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Amanda Knox, Americans reactions?

Why are most americans saying she is innocent and the only reason she was found guilty because europe is anti-america???

I didnt see them show the same sympathy for the lockerbie bomber when he was released. infact all the americans were saying he should rot in hell

Why is that....oh wait thats right because the lockerbie bomber wasnt american.

Are americans really that dense that they cant believe an american killed someone.

If the stakes had been reversed and it was an italian girl in america accused of killing and american all the yanks would be screaming for the death penalty...why the sudden change of heart?


Congratulations Doctor Feelgood, youve won the retard sweepstakes....last time i checked murder is murder.......if you bothered to understand they concept which you didnt (doesnt really surprise me) you would see that as soon as somthing is done to americans, america wants justice, but as soon as an american doesn somthing, america believes they are innocent

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Amanda Knox is GUILTY.

    She changed her story, implicated the innocent bartender, had DNA evidence on a knife, cartwheels the day after someone she lives with died? She smokes weed, she has strange comic books depicting a Halloween death, she actually CONFESSED and then claimed later she was beaten up in jail, she was also seen the day after with a black man (Guede?) at a launderette, washing shoes and clothes. They found Amanda's blood mixed with Meredith's in 3 locations in the house, Amanda's footprints in blood in the room.

    Americans are known for their blind patriotism and naivety.

  • paul s
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    your statement is totally wrong on quite a few points, first most americans don't think she is innocent, because most americans have better things to worry about than what is going on in Italy, as for those who are showing a bit of an interest the majority seem satisfied that justice has been served although the Italian justice system is clearly a mystery to them, and to be fair a mystery to everyone else also.

    There is a minority (a very vocal) minority who are claiming her innocent and would claim she was innocent even if a video showing her murdering the victim was shown on 'people do the funniest things'

    but this is nothing unusual and certainly not an American phenomenon

    Over here we have our own on running case with the computer hacker Gary Mckinnon, this guy hacked into US government and military computers (repeatedly) and got caught, since then we have all been bored stiff with the on-running legal battle he and his supporters have been waging to escape justice, they have claimed that he was only hacking the computers looking for evidence of UFOs (which makes it alright then i suppose!?!) that he is mentally challenged (Aspergers syndrome) that he will not get a fair trial in the US as he will be treated as a terrorist and will spend the next 70 years locked up in a super-max prison being gang-raped by mexicans. Now they claim we can't send him there because he will kill himself which will breach his human rights.

    The fact of the matter is he accused of breaking the law, needs now to answer his accuser in a court of law, but a small vocal minority here in the UK seem to think that despite the fact he has admitted it repeatably on International media he can't be sent to the US as the Americans can't be trusted and have no idea of the concept of a fair trial (which kind of makes it a bit embarrassing for us when we claim we have the best justice system in the world and yet a virtual carbon copy of our system used in another country can't be trusted)

    As for comparisons with the lockerbie bomber i fail totally to see the similarities, the bomber was convicted of the crime and the issue was his early release from prison, NOT if he got a fair trial or was innocent or not.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    americans support amanda knox knowing murderer

  • 1 decade ago

    One of my contacts starred a few questions about the trial on the USA site. They believe she's innocent, why?

    The evidence shows otherwise, her behaviour was quite unnerving. She seemed to lap up the media attention.

    I say good on Italy for serving justice and sticking to their guns.

    I would say this about ANYONE I believed to be guilty, American, Irish, English, French etc.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First, MOST Americans are NOT saying she is innocent.

    Actually most Americans do not care.

    Your premise is incorrect.

    There is a very valid question regarding the Italian judicial system.

    They are known to pursue cases which have little merit

    ie, the Senna Fatality.

    That aside,

    As I recall, There were Scots walking around on the ground minding their own business who were killed by a plane falling from the sky.

    What twisted form of logic allowed you to associate a passion murder with a significant act of terrorism?

    Lets see, 1 murder, Airline passangers and people on the ground killed( over 300?).............hmmmmmm.

    Maybe I see the relationship.....................NOPE can't see it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The US seems to think that it has a right to engage in moral uproar which is down to the country's roots as a theocracy created by religious fundamentalists, the Puritans.

    America is a schizoid place swinging wildly between manic bursts of licentiousness and depressive bouts of moralising.

    In what other Western country would Prohibition have passed into law then being so gleefully demolished?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's the way it is in most countries, many UK people don't want Gary McKinnon to be tried in the US, even though he vandalised a computer and left a rude message on it, we want to believe he was looking for UFO's for us. On the other hand here in the UK we arrested a group of Pakistani students who say they were working towards qualifications here that they had paid for thmeselves, realised there was no evidence but kicked them out of the country anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    Who said is anti americanism is just a moron: Raffaele Sollecito is italian and he got 25 years, Rudy Guede is Ivorian and he got 30 years!

  • 1 decade ago

    The American media here is painting Knox like a saint that was wrongfully convicted, but most of these people have not closely followed the case and know only half the details. They're reacting on half the facts. There is plenty of evidence to convict her. She's changed her story numerous times, both her and her boyfriend have conflicting statements about where they were that night, the police found Knox with a mop and bucket at the scene, and some DNA was found after using chemicals to determine it had been cleaned up. Come on. Americans just don't want to believe she did it.

  • geri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Whether she actually murdered Meredith or not isn't the point, she admitted she was there which makes her responsible so lets stop deluding ourselves here people. And no one smiles that much in court.

    It shouldn't be a America vs. Europe issue, that is just retarded.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thanks, your loaded question gives me warm fuzzy feelings.

    I, for one, am an American and I never said she was found guilty because europe is anti-america. I haven't even heard that until you posted it. Not all of us are idiotic Fox News watchers, and some of us don't scream for the death penalty every time someone dies, believe it or not.

    As for the trial, I am concerned that she was tried through media whores. In America, juries are sequestered for a REASON. My concern is that she didn't get a fair trial, and if there's a chance the real killer is free, then that's a real tragedy.

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