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What is the appropriate timing for a wedding ceremony?

I'm planning my wedding and not sure what time and how long I need to book the ceremony location for. We are having an outdoor non-religious ceremony so it should be reasonably quick, around 30 minutes. How long do we need to leave for photos between the ceremony and the reception? Also, what should guests do after the ceremony but before the reception officially starts?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our outdoor wedding ceremony was VERY short! It was hot outside and we didn't have a reading or singing or any of that. We just wanted short and sweet!

    My advice, have an hour before the wedding for the grooms pictures and the brides pictures (separate if you are traditional or just don't want to see each other). That gives 30mins for the guys and 30mins for the girls. Then plan a little extra time for the ceremony. We started about 10mins late because my husbands sister was late. You want to make sure all the family is there before the wedding begins.

    Then, you should only have an hour after the wedding for pictures of everyone together! Go straight from the ceremony to a place where guest can't get to you because they will all want to congratulate you but they can do this at the reception. Otherwise, it takes too long!

    During this time, have a cocktail hour. If you can't afford alcohol, then just do drinks and snacks! This will keep your guest content while they wait for you.

    I would say to book 3 hours just to be safe for the ceremony, unless you aren't doing picture before or you are doing them at a different location. Then just do 2 hours. That will give you an hour for the ceremony (in cast it goes over or you start late) and an hour for the photos!

    Hope this helps! Congrats!

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of my wedding ceremonies are a about 15-20 minutes, so 30 minutes should be plenty. Most of my brides schedule an hour for after-ceremony photos (with their families and wedding party). One thing couples do today is a "reveal" of the bride to the groom, then they take some pictures before hand as well.

    In that hour (I would not go more than 90 minutes or guests may get bored waiting at the reception venue) - the guests go to the reception venue and have a 'cocktail hour' where they mix and mingle - then when the bridal party gets to the reception venue, they do the introductions and the reception gets underway.

    Source(s): Officiant/Certified Event Planner hoping I answered your question.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our wedding was at 2:30 p.m. since we spent most of the morning getting ready, having hair done, etc. Our ceremony ended around 3:15 and our reception started at 5:30 p.m. and the drive from the ceremony to the reception site was 30 mins, so that might give you an idea. I didn't mind having the 2 hr gap 'cause if you don't spend the whole time taking pics, you can relax a little before the reception :-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ours is a non-religious outdoor wedding too. we've put 4pm on the invitations for the ceremony and 6pm for the reception (which is walking distance). we expect the ceremony to take about 30mins and we want alot of photos, so I think our time between will be filled with that. the guests will be at the beginning of the photos, so they should only have around an hour to kill before the reception, but there is a bar outside our reception room, so they'll be going there for a drink and a chat before the fun begins.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell everyone 2:30pm, that way people will arrive and be seated before you start the procession at 3. The ceremony should only last half and hour, which leave plently of time for sunset pics. Allow about 2 hrs for pictures between the ceremony and the reception. Also, you can do night pics with streetlight or candlelight/lantern glow which would be beautiful.

    Congratulations on the wedding

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi, you would be better contacting your wedding photographer and discussing what kind of photographs you would like and how many. He or she will be able to give you from that an idea of how long you will need.

    On average, it is about an hour, but I have been as long as 5 hours with the official photos at a large wedding and as short as 20 minutes at a small one. If you are not having a pro photographer, and need advice, let me know and I will try to give you some advice to help you plan,

  • ProTon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    wow ! great news !!! i wish you a very happy married life !!

    hmm reception will be attended by very few close friends, will be after ceremony....

    appropriate timing for a wedding ceremony? -- well it depends on our convenience ..... evenings will be 4PM..and a gap of about 1-2 hrs ...and reception at 6/ opinion.

    i attended many receptions...(non-religious).What i observed is couples spend more time taking photos .... with kins nd depends on what time it is in the the evenings it would be fun spending with friends in a photograph session...before as well as after the dinner . classical music,candle lights, different flowers,etc . will add attraction and will make it memorable.

    Guests will bring gifts :) ..they present them to you,they enjoy time...i think there will be few invitations t o the ' reception' and usually those invitees know each other and they get along with eachother enjoying juices,food,music.

    "You were born together, and together you shall be forever.... but let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you ! :-]

  • 1 decade ago

    a church ceremony is about 45 minutes to an hour depending on how many hymns you have. If it is a civil ceremony it is considerably shorter around 20 minutes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That depends upon the pundit jis in hindu marriages.However u will get enough time between reception and ceremony.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mines was supposed to be 1.30pm. I ended up being half an hour late as of getting ready etc. Id day 2pm to be safe!

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