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What rumors of possible player signings for Philadelphia Union are surfacing?

Now that Philadelphia Union are acquiring players, via Expansion Draft and trading for Chris Seitz; What rumors are you guys coming across of possible signings?


So far Danny Califf and Colombian Roger Torres are the only names that have come up. Philly Union actually traded for Califf's rights. Quality pick up for the Union.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    cruz azul: they picked up moreno in the expansion draft - old news, sorry.

    yeah, they picked up seitz and califf. i haven't even heard of this torres guy (haven't been reading the boards lately), but if he's good i'll take him.

    honestly, i'm just glad we picked up le toux from the sounders. he's the only guy who i really wanted to get.

  • 1 decade ago

    they did sign a columbus crew striker i think his last name is moreno

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