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It seems that far more Christians convert to Atheism than Muslims do. Is it lack of Faith?

Muslims seem much less likely to convert to Atheism, but a Christians seems almost all too willing to give up their beliefs for there lack of beliefs. Are Muslims just more devoted to beliefs or are Christians just more open minded?


Holy Trinity

Good explaination and I laughed when you commented Jabbajj.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In a way.

    Praciticing Islam takes some real effort and commitment -- learning Arabic so you can read the Qur'an, praying five times every single day, fasting for an entire month. So if you can endure all that, you've got a certain amount of intestinal fortitude.

    Christians don't demand much more than a pulse and saying a few magic words, so their flock tends to be lacking in quality because they were more interested in quantity.

    Source(s): @Jabbajj -- You only make yourself look like an @$$hat when you try to call someone "retarded" and can't even SPELL it properly...
  • 1 decade ago

    THis is false historically and by survey, but it is also evidence of your not thinking this through. No one CONVERTS to atheism, one loses faith. And there is a huge difference in that unless your faith is Fideism you have no reason to be entertaining other opinions.

    Consider for example one reason just as an illustration of how people lose faith, and how reasonable the explanation is :

    1 Timothy 1:19

    holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith.

    I know many who have fallen into sexual perversion and suchlike and then because they would not abandon it or even try, their faith slipped, because who wants to see clear as day that they are headed to Hell.

    You have not thought about this at all. You discluded the moral and turned it into something intellectual.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1.Bible has got 5500 greek manuscripts with no two manu matching with each other. and Jesus (PBUH) spoke aramiac.

    while the Quran has only one version, the original, and nobody has been able to alter even a dot.

    2. The church preaches doctrines like trinity and salvation which goes against the bible. (there's no trinity mentioned in the bible). This is propagated by the church and the people are required to beleive in it without questioning.

    3. Look at the attributes of God in the bible " God regretting after drowning the world in