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What job would you say is the most dangerous? Police officers or Firemen?

And what do you think is the most respected profession.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Police officer by far. When was the last time four firemen were gunned down while sitting in a coffee shop preparing for the day.

    Firemen jobs are incredibly dangerous, but for the most part you know what to expect in a fire, car accident, chemical plant explosion, etc.

    A police officer may be well trained but, anything can happen anytime and without warning.

    Have you ever heard of a firefighter being murdered simply because they were a firefighter? No, me neither.

    As you can see from some ignorant responses it is the firemen who receive more respect because they usually don't stop people who are doing wrong. They are perceived as helpers while the police are perceived by the ignorant as party poopers.

    Edit: I am not talking stress. I am talking about danger. It can come from anywhere, anytime, for any reason. As a police officer, you never know who it is your dealing with. An 80 year old grandmother can kill you just as dead as a 12 year old can. They can do it for any reason from simply being a cop, to being wanted for murder.

    There are far more scenarios where a police officer could be hurt or killed than a firefighter. That to me makes the job more dangerous between the two, not just the numbers of injuries or deaths.

    Edit2: Yes a building can fall on you and firemen know this. That is why most times firemen do not enter a burning building unless there are people trapped. They are well prepared and trained for such a scenario. A police officer is well trained and prepared too. However danger can come from anywhere and unexpectedly. No amount of training and preparation can prepare you for that.

    So far this year:

    111 officers killed in the line of duty. Nine this month

    83 firefighters killed in the line of duty. Five this month

    The first eight on the page died as the result of heart attacks and strokes not fires or collapsing buildings. There were more victims of heart attacks I am sure but I stop counting after the first ten.

  • storms
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Being a cop is extra risky. And on an identical time as some do get great and don't would desire to artwork, you in no way understand while a guy is going to tug a gun out. Firefighters not often combat fires. maximum of their calls are medically appropriate. although, while a cop is pulling somebody over, quite in a bad community, there's a more suitable danger that individual has a warrant. And in the event that they understand they are going back to penitentiary, a more suitable danger he will combat. maximum people who call the hearth dept are not going to combat them. staring on the city, law enforcement officers have extra useful reward and pay.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well here in Phoenix, Az. being a police officer is an extremely dangerously because there is a lot of gang activity and they risk their lives going into gang infested neighborhoods. But so is a fireman job is also very dangerous because of the extremely dry weather, so homes and such burn much faster.

    I think firemen get more respect because a lot of people do not like the police because they do something wrong and take out their anger on them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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  • Em
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Well neither is the most dangerous but of the two Fireman by far is the most dangerous , being a police officer is not even in the top 10 of dangerous jobs.

    per 1000

    Timber cutters 117.8

    Fishers 71.1

    Pilots and navigators 69.8

    Structural metal workers 58.2

    Drivers-sales workers 37.9

    Roofers 37

    Electrical power installers 32.5

    Farm occupations 28

    Construction laborers 27.7

    Truck drivers 25

    To EddyJ , I agree that a policeman probably has a more stressful job but it is not more dangerous. Yes a grandmother can kill you but a building could collapse on a fireman as well.

    I stand corrected . In 2008 - 133 Policeman died in the line of duty (mostly auto accident related), 114 - Fireman died

  • 1 decade ago

    Firemen by far.

    I would like to see some of these overweight cops try and pack some gear up 12 flights of stairs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    firemen in both conditions.

    edit; you ever seen a chemical plant go off?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They both have equally there dangerous moments as well as respect.

  • Firemen-both

    Screw those fat, stupid, lazy, ego driven Nazi cops! And yes that's how I really feel.

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