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Does anyone realize that global climate change would and has occurred with or without Man?

Of course we have an effect on climate change. Just breathing emits carbon dioxide. (a green house gas) Every plant and or animal has some effect on global climate change. Oh yes, and so does the Sun and the Moon(tides) and volcanoes, etc.

12 Answers

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a geologist, we study the effects of climate as detailed in the pages of rocks laid down through the milenia. I have studied Sandstone layers that were formed as sea levels rose and the sea shore migrated inland. I have studied reefs that formed layers thousands of feet thick as sediments built up, land subsided and sea levels changed. You see the effects of near shore evironments getting replaced by terrestrial. You see features created by glaciers. You see rocks that form in certain environments, fossils that mark changes in habitat as successive layers are piled on. I could go on and on. I read an alarmist article (from Redleg) that indicated only climate scientists should be trusted regarding climate. This is one thing I can assure you, as a geologist, I can assure you that climates vary naturally. That doesn't mean we aren't affecting the climate. The miniscule changes in the last 100 years are completely consistent with past changes, Mann's hockey schtick not withstanding.

  • Lilly
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Partially, as in the total percent of green house gases contributed to man is no more then 3% of the total. So up to 3% of the temperature change is man made. Then again, the science shows that CO2 and methane lag behind the temperature curve and the scientists spouting man made climate change have to ignore past warming periods so this all points to it being mainly natural. For the person that stated all Nations believe that climate change is man made, then how come Australia is finally realizing that climate change may not be fully man made and is more of a hoax than good science.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, and I thoroughly believe that climate change is blown out of proportion by politicians to garner support as they give the impressing of caring.

    It's going to change no matter what. The earth goes through a continuous cycle of ice ages.

    And quite frankly, the changes happen so slowly it's not going to majorly effect my grandkid's grandkids, so I don't really care...

  • 1 decade ago

    You haven't a clue what you are talking about.

    Yes, plants affect climate. Perhaps you noted when you read the IPCC assessment -- I assume you read something before coming here to rant -- the importance they placed on deforestation, and I'm sure, since you know everything, that you noted that every cap-and-trade treaty includes offsets for re-planting trees.

    I sure also that in your vast research you noted that we are in a severe solar minimum and a long term cooling trend, but are warming instead.

    Here's the deal: if you have a question, ask it and people here will help you learn. If you come to rant, it is polite at least know a little bit. A thoughtless rant like yours helps no one.

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  • 1 decade ago

    A top U.S. government scientist, Susan Solomon, said "there can be no question that the increase in greenhouse gases are dominated by human activities."

  • 1 decade ago

    I do but I was watching one major news network program this morning and there were some egg heads on there that don't get it yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    did u know globle warming is fruad go to these web prove how hacker found leak email bad scientist were send too fool public

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, every scientist knows that--did you just find that out? Try reading the IPCC report, you might learn something.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, scientists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only those of us who use our own brains to think understand this. Unfortunatly that is not the majority!

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