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What about the law and Yahoo Answers?

How far are you willing to go before crossing the line when giving out information?

I am always a little concerned when we see a question that raises a flag.

Example: "What is the best sniper rifle?" I feel like the rest of the question might be saying "cause I want to remove the back seat out of my car so I can lay in the trunk while some one drives me around D.C." Or a question I seen "What bullet can shoot through the most people at once?"

Do you ever feel this section may be banned if someone gives information that crosses the line and causes or aides in the murder of someone?

I always have Ebay in the back of my mind after the Virgina Tech Shooting. I use to buy gun accessories there. We can't do that any more. What if. What could happen to this section? Would they remove it? Would they have removed it if it was found that the guy figured out what he needed down in Fort Hood?

Last week there was a question from a guy who seemed to be under age wanting ammo for a handgun. (He said his Dad didn't need to find out about his gun) I reminded the answers not to give information that breaks the law. I got deleted.

Last night I was blocked by a man wanting information on illegally carrying a concealed weapon. I told him the problem with his gun of choice but also reminded him of the law and I got blocked by him.;_ylt=AhZRw...

I didn't feel that in no way did I step over the line. I always try to be polite and follow the rules.

What do you do? You either ignore the question or you give a lawful answer the best that you can.

How do you feel about the law and Yahoo Answers?


This is from the community guidelines.

"Violating the law

Members of Yahoo! Answers are not above the law, so don't post anything that violates the laws of your country, state, province, or city."

Update 2:

MJ I agree.

There is a such thing such as free speech and common sense. You can never mistake the two. I can not tell a bunch of school boys how to cook crystal meth and then say "It's not my fault they went and did it, it is my right to free speech."

Some information when we know it could be used to commit a crime needs to be with held. Bear Crap is right it is not a matter of IF but rather WHEN.

Yahoo Answers is world wide. We have 300 million in the U.S. alone. Chances are there will be some crazys wanting to know how to commit a crime. The smart ones will not ask "How do you commit a crime?" They ask just enough to get the information to get what they need. We need to use good judgement and read between the lines.

It is just a matter of time before everything will be closely regulated see this link on what "they" will not stop at.

Update 3:

"A" That is right. The odds are real good that 1 in 300,000,000 can mess things up for everybody.

We give out a lot of information here. Why? Because we like to. We don't get paid for it. It is just something we like to do. I don't answer as many questions as some but I spend a lot of time here any way. The orange tag under my name should say "Hey my but's getting bigger from lack of exercise" I'd like to do all I can to keep this section open.

Update 4:

John S, Bac

I was one of those Religion Regulars. I too quit for over a year. I got tired of the trolls and the atheist over there. I use to go by the name Bible Believer.

Update 5:

John De Witt WOW!!!!!

What else could I say. I never thought about that one either. A real medical doctor or medical personal could loose a career over something like that. If not jail time too.

Update 6:

Glacierwolf if Tannite was bought from Ebay and used illegally on a large public scale they'd ban it just like they have gun accessories.

Update 7:

Bear Crap thanks for the link.

"A criminal charge of aiding and abetting or accessory can usually be brought against anyone who helps in the commission of a crime, though legal distinctions vary by state. A person charged with aiding and abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or financial support. Depending on the degree of involvement, the offender's participation in the crime may rise to the level of conspiracy."


Update 8:

eddygordo19 thats another good link.

Update 9:

Looks like the trolls got ahold of Bear Crap, he's gone.

30 Answers

  • 2A
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You bet we should be concerned. Even if the info is not could raise flags to all the the law enforcement agencies that watch this site for a sudden warrant. Yes,they can make up excuses to do so or just say....after they turned your house upside down........uh we thought it was 600 North Main street instead of South.

    Ebay is a good example.

    Even if 99% of these are from neophytes cranked up on to much caffeine and sugar that their feet don't touch the only takes 1.

    Also it could be a fishing expedition from a LEO asking ????'s about how to make a illegal full auto or silencer.

    Source(s): z
  • 1 decade ago

    I personally am rowing the same boat as super61, when i first found this forum, it seemed there were a lot of good questions and responses, and I spent probably too much time on this site. Lately, I don't bother, it seems that every other question is in the cateogory that you mention. I usually just ignore this person, or reply with some smarta$$ answer. I believe that the quality of this section has decreased. As far as legalities, all they will have to prove is that someone on this sight gave the information, and the family sue. The sight will be shut down, and the person that gave the information will probably be charged as an accompolice. Today's judicial system is so out of whack, the answerer will probably spend more time in jail than the person who commited the crime. Makes me wonder, is it really worth it anymore?

