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Lv 31,978 points


Favorite Answers4%
  • Has anyone been following up on Buddha boy?

    He hasn't been on the news much, but it's interesting to watch this kid who has been in constant meditation for years now.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can Protestants technically be considered a cult?

    A cult is a religious organization that breaks off from traditional religion creates it's own practices and rituals. Which seems to be exactly what Protestant Christianity falls in to. Can anyone give me a idea if this is accurate?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Your Mom's in Hell. Your dad's in Hell. Your children's in Hell, but you made it to Heaven?

    How can you be happy for eternity knowing the ones you've loved dearly are suffering a fate far worse than anything they ever deserved. Does anyone have a better reason than "God wipes your memory of them."? Personally I think that one is Fk'd up.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What if Jesus was sent here to bring everyone to Hell with him?

    Do any other religions see Jesus as a possible Demon who's tricked billions of people to believe that the only way to God is through him? I don't care how many good things people like to say he's done. If it's all to get souls for Satan, then the acts of good are for evil reasons. If it is the case, then I'd have to give props to Satan for such a successful scheme.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What wine or spirit would be best for a collector?

    I've been looking for anything that might go up as a collectors item in the future. Would anyone have an idea what would be a good choice or maybe a direction to look in? I picked up a Pappy Van Winkles 20 year old bourbon. It received a 99pt rating on the site and received a platinum rating at the International Review of Spirits. Other reviews I've seen have been phenomenal, so I decided to pick up a bottle and store it for 20 years and see what happens.

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • I can't see the wind, but I can feel it's effects, right?

    So it must be the wind for Zeus blowing kisses at me.

    I'm sorry but I hear the wind argument too many times. So, to not make this just a pointless bitching post. I'll ask the question:

    What weak arguments do you hear from Creationists that you wish they'd just quit using?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do all Atheists always generalize?

    Christians don't judge Atheists or condemned them for their immoral lifestyle, so why is it that the favor couldn't be returned? If Atheists want to have other people accept their beliefs, the jump on the bandwagon and be one of the saved. It's better that you be one of the open minded ones rather than a hateful non-believer.

    And if you think that I'm serious about all this then you're completely insane. Because everything that has been written is complete bogus, but there will be some of you that don't read the whole post and get all the information to realized that I wrote this to get a response from people.

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any sites that show the ways that science has been held back by the Churches?

    I know that the discoveries of Galileo and Copernicus have been battled with the Catholic Churches, but I couldn't think of any others.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If one religion was right, wouldn't it be pretty race specific in Heaven?

    Most of the people in the Protestant Christians Heaven would consist of White people, some Hispanic, some Black people, and VERY few Asians.

    If it where the Catholics that were right, then White people would pretty much run the whole show since most of the people in the Vatican are White, but there would be a HELL of a lot of Hispanics there.

    If the Muslims were right, then we'd be seeing mainly Middle eastern and black people in Heaven.

    If the Voodoo Gods existed, then Heaven would be mainly Black people.

    Buddhism really doesn't rely on a concept of Heaven, so i guess the Asians would not exist in a Heaven in most scenarios.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the biggest bull about the YA system?

    Here's mine, what's yours?

    YA allows people to open multiple accounts and give themselves best answer when the OP doesn't vote. So you end up with people who have 5k best answers at a 60% ratio. Anything over 15% on a name I consider a no life loser.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • It seems that far more Christians convert to Atheism than Muslims do. Is it lack of Faith?

    Muslims seem much less likely to convert to Atheism, but a Christians seems almost all too willing to give up their beliefs for there lack of beliefs. Are Muslims just more devoted to beliefs or are Christians just more open minded?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it true that Muhammad and Jesus are equals in the Muslim world?

    I was listening to the radio a week back and a Muslim guy was saying how both Jesus and Muhammad were both revered equally by Muslims since both were considered to be prophets of God. If this is true, then why do Muslims react so aggressively when Anti-Muhammed propeganda gets posted, but not Anti-Jesus posts?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can you create your own Religion?


    The game is to come up with the most whacked out religious story and be sure not to rush the story. It doesn't have to be long or detailed, but if that's how you want to do it, that's ok also. All posts will be thoroughly looked at, so if yours end up at the bottom of the posts, it still has an equal chance of getting BEST ANSWER.

    REMEMBER. No one can disprove you, so it must be true. Why? Because you have Faith.

    Here's my Religion.

    Billions of years ago an egg was laid by the great creator Algaroth. This egg hatched into a dragon who had scales and bird feathers. Algaroth cared for this dragon, until one day this dragon died when he ran in front of a car. Algaroth was again sad and lonely. So she took the dragon first left claw and cut it off creating a universe from it. She then cut off the second claw creating the all the planets to add to the universe. And finally she cut off the third claw, and turned it into life. It is our duty in life, as the third claw, to bring back Algaroths dragon, but to do so, we must all come together and believe in the dragon. And once we've all done that, Algaroth will once again have her companion.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do we lose 5 points for posting a question?

    Ah crap! there go another 5 pts. Oh well....

    It always baffles me that YA takes points away from those who are keeping the forums alive. I understand that they give 3 points back for giving best answer, but you're still 2 in the hole. Anyone else see the lack of logic here?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In the scientific world, is creationism labeled as a myth?

    I was looking up "Life" in wikipedia and found two links. One for the orgin of life and the other was creation myth.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Isn't Faith really meant for the lazy people?

    It took me a while to understand why religious organizations would put such an emphasis on Faith. Then I realized that it had two purposes. First, it makes people not question their religious leaders. It became clear that churches use tactics that Jim Jones and David Koresh would use. Don't ask, don't tell, just listen. Each posed as an Authority of the meaning of life and both required that you believe them by unconditionally. When it really comes down to it, they're not asking you to have faith in the Bible, even though they make that claim. What they're really saying is to have faith in their words, and what they're saying, as though it were the word of Gods.

    Second, is that Faith is perfect for your average human being. What better solution to the lazy fat man than to just accept without question. "Don't do research, don't ask questions, don't think, and whatever you do. Don't consider any other possibilities unbiasly. Just believe. Just have......Faith" *Chorus Music* "Let the minister do the thinking for you." I'm surprised I haven't seen that posted billboard in front of the churches yet. Anyway's,that's it. I have nothing more. Lazy man wins.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many times have you seen this?

    I've seen a couple cases where a Christian makes the claim that they've lived their whole lives screwing over others, doing drugs, and having sex with numerous women......but all that's changed. They've found Jesus and now don't do that anymore (or at least that much). Now they PREACH the word of the LORD and all the sudden become the Moral Authority of the Universe!

    Wait a minute. I've lived my whole life as morally as I possibly could since I was a child and now this jackass wants to think he has some insight on morality just because he went screwing off people his whole life and somehow feels that his repentance makes him a better candidate to preach an ethical lifestyle? "Wow!" is all I can say. They really are passing the bong in the churches if they're really believing that crap.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do so many Christians have a thing up their butt against gay people?

    If all sins are equal and you know that you'll committing the same sins over and over and over again without stopping, then how does that make you any more able to go to Heaven than a Gay person?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago