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which pocket knife should i buy?

i'm looking at a stockman, a congress and a whittler. i tried to research the terms, but had little luck (search results included a redefining of "switchblade" by the U.S. congress. not helpful). so, which style of knife would be most versatile and practical for random daily use?


um.... yes.... thanx, guys, but i was hoping some knife officiando (well, i can't spell it, but i can use it in a sentence!) could could comment on the 3 styles of knives i mentioned...

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    best website bro, if your knife collector like me. by some switch blades. just dont carry them on you. any spring assisted knife you can get arrested for. i carry a knife called a finger flipper. sweet knife, recommend it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Buy a "Buck knife" They are the most reliable knife made. The box it is bought in shows you ;that you can cut a nail,´s true. I myself have given my trust in "Buck knife". This is not a commercial!

    Source(s): Almost 25 years of exspierience with the knife. It never let me down.
  • 1 decade ago

    They have great promo pocket knifes at B. Dalton.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The kind that cuts, and cuts deep, and long, and hard!

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