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Is religion a factor in the U.S. global warming debate?

I have seen very few atheists or agnostics openly challenge the scientific consensus that the planet is warming quickly and that human activity is causing it. Those I know tend (rightly, in my opinion) to be very afraid of what will happen if our society doesn't change its ways fast.

At the other end of the spectrum, Christian conservatives seem to make up a disproportionate part of the constituency that thinks global warming is overblown or is even a hoax. (Yes, Rick Warren and a few other evangelical leaders have made some noise about climate change, but they're in the minority.)

Why is this? I feel that Christian fundamentalism tends to distrust scientific authority and reasoning, not just in the case of hot-button issues like evolution, but in every area of inquiry and debate. Also, many Christians firmly believe that God created the Earth for humans to exploit. Therefore, the idea that we could kill ourselves off by over-exploiting the Earth's resources is impossible for them to accept. (God wouldn't have created all those nice oil and coal reserves if he didn't want us to burn them all up, right?) And then there are those who think it's not their problem, because the Rapture is coming soon anyway. It completely makes sense that such beliefs would encourage complacency or denial about issues like global warming.

On the other hand, if you start off believing that science and evidence-based reasoning are our best guide to reality... and that it's sheer luck that we have such a cozy little planet to live on in an otherwise inhospitable universe... and that God is not going to bail us out from our own mistakes if we mess it up... then scientists' dire warnings about global warming and its consequences are much more likely to set off alarm bells.

Obviously this country is not divided into atheists and fundamentalists; these are just two ends of the spectrum. And of course there are a whole lot of other factors in the political struggle over the environment. But I do think that people's religious beliefs are more of a factor than we tend to acknowledge. What do you think?


I mean the political and societal debate about what to do about global warming - not the scientific debate, which is mainly about exactly how fast global warming is accelerating and what the consequences will be.

Update 2:

Ben-Dover, it's clear you didn't even bother reading my question - get a life.

Update 3:

Jtrusnik, I wish you were right but I feel you are not paying close enough attention. Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma keeps telling everyone that global warming is a scam. Sarah Palin doesn't believe it's caused by humans. Do you see them being laughed out of the Republican Party? No, because they speak to the beliefs of its conservative constituency.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nope it is all




    And More Money


    And less people working that make


    America work


  • 1 decade ago

    There are several "religious" issues at work there. For one thing, the prospect of the Earth becoming increasingly uninhabitable maligns divine providence. God would never neglect his favorite creatures and all that. For another, environmental degradation could simply be a sign that the material world is coming to an end, so it's actually a good thing. (Compare the attitude of James Watt, Secretary of the Interior in the Reagan administration.) And even more important, while religion often starts out as a reform movement, it soon gets co-opted by the same old corruption and turned into a holy defense of "tradition" and the status quo. Most religions hate changes in attitudes and behavior because it implies that God changes too.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The global warming debate is extremely one sided right now and that has nothing to do with Christianity, but it has a lot to do with zealotry. If any scientist dares speak out against the religion of global warming he is chastised and mocked relentlessly. If any scientist needs funding (and I saw one admit this on a documentary just recently) he tacks the phrase "global warming" into the title of his grant application. Those who advocate the global warming scare stand to make vast amounts of money. Those who oppose it stand to make nothing AND will be the victims of a witch hunt. The world does not want an open, fair global warming discussion about the facts because the reality is that global warming is a meal ticket worth hundreds of billions and everybody's taking a slice of the pie.

    Now, that's not to say I don't think there is something to it. It has been proven that the earth has been getting hotter over the last century or two. HOWEVER, there is NO evidence to back the idea that man has had this affect, NOR were the first alarmist reports about the loss of polar ice ANYWHERE near accurate. You heard that they were melting. EVERYONE heard that. But you only knew that this was discovered to be false if you specifically went out and looked for new information about it, nor did you hear that as ice in the north melted, ice in the south expanded, which suggests the cause isn't "global warming", but some kind of shift in WHERE the heat on the planet is, not how much there is.

