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Is there anyone out there that will talk about Jews accepting Yeshua as Messiah without denying they are Jews?

A civil conversation with no name calling, just each point of view layed out for each to see and comment kindly on.


Let's start then. You go since I opened it up.

Update 2:

Prophecy from the Tenakh or Hebrew Scriptures, chapter and verse(s); and the New Testament Fulfillment, chapter(s) and verse(s):

1. His pre-existence Micah 5:2 John 1:1, 14

2. Born of the seed of a woman Genesis 3:15 Matthew 1:18

3. Of the seed of Abraham Genesis 12:3 Matthew 1:1-16

4. All nations blessed by Abraham's seed Genesis 12:3 Matthew 8:5, 10

5. God would provide Himself a Lamb as an offering Genesis 22:8 John 1:29

6. From the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Matthew 1:1-3

7. Heir to the throne of David Isaiah 9:6-7 Matthew 1:1

8. Called "The mighty God, The everlasting Father" Isaiah 9:6 Matthew 1:23

9. Born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1

10. Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18

11. His name called Immanuel, "God with us" Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:23

12. Declared to be the Son of God Psalm 2:7 Matthew 3:17

13. His messenger before Him in spirit of Elijah Malachi 4:5-6 Luke 1:17

Update 3:

I am not saying Jews or anyone else don't have a right to their beliefs. Where do get this idea? I am just wanting honest dialogue with people about a certain topic without hostility. I want everyone with relevent ideas or opinions to participate, without jumping to conclusions about who someone is or labeling them.

Update 4:

I am not asking if there has ever been a conversation such as this I am saying let's have one now.

39 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Why would Jews who have a covenant with God, the creator of the Universe, their and our Father in heaven, throw away that relationship to follow a human messenger, who only a few non-Jewish writers knew about or most likely created or invented? Other than those stories, there is no Jewish or non-Jewish record of any one like Jesus (except maybe Judah the Galilean or the "Egyptian" or bar Kochba) or of Simon Peter or Paul or Saul. A few selected, spurious quotes (sometimes using mis-interpreted words, a phrase instead of the entire verse which sometimes contradicts the point the author is trying to make, or verses taken out of context) is not prophecy. Or else we can find 100's of verses that show Jesus not only is not the messiah but an anti-messiah, a prophet of a pagan roman god (Chrestus), a false prophet (according to Deut 13), or a prophet of Ba'al, who many Israelites followed when they rejected the God of Israel. Even Jesus "only spoke or taught in parables" and his stories can't be taken as fact or history.

    Jesus thought a tree should bear him fruit (but God was not pleased with him and denied the miracle). Jesus cursed the tree (which was a Tree of Life) out of spite (In the Torah, God said the righteous spare the fruit trees, only the enemies of God destroy the trees. The romans, like Pilate, did this time and again until the hills around Jerusalem was bare. Many Jews were crucified on cut down trees). It is not only against God's law, it is pretty sick or insane to be upset at a tree and "curse" it like a devil would. Jesus went on to the temple which was his father's (it was also called Herod's temple. Herod called himself "King of the Jews", but he was not a Jew and he was a cruel and corrupt king and he "brought the crueler and corrupter Rome into Judea"). So Jesus considered Herod his father. Jesus said he would "cleanse" the temple, but he vandalized it instead. Instead of freeing the temple so that the Jews could worship in their temple (but they rejected Herod and The Roman appointed high priest), he caused them greater difficulty in worshipping God.) And the disciples seen that "Jesus wilted" and in a few hours he would be dead fruit on a dead tree, killed by Saint Pilate and forsaken by God. But a Jew buried Jesus before sundown, so there was no curse. And if Jesus was a king, he was anointed by a roman dictator. And if Jesus's blood could "save", it was Jews who were "covered or saved by his blood" as written. And if Jesus was a son of god (and all male Jews already were Sons of God of Israel), he became a "son of a roman centurion's pagan god" (since a centurion did not worship the God of Jews).

