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AMIE™[CCFC] asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Shawn Michaels leaving WWE as a heel, question inside? Plus?

So for those who watched Survivor Series last night, HBK basically turned on Triple H by giving him the sweet chin music and eliminating him from the title match, for a little while at least. But we can't say HBK is turning heel based on this because it was just one moment. We all know how solid DX are and have been.

In Shawn's book and DVD, 'Shawn Michael's: Heartbreak & Triumph', Shawn talks a lot about when he was heel compared to being face.

He always said that he felt more comfortable as a heel and said that he enjoyed it more and could play that part better.

My question is basically this: Will Shawn Michaels leave WWE as a heel or face?

I think the majority of fans would rather he left as a face, so we could cheer him on his last match. Of course, most people would cheer him anyway. HBK is gonna want to leave WWE feeling the best he can, and he's always said that he prefers being heel. So will he make this heel turn leading to his final match?

Or will he do what the fans would probably prefer and stay face until his final day, even though deep down he'd probably rather be heel.

And if he turns heel to leave, will it be ruined by us, the fans. Because HBK is a fan favourite, if he was heel, would we just cheer him in his final match anyway, thus ruining is heel status?

Hope you understand the Question that I'm trying to ask. Give it your best shot.

WQ 1: Rate Survivor Series out of 10. 1 being bad, 10 being awesome best PPV of the year?

BQ: Some WWE anagrams. Rearrange all of the letters to form a WWE past/present superstar's name.

1) dipperdory

2) caminchvenom

3) heckort

4) zohpellggird

5) dasnnam

6) bamniejole

7) degreedireour

8) jelsamrasmt

9) carsalhahie

10) tallarsemaninao



-EDIT* To clown prince. I'm not referring to any retirement date, just making a point if he does retire anytime soon. =)

10 Answers

  • Sandy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that it will be too hard for Shawn Michaels to retire as a heel, and here's why: He's way too over with the fans.. He is a Legend already, there's absolutely no doubt about that, and more than just that, he's one of those guys with an intense charisma that it will just be too hard to hate now.. One of the possible ways, however, I could see him turning heel, is at a show in Canada where he can mock and bring back a "Bret was screwed" segment, which would instantly cause a lot of heat, being Bret Hart is an icon to Canada, and HBK was hated for many years in that country.. Other than that, say, screwing Cena wouldn't work, since Cena is hated in the first place, and that would cause HBK to get more fans than he already has.. Turning on Triple H, as we saw at Survivor Series, was a "WOW" moment, but not enough for the fans to turn on him.. If he ever were to have a feud with Triple H, I think it would be like another "HBK/Undertaker" feud, where both men are way too respected that hating on them just doesn't work anymore..

    As much as he might want to have a run as a heel, I can't find myself a Superstar he can feud with that would cause heat towards Michaels.. Although, if he was indeed to turn heel in his last moments with the WWE, [which I hope isn't soon], he could build his way up to a big WrestleMania match with very possible Triple H, and use heel tactics etc..Then he should break kayfabe and give out a memorable speech thanking the fans etc. which would cause the fans to stand to their feet, and cheer for him; not to ruin his heel status, but to show the respect we have for him..

    Anyhow, I am pretty sure the heel thing will not happen with him; I could be very wrong though, but like I mentioned, he's way too over with the fans already [adults, teenagers, kids, grandmas, etc.], that will be hard to boo him, more if it's the last possible year of his career..

    WQ: I think I would rate Survivor Series a 7.5.. It was a good PPV, better than others, but I expected a new WWE Champion, and the Batista/Rey match was kinda predictable.. I, however, liked the quality of the matches, so I'll rate it a 7.5..


    1. Roddy Piper..

    2. Vince McMahon..

    3. The Rock..

    4. Dolph Ziggler..

    5. Sandman..

    6. Jamie Noble..

    7. Eddie Guerrero..

    8. Slam Master J..

    9. Charlie Haas..

    10. Santina Marella..

  • Shawn Michaels being heel is something very entertaining to watch because he can get heel heat. Much better when they're in Canada. He's just a great heel and when he leaves I'm pretty sure he would be a face by then. This is just one of those heel turns to set up a big match. After that with how much the fans loves him I know Shawn wouldn't be a heel anymore. It's really just to maybe set up a big Shawn Michaels/Triple H match. I don't really think it's going to be a long time heel turn and expect him to be a face again in the road to WrestleMania.

    Well it was like 1 AM and I have school so I don't really have any idea if it's good or not. But with the match card I'll probably say it's an 8.



    2: Vince McMahon

    3: The Rock

    4: Dolph Ziggler

    5: Sandman






    Damn too hard 8-)

    Source(s): ......Connected And OUT
  • I hear what you're saying, but I don't think that there is any way Shawn Michaels will be turned heel again for the rest of his career, his story is just too cool.

    Yes, I saw Survivor Series last night (which was an awesome show by the way) and I loved the main event. I didn't see the super-kick at the start coming and it really was a cool twist. So while DX might break up, even if it does I don't think either guy will end up as a heel out of it.

    Here's what I think will happen: I really believe that Shawn is going to win the WWE Championship at TLC in three weeks. It's in San Antonio, his hometown, and he looked stronger last night than both Triple H and John Cena. I mean, he hit four or five super-kicks whereas Triple didn't even land one pedigree. That's a pretty strong statement, even if he didn't win the match or the title.

    So I think that Shawn will win in another triple threat at TLC, only this time in a TLC match. After that, I could see him keeping the belt right through to Wrestlemania 26, leading into a big face vs. face match with Triple H. Now, a lot of this hinges on whether or not Edge is able to make it back in time for Wrestlemania, because if he is, he'll win the Royal Rumble and face Chris Jericho, which leaves The Undertaker against John Cena. That would then lead me to think they'll go with HBK vs. Triple H in the RAW main event for the WWE Championship. As for who wins that, I have no idea.

    I just think that because Shawn looked SO strong last night, this has a very real chance of happening.





    4) Dolph Ziggler







    ('m really bad at this)

  • I would say that he will retire as a heel. Although he will get many cheers on his last match, it would be better to see him as a heel at the end of his career. He has stabbed every partner he had in the back and why not end his gimmick as the snake he really is.

    WQ: 6/10

    BQ: Way too Hard

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    He didnt turn on HHH

    They Had A Triple Treat Match

    So they wrestled it fair and fair

    The Old Heart Break Kid came out of Shawn

    The Old Cerebral Assassin Came out of Triple H

    And it was a hell of a match

    (S.S. was a 8.5)

  • mrt3o3
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    very good observation, i never thought of that. he'll probably leave face though like most of them do. he is great as a hell or face but he cant be the greatest heel of all time like he was in 97'

    WQ 7.5-8

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    HEEL HBK 4 LIFE!!!! LYF!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What final match? Didn't he cancel his retirement plan in WM 26?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its up to the storyline writers

  • 1 decade ago

    hes good man!

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