    We do need to do something about pollution. Sooner rather than later would be good. But any alarmist moron who tells you the world is going to end, conspicuously, after any statute of limitations for fraud have expired and they have lived a full and fruitful life is full of crap.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wish i had more time here but,

    Anyone who watches weather reports on the News often hears 'record highs'. Those aren't lies.

    Climate Change is complex and i'm not so sure humans are the one and only cause, but human activity does contribute to it. Cutting back on CFCs has helped the hole in the ozone to shrink.

    A community in Australia banned old cars and buses and within a year or two the air is fresher and they see more stars at night. We know we can make changes and they don't have to be expensive or difficult.

    Christian Fundamentalists do no know what Science is, and They have been at war with science even before Modern Science came about.

    Many Fundamentalists think their god controls the weather and it's impossible to harm the environment. Many of them also think Jesus is coming in their lifetime.

    I think the religious mind is a factor in the debate. A closed, satisfied mind is often lazy and careless.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    In a manner, specific. persons have become progressively extra atheistic/agnostic and have replaced God with technology. They positioned their have confidence in technology fullyyt. the difficulty is, technology can regularly lead human beings off aim simply by fact that isn't any longer a hundred% precise. no longer even close. technology will "teach" something sooner or later, and the next day, yet another conflicting study will come out disproving the very comparable element. If technology is God, then theory in international warming is a faith. With the atheistic/agnostic point of view turning out to be further and extra mainstream, the human psyche desires an outlet for what was once non secular guilt. They nevertheless experience accountable, basically now, rather of being beholden to God, they're beholden to the Earth and technology. That guilt has to circulate someplace, so as that they blame themselves for trashing the Earth and experience accountable approximately that. so as that they locate something else to have self assurance in (international Warming) and locate something else to experience accountable approximately (destroying the ecosystem). that is unquestionably tremendously relaxing, simply by fact they snigger at people who have self assurance in God and who experience non secular guilt approximately their own behaviors, while certainly, they're doing the marvelous comparable issues decrease than the guise of technology and international Warming.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is an incredibly interesting question/observation. I guess I've realized this myself subconsciously. It makes so much sense. I personally believe global warming is totally real and happening and I don't believe in god. I've had plenty of debates with religious folk about this, so religion does play a huge part in forming opinions around this topic. Thank you for making me think. :]

    Edit: To the people that believe global warming is a political scam, I can see where you're coming from. But, what I believe is that the government is just taking advantage of the situation and finding ways to profit from the fear of global warming.

  • 1 decade ago

    There isn't really a religious factor in the whole business. It's driven by a lot of other factors, but any trend concerning any religion is coincidental at best.

    It's helpful to note that most people on both sides of the political spectrum concede that warming is occurring, and may even be driven somewhat by human activity, but there are people who dissent from both sides of the spectrum. There are very few people who outright deny global warming that are given microphones or reported by the mainstream press.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    They claim Jesus will save them before we sh*t so much in our own nest that we destroy ourselves or they claim science is all a sham. Remember, people who believe the world is 6,000 years old have to go out of their way to not learn proper information about the world that would allow them to understand why the climate is changing and how humans dumping hundreds of thousands of tons of greenhouse gasses into the environment each year adds up to a large change in that environment pretty fast, planetarily speaking.

    Remember that these people are addicted to their delusion and when dealing with an addict you are not truly dealing with that person, but the addiction. This is why education is falling short. no rational explanation can reach them. check out the Fundies Say the Darnedestst Things website to really see that sad state illustrated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When science is involved, religion is usually a factor...

    Or course, "debate" is used quite liberally.

    There is no debate within the scientific community. The debate is confined to laypeople who know little-to-nothing about the issue at hand.

  • 1 decade ago

    The moment that saving energy and recycling (REAL recycling that is) becomes cost efficient, then and only then will you see big business tow the line.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say environmentalism is religion, teaching love of the creation more than love of the creator

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