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Does anyone know any sites that show the ways that science has been held back by the Churches?

I know that the discoveries of Galileo and Copernicus have been battled with the Catholic Churches, but I couldn't think of any others.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmm, how many death threats to the top scientific minds of an era does it take before it shuts science down. The Churches attempt to silence Galileo was only 400 years ago. Did not make much difference in the long run, the cat was out of the bag. The earth revolved around the sun just about destroyed the churches stranglehold even though they forced Galileo to retract his discovery.

    All the church achieved was to make itself look like the thugs they really are. ;)

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks

  • 1 decade ago

    You are probably aware of the MYTHS of Galileo and Copernicus which is a bunch of anti-Catholic propaganda.

    Christianity, Supernature, and the Rise of Science in Middle Ages. Part 1

    The medieval Christian doctrine of the supernatural1 has long been misconstrued as a dualistic denigration of nature, opposed to scientific thinking. The concept of supernature, however, is not a dualism in the sense of denigrating nature or of pitting against each other the "alien" realms of spirit and matter. The Christian ontology of the supernatural bound together the realm of nature and the realm of Grace, immanent and transcendent, in a unity of creative wisdom and purpose, which gave theological significance to the natural world. While the doctrine of supernature was at times understood in a dualistic fashion, ultimately, the unity it offered played a positive role in the development of scientific thinking, because it made nature meaningful to the medieval mind. Its dissolution came, not because supernatural thinking opposed scientific thinking, but because culture came to value nature in a different manner, and the old valuation no longer served the purpose of scientific thinking. An understanding of the notion of supernature is essential to an understanding of the attitudes in Western culture toward nature, and to an understanding of the cultural transition to science as an epistemic authority.

    Reflections on Method: Science vs. Philosophy

    This post is partly aimed at RG for his instance that atheists demand "evidence." I don't think atheists care about evidence. Evidence just means that one has something to reason from. What atheists demand is absolute proof, and at a level that can't be given for anything. I would bet that if for some reason atheists didn't like science, no amount of scientific "proof" wood suffice to prove to them that science works; because they would demand absolute proof, which can't be gotten.

    A poster recently said that I hold to the idea of geocentrism because the pope said so.Accustomed as we are to hearing about the Catholic Church and Galileo, it isn't often realized or recognized that classical "Reformational" Protestantism, generally speaking, was out and out hostile to the burgeoning scientific discoveries and endeavors of its time. No thoughtful and honest Catholic denies that the Catholic Church, too, had a less than perfect record of positive regard for modern science in its infancy in the 16th and 17th centuries (most notably with the Galileo case - which Pope John Paul II has recently acknowledged). The point of this essay, however, is to show that Protestantism has often, if not always, been guilty of the same shortcomings for which the Catholic Church is constantly harangued. In other words, one should not notice the speck in another's eye while neglecting the "log" in one's own eye! It's high time to balance the "historical scales" a bit on this topic. With that intention, and no malice, the following historical information is offered for reflection:

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is the other way around.

    I think science is held back with the demands that has been placed on it by evolution.

    The evolutionists spend all their time defending this belief system instead of doing real science.

    In my opinion, the scientists who oppose Evolution are the real scientists. They test the theory with experiments, adjust and test some more.

    And, they do it with the intention of finding what is true, and not for the money.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a Bible reason why Christianity is against secular science...

    When the Bible was written and up to about 500 years ago this insignificant speck of dust that we call Earth located in our Solar system in the back alley of the Milky Way was thought to be the center of this humongous universe. The Bible writers got their “science” from the Babylonians who believed that the stars were hanging from a “firmament,” as the firmament revolves on top of the flat Earth, the rain water was coming down from a window located above the firmament. The Sun was not a star, but was a body of light circling the Earth, and so on. When the Christians ruled most of the Western world anybody disagreeing with the Church dogmas on science was severely punished and even torched alive! Galileo was one of the most famous victims of Christian cruelty. The Bible writers never stopped coming up with new ideas on how to discipline and keep under Clergy control the people that God “loves” so much. They provided all the necessary instructions for Judeo-Christianity not to function without an authoritarian Clergy organization!

    Deuteronomy 17:12-13 (NIV) The man who shows contempt for the judge or for the PRIEST who stands ministering there to the Lord your God MUST BE PUT TO DEATH! You must purge the evil from Israel. ALL THE PEOPLE WILL HEAR AND BE AFRAID, AND WILL NOT BE CONTEMPTUOUS AGAIN* (*Holy Mafia talk! Most low IQ Christians love it! It leaves no room for working hard doing research on any fact of science contrary to what the Priesthood says on any subject. Religion is the public enemy #1 of science!)

    Luke 16:17 (NIV) (Jesus said) It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law* (*Sheer mafia talk! Not much different from the Muslim Ayatollahs!)

    "I want the judiciary to ... punish leading rioters firmly and without showing any mercy to teach everyone a lesson," Ahmad Khatami told worshippers at Tehran University.

    For every expression of loving recognition when you behave according to God’s dysfunctional pleasure the Bible writers listed countless vicious warnings of sadistic punishment including, but not limited to eating your own children for dinner! Check Deut 28. The first 14 verses are “God is Love” teasers, but the remaining 54 verses will blow your mind with sadistic pronouncements! No wonder Christians hate to read the Bible, especially the OT! They are very content having their favorite preacher telling them what Christianity ought to be all about! They totally ignore that this super-narcissist God of Love wants his obedient followers to be despicably cruel to the members of their own families to the extreme of killing them for worshipping the wrong God (Exodus 32:27-28). God wants to have all the inhabitants of any city in ISRAEL killed, and the city totally destroyed, if they begin to worship another God of the many available (Deut 13:13-19). Even within Christianity the definition of “God” varies widely from one brand of a Christian faith to another! Especially now, that the Bible God is evolving into a more benign Jesus. Secular law and order prevents Christians from going crazy killing anybody worshiping the Bible God in a different way.

    The Bible writers say that God already destroyed the whole human race including innocent children and pregnant women once before in a big flood because God noticed that people were becoming “wicked!” Only a psychopathic “God” in the most primitive cultures would act this way (Psa 78:65, 18:6-10).

    1 Timothy 6:20 (KJV) O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, AVOIDING PROFANE AND VAIN BABBLINGS, AND OPPOSITIONS OF SCIENCE FALSELY SO CALLED.

    1 Corinthians 3:19-20 (KJV) For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.

    Revelation 7:1 (KJV) And after these things I saw four angels standing on the FOUR CORNERS of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

    So much for Christian scientific knowledge! You would have to believe it or die along with Galileo, if Christianity were to rule the world again!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Creationism vs evolution

    God should fix us! vs stem cells

    Those are the two I can think of off the top of my head.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't concern myself with such things. I only do my best to serve God and let Him take care of the rest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

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