    Source(s): good topic
  • 1 decade ago

    I have reported individuals who are asking illegal questions. After I informed them of the legallity of what they are after. Sniper and words you mentioned are used by airsofters and gamers and shouldn't be a problem. There are uses for the word sniper that is more allowable than what this group lets people use them for. There are Sniper rifles, rifles that are only allowed to be handled by snipers or were developed for Snipers. A sniper can carry a Sniper rifle but also any rifle a sniper carries is a sniper's rifle. A gun smith can build a shoot a Sniper rifle but he is not a sniper. I know its a fine line but we should be nicer to the naive. I am not a Sniper, at one time I aspired to be one but a football injury kept me out of the army, back in the day when they were picky about who they took. I shoot accurized rifles that could be put in the hands of a competent sniper and he would feel right at home. My father on the otherhand was a military Small Arms instructor for years and imparted his knowledge of handling firearms. His knowledge was always passed with safety first and the legal aspect of what I was doing in the forefront. I think we need to do the same for the askers on this site.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I see a question where someone is seeking information in order to commit a crime or do something dangerously foolish I report it and let the gods of yahoo sort it out.

    Some questions require more judgment. "How do you make a silencer?" for instance. It's an interesting topic and there are people who just want to know, not to mention that there are places in the world where an ordinary person can make one with no legal repercussions and the person might be posting from there.

    Just use your best judgment. If I get reported, blocked, deleted, suspended, or called dirty names for doing what's right, well I can live with that. There's plenty to occupy our time besides Yahoo.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mr. Godfearing Outdoorsman, I've thought about this exact issue many times. It seems like everyday lately. I usually answer in the same manner as you. And yes, I get blocked or receive nasty emails as a result.

    The question you referred to, I think it was the man living in Los Anglos caring a .25 in his sock, I didn't bother replying to. Someone can give another the best advice in the world, but if the asker doesn't listen to others relevant opinions and just does whatever, I don't think we are to blame.

    A lot of people keep asking the same questions over and over again. I think they just push aside common sense till some idiot agrees to what they want to hear.

    I've seen lots of responses stating that the question has been submitted to the BATF and FBI, even Homeland security, and rightly so. But it seems those folks are right back on here asking the same stupid questions.

    So, I guess I try to give the best advice I can, whether from a legal or common sense stand point. I do not condone breaking any laws or even skirting them. If someone fails to heed to my opinion, it should be on them, not me. Josh Hudson

  • 1 decade ago

    Below is Wiki's definition of accessory criminal liability. Laws vary from jurisdictions to jurisdictions, but I think this definition hits the basics. People should be careful when they give out information when the asker is clearly stating that he or she intends to commit a crime with your assistance. Forget about Yahoo or being blocked or reported or some other penny ante concern. If you give info that significantly contributes to a crime that you were told was going to happen and that crime takes place and someone loses their life and the law finds out about you, you can rest assured that law enforcement will want to hold those responsible for the tragedy that unfolded.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Far too many askers on Yahoo are just posers trying to stir debate. Its hard to tell the difference between a serious criminal and a yahoo just playing games, or an innocent person who is over their head.

    I used to hang out in the religion section back when YA first started. The big problem we had were posers..acting like someone else and stirring hatred. Unfortunately Yahoo played right into the hands of the atheists and anti-Christians, so the religion regulars all quit or had their accounts closed.

    I believe its the same problem here. Someone trying to yank another's chain.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the majority of the YA community are capable of sorting the wheat from the chaff when it comes to answering a question.

    I've given up answering "sniper" questions, can I hunt Deer with my .22LR and so on. Way too many special needs on this forum now. It begs the question is it worth it anymore.

    Yahoo should re-post the sniper questions in the military section.

    As others have mentioned there are a large number of kids on this site who know nothing about the subject matter.

    Its also a failing of Yahoo, they allow kids under 13 years of age to open an account. The Min age is 13.

  • MJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think that "What's the best sniper rifle?" is a matter of opinion only. It does not give technical details, or encouragement to break the law. Kind of like saying that "Summit EPA is the best beer," to a minor. Doesn't everyone here agree that this does not make me responsible if he goes and steals some and drinks it?

    Sometimes you get queries on making something blatantly illegal. "How do I make a pen gun?" No one should answer this with "how to" details. Whether you are legally responsible or not, you are helping someone break the law, or do something very stupid at least.

    And that's a big point. Legally responsible, or not your answers could reflect very badly on our 2nd amendment rights.

    Source(s): I believe in the 1st amendment as well, but people should use common sense when exercising it.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think most "sniper" and "silencer" type questions are by teenage boys (or younger) who have been watching too much television and playing too many video games. When I do come across what I feel is a serious question that looks to violate serious Fed law (how do I make by AR fully automatic, etc) I will either tell the individual they are playing with serious jail time or skip it all together as on of the other regulars will have beaten me to the punch. As for the bulk of the teens and preteens on here with their video game inspired questions; I usually just ignore them.

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