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Lv 620,039 points

the long shot

Favorite Answers21%

I am an avid hunter, gun collector, and former fisherman. I compete in 200 yd Varmint target matches which has broadened my knowledge over the years of reloading and what really is an accurate rifle. Much to the chagrin of my fellow competitors I have made a 30-06 perform to the level of a some of the wildcat rounds and other in vogue rounds at the bench. I am up for hunting anything that walks or flies. I stick to the midwest for my hunting. Broad experience to draw on... On a professional note. Degrees in Business, Agriculture and Economics. Jobs I have held or currently hold.. welder, farmer, Market Analyst, Ag Real Estate Loan Officer, Semi Maintenance Mechanic, and Large Equipment operator. I am a hard data guy, hard to sway me on an empathetic argument.