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skeptic asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Just a curiosity poll: If you believe AGW is a hoax...?

Do you also believe:

1. Sept. 11 was a hoax (orchestrated by the Government, or something like that)?

2. Evolution by means of natural selection is bad science, or a hoax or something like that?

3. That the world will end in 2012 (or something really bad will happen then)?

4. That the holocaust (during WWII) was a hoax (or not as many people died as the traditional history holds, or something similar)?

[No right or wrong answers, I'm just curious as to what people think - Thanks for your input].


Ok, I was just trying to get a feel for what kind of people the "AGW is a hoax"'ers are like. It seems they are mostly extreme conservatives (I threw in the Sept. 11 conspiracy as a test - it's mostly extreme liberal supported).

One thing I found interesting was the number of ad hominen attacks were coming from the extremists.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Until the proof came out that it,AGW, had in fact been fabricated, I used to believe that those who believed it were just looking at the data and analysis with a different pair of rose-colored glasses than myself. I have never believed it was a fraud until now.

    I do believe in Climate change but none of the other things mentioned.

  • Ben O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    AGW is at most speculation.

    1. Most Americans would probably disagree with me on this. September 11 may or may not have been instigated by Osama bin Larden. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confessed to organising 9/11 and to getting approval from Osama bin Larden, but these confessions may not be completely accurate as they were made after he was waterboarded 183 times. We only know for sure that Osama bin Larden advocated acts of terrorism in general not necessarily 9/11 in particular. It was likely some Saudi Arabian group as all the attackers were from Saudi.

    2. Natural selection in existing species is observable science. The theory that we evolved from random chemicals is just a hypothesis. It's not something that can be successfully duplicated in a supercomputer. It also doesn't attempt to explain where your self awareness comes from.

    The theory that genetic material crashed on the Earth from outer space and started life, or there was intervention by a supreme being both seem equally valid.

    3. I'm not predisposed to doomsday theories. Maybe you should ask AGW believers this question.

    4. Any estimate of the death toll of the holocaust is just an estimate as nobody was counting. I don't doubt that the real number is extremely high.


    OMG Gwen you've completely misunderstood non-Darwinian evolution as all of those examples, except genetic drift are Darwinian.

    Non-Darwinian evolution is the idea that species can evolve by means other than survival of the 'fittest', eg by random drifting where characteristics of a species change over time in a way that does not relate to increasing 'fittness'.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Sep 11 was not a hoax. It happened.

    2. Evolution is not a hoax - it is a religion. You have to believe in it.

    3. No.

    4. The holocaust was real - More than 6 million Jews were slaughtered-- not counting millions or other deaths - the infirm, mentally disturbed, - anyone that did not live up to the Aryan notion of perfection.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. No, but many liberals did, including the professor nutcase from colorado.

    2. No, I believe in evolution, but it has not been proven as interesting other observations are on the horizon.

    3. No what will happen in 2012 will be good, the dems will be gone.

    4. Not a hoax, this is the era of the greatest generation, those who sacrificed to put down this holocaust.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The evidence is there, all you need to do is look at it. Global warming is unfortunately real.

    1. Sept. 11 was a hoax (orchestrated by the Government, or something like that)?

    Orchestrated by the government no, but foreknowledge of the incident, quite possibly

    2. Evolution by means of natural selection is bad science, or a hoax or something like that?

    Natural selection of course is true as is the five other non-Darwinian mechanisms of evolution. and

    3. That the world will end in 2012 (or something really bad will happen unforeseen

    There is always some chance that something will happen no matter how minuscule the odds. There is no reason to believe anything special will happen to us or the planet in 2012. Each year has equal odds.

    4. That the holocaust (during WWII) was a hoax (or not as many people died as the traditional history holds, or something similar)?

    Unfortunately it was real.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All of your points require a liberal mentality for a positive response. More conservative minds look at such issues as for small children because adults have learned they are not real issues to be worried about. Adult moderate or conservative minds are much more interested in solving real problems like keeping humanity fed and housed through the coming ice age instead of the petty liberal concern of getting rich quick so they no longer have to earn a living.

  • jerry
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    2.yes it a hoax that liberals are responsible for tens of millions of deaths by malaria because of the ban on DDT? it a hoax that liberals are intelligent? it a hoax that polar bears are endangered?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1: No, it was not done by our gov.

    2: No, evolution is real

    3: No, that's just silly

    4: No, it has been so well documented denying it shows true ignorance.

  • Eric c
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1) no

    2) no

    3) no

    4) no

    I also do not believe that the moon walking were fake, that second hand smoke is harmless, Roswell Indiana.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No proof has come out that AGW is fabricated. Criminal hackers used stolen edited emails out of context to support their lies. NASA, NOAA, the National Academy of Science have not changed their conclusions supporting AGW. The deniers are so desperate, they hang their hopes on the work of criminal hackers.

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