    Jesus may have been kind to tax collectors, but he did nothing to stop the oppressive collection of taxes by greedy and corrupt crooks. In fact, he taught that the impoverished people should suffer more and pay the taxes. Several of Jesus's parables also favor the foreign and corrupt landowner (actually, he calls God a cruel taskmaster, a title for a corrupt and evil god) and the poor are considered the evil ones.

    God hates human sacrifice; NT requires it like many pagan religions. God said do not drink blood or eat flesh with blood in it; NT and many pagan, heathen religions require it, at least symbolically. What is a greater abomination to the God of the Jews and of the largest part of your bible (and many sensible people) is the eating of human flesh or human blood (even if only symbolic). What is "impossible"/uneccessary with God of the Jews and your bible (who denies several times that he is a man or that he acts and lies like man) is that humans should eat the "flesh" or drink the "blood" of a god; in the NT and many pagan man-god and sun-god religions this is a requirement. To the God of the Jews that is an abomination, it is idolatry (the greatest sin), it is darkness, it is ignorance of a higher God, it is rejection of a Just and Holy God of Love and Mercy. There are many warnings from God that Israelites or Jews or God-fearers not commit these abominations and idolatries. And there is NO PROPHECY that a people after God's heart follow a man who says or whose followers say reject the God of Israel and follow the anti-messiah. Because as the NT pictures him, Jesus is not only a failed, or rather, a false "messiah", but he is The Anti-Messiah.

    Why should a Jew give up the God "of the Jews" to become anti-God, only to repent in the end time, when they, like many Christians and pagans and atheists, will grab a hold of the tallit of one of the remnant Jews who did not give up his/her identity to go a-whoring after other's gods that their fathers & mothers did not know and about whom God commanded them not to follow.

    There is no prophecy that says commit a blasphemy in order to be saved by the one you blasphemy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Judaism conflicts with a human or human-god sacrifice as salvation, & with god becoming man. So if Jews have a right to our beliefs, we have a right to tell everyone that people who accept Christian theology are not Jewish.

    Less than 2% of these groups were ever Jews & now they're apostate. The other 98% were Christians still. APOSTATE - NO longer counted in the Jewish community, can't be buried in Jewish cemetury or do alyiahs during services. Like ex-patriots, easier to come back, but MUST use Apostate when claiming their Jewishness, like ex-communicated.

    So if you want respectful conversation - they aren't Jews - that's not name calling nor denying their right to their beliefs. Only denying the part where they disregard Judasim's a same way much of Christianity did for 2000 years under idea of replacement theology which was a core to antisemitism.

    This isn't simple - it's critical to Jewish survival to be allowed our rights. Chrisitanity has finally moved forward & left behind the idea that they can FORCE Christianity into Judaism which is what these people are trying to do. These people should too, same as many Churches have signed a letter decrying their methods as "coerced conversion" & immoral & a stain on Christianity.

    A few more critical points:

    - Judasim isn't defined by DNA nor blood nor ethnicity. So anyone using those Nazi definitions to claim being Jewish - isn't respecting Judasim.

    - They physically come into our places of worship to try to pick off our vunerable to convert them - IN OUR SYNAGOGUES, Nursing homes & children's events.

    - It's like a group of Catholics declaring you can be a Protestant who believes in the Pope, worship through Mary, transmutation, & celebate Priests as conduits. All to invade & change Protestantism & take way it's identity as not Catholic.

    - Judaism is one religion, you can't just declare yourself a member. We don't have sects, just branches. We do membership citizenship style - where you have to official immigrate to our community's beliefs. You leave by adopting another (ex-patriot) - not by being less than patriotic (atheist - Judaism doesn't require belief therefore any focus on that IS Christian based.)

    - They use the purely Christian NT. (Grace's comment is heavily in error - only the first five books were translated at that time, the rest that OT lists with prophecies are & always were different in Tanakh's Hebrew.)

    Judasim & Christianity aren't that much a like in theology. It's like pouring chocolate sauce onto spagetti & tomato sauce. Each is great, but together - they don't mesh.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not Jewish but it's great to talk about and hear that many Jews are coming to faith in Yeshua.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like you have done your home work. There are good reasons to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. I understand why Jews don't believe it.

    All I see is some Jews attacking "messies" (the name that they made up that is intended to be offencive) and Christians. The key word is some. It's all to obvious some people what to stop as many people as they can from believing in Jesus. It's only encouraging Christians to come to the aid of Messianics.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    response: "messianics" can call themselves anything but "Jews" - they don't have the right to the label and most have never earned it to begin with.

    D at least admits she doesn't follow the Torah now, that's a start.

    DS, I mean S*ckels, who called Aravah a "vicious dog", "pathetic loser", "ignorant as hell" and other such endearing terms? Your argument doesn't hold up.

  • 1 decade ago

            Simply put, Yehôshûâh haMâshîyach, Jesus Christ, The Messiah, was a true Jew and a true descendant of Abraham. Following His teachings doesn't make a person any less Jewish than those whom follow this rabbi or that rabbi. What threatens most Jews is that Yehôshûâh haMâshîyach basically said that anyone whom doesn't follow Him is not a true Jew and will not be saved (John 8:12-47).

    John 8:38-45 "I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father." (39) They answered and said unto him, "Abraham is our father." Jesus saith unto them, "If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham. (40) But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. (41) Ye do the deeds of your father." Then said they to him, "We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God." (42) Jesus said unto them, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. (43) Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. (44) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (45) And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not."

            Judaism was twisted into legalist apostasy by Man since before Jesus' time. Jesus came to set Judaism back on the right track. But, Judaism refused to be corrected and, thus, Christianity was born. However, Christianity, too, has become twisted into liberalist apostasy by Man. Thus, only those whom love God perfectly enough to return to the true roots of Spiritual Israel and obey God's complete Law, out of a true love for Him as Abraham did (Gen. 26:5), will be saved. They will NOT be saved because they are obedient; but, perfect love does beget perfect obedience. The only way to know God perfectly is through a complete knowledge of His Law and by walking in it as did Jesus (John 15:10).

    1John 2:3-6 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. (4) He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (5) But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. (6) He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

    God bless.

    Source(s): All thumbs down are indicative of those whom God's Word has struck to their hearts but the devil is still holding sway there.
  • 1 decade ago

    I wonder about this same thing....

    Another thing I wonder about is how can a Jew be an atheist and still insist to be called a Jew (a.k.a. Woody Allen). How can a Jew also be an American, or an African if they cannot also be a Jew and a believer in the Messiah. It seems to be very strange when a Jew can be an atheist, but not a Christian. What about an Israeli who is not a Jew? It all seems very complicated.

    I have ancestors who were German Jews. How can a person be a German and a Jew? Jesus was a Jew...and He taught that we all should obey the Law of God, as salvation is of the Jew. There are many Christian groups who serve pagan gods, instead of keeping the holidays ordained by God...I believe this is the main reason many Jews do not see Judaism in the Christian Church of today.

  • Sure thing. Jews who worship either a human or an incarnate god are committing idolatry.

    The penalty for that is kares, spiritual excision -- being cut off from G-d for eternity.

    I'm very interested in seeing the 'Messianic' response to this. None of them ever take it up.

    Source(s): We talk about these points ALL the time. Look in the archives. 9) Bethlehem was the birthplace of David. Hence it refers to anyone from the Davidic line. That's how things were talked about back then. Jesus was from the wrong branch of the family, btw. Yet another place where the Christian canon didn't quite get it right. 10) Read the rest of the chapter. It's about a siege during the reign of King Ahaz. Isaiah prophecized that it would end before the baby being carried by a pregnant woman sitting in the room reached the age of reason (13 years). He was to be given a special name as a sign/reminder of this promise. That's it. A kid with a funny name. Immanuel was a reminder, not a savior. Shall I continue?
  • Miss Q
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There is a sect of Jews who believe one of their own dead rabbis was the Messiah, and expect him to come back. Why not Yeshua? If they can go so far as to believe this, I believe all claims of Jesus as Messiah can be substantiated by the Messianic Jews. Many Jews believe that acceptance of Jesus as Messiah conflicts with Judaism, rather than enhances it. Well, chocolate and vanilla, everybody to their own belief, God bless them all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Messianics will; the real Jews won't.

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