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Why is it that because Im an Atheist so many Theists assume I have no moral compass ?

To guide me through life. I realize there are several theists who are a bit more broad minded . Peace


Firstly I do read the answers

second if don't like the way I end my question.... Oh well .

3rd My out look on or morals are very similar to those of Jesus on how to treat other human beings . 4th Moralality is not proof of god

Update 2:

morality sorry for the typo

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I think Atheists have more morals than most religious people. I mean what jack@ss has morals when they kill someone and then reprent in jail? wth thats not morals thats called being stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many theists seem to think that without a belief in a god there can be no morality. Being a moral agnostic myself, I don't understand the concept. Religion may state that it requires morality, but morality definitely does not require religion.

    @A Cat Disguised as a Girl:

    My primary moral edict is: "The only immoral act is that which imposes unjustly on the freedoms of another sentient being. The only sin is an immoral act knowingly undertaken."

    In other words, if an action, or its consequence, does not impose on the ability of another person to act as they desire, then the act is not immoral.

    I use the clarification "unjustly" because I do feel that I have the right to interrupt the acts of others when those actions would impose on my freedoms.

    For example, if someone attempts to kill me, that act is immoral because it would (greatly) impede my ability to take other actions; thus, I could rightfully defend myself against my attacker with lethal force because his action justifies such a response; even though such an act would normally be immoral, it is not in this case because his actions would unjustly impose upon my own freedom.

    Action is guided by consequence. When you give up the idea that the consequences of your acts are put off until after death - i.e., that you will be punished or redeemed when you die - you may actually find that your actions become more moral, because you understand that the tangible consequences of your actions are immediate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they self have no moral compass

    Okay I be nice there are good moral christians whatever morality means anyway. It is very subjective really but.. there are some christians who lets say are less moral. The type that say "Oh before I met christ I stole, raped babies and killed women but now I found christ I am a better person", the type you don't sit next. Because sorry they are not moral persons no matter what they belief.

    I find that non believers are usually more moral, well nicer at least because they are not guided by fear but instead by understanding and desire.

    Christians fear their god their morality is by pressure of fear. Very unhealthy indeed

    Non believers most atleast have a very basic human morality that comes from themself, without that fear. They are good persons because.. they are good persons. Not because they else get punished.

    Hence I find more morality within non believers then within believers.

  • 1 decade ago

    i never presume that an atheist doesn't have a moral compass, i just wonder where the compass would come from?

    To my eye, I constantly encourage the catholics in my congregation to respect all people of different religions, even of those who have none. I challenge them to respect, love and know their own faith. That is the best way to respect anyone who does not have faith or a different one.

    So, I'd ask: do you think they are wondering where you get your moral bearings or if you have moral bearings?

    Good luck! Peace

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  • LR
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A number of theists need to be told what is right. I understand it's easier than figuring out morality for yourself.

    And those folk reliant upon other people can't imagine people ever being good without being ordered to be good (and facing threats if they aren't good.)

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they assume a moral compass comes from God, shouldn't only gets you into trouble.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because 95% of use have our heads so far up our @$$ that it'll never come out to smell roses and taste truth we were raised to think that I don't ( thank God) but that's why

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all this question has been asked many times. Second of all when you end a question with "peace", that basically implies that you are leaving and not looking at any of the answers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since you brought it up, please give us additional details about your "moral compass". What are your values? I'm truly interested. The only atheist I've ever known (and I haven't known many mind you) who had morals was the Meathead from All In The Family. And he was fictional. So please, indulge us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey, assumption is the mother of all screw-ups.

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