1 decade ago

    To be fair, more than just liberals jumped on this climate change band wagon and many are still riding that wagon.

    Don't get me wrong, climate change is real, but it is also been proven to be cyclical in nature. There have been and will continue to be periods of warming followed by periods of cooling. This is the nature of being warmed by the sun. Inconsistencies in heat output of the sun will have an affect on our climate. That is how it has always been and how it will always be.

    I believe it shortsighted and foolish to think that global warming is caused by man's activities on earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    I doubt it. I seriously doubt that many activists will feel the slightest outrage no matter how many lies were told about it. They will just be duped by the next political spin like how this is actually the fault of Inhofe and the poor leftist conspirators are just innocent victims of mean Republicans that just want an excuse to pollute more. If they were gullible enough to believe in that fairytale after countless lies, I don't know why more proof would change their minds.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only thing I'm disappointed in is that there are so many people who don't even care what the illegally-obtained emails actually said. They're so determined to believe global warming is a conspiracy that they take a few sentences completely out of context in order to maintain their denial and keep their heads in the sand.

    Coincidentally your first link doesn't say anything about the content of the emails, and the second link is just a blog written by a disgustingly biased blogger who like you, refuses to read the emails in context (see the link below).

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't get me wrong, Climate Change is real. The climate is always changing, there's no such thing as a static climate, but yea, so-called "Global Warming" is a liberal religion and now it's actually been proved that their messiah is nothing more that a little hot air.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are conservatives the least bit concerned that one of their own (was it Inhofe?) apparently committed a criminal act in obtaining these e-mails? What about the impropriety of disseminating and posting private correspondence which was illegally obtained? What a bunch of scum bags. Do you have a moral bone in your bodies? Oh, by the way, global warming isn't listening, the CO2 is accumulating and the 0.85W/meter^2 radiative imbalance is still warming the oceans. But I don't suppose you have any idea what I'm talking about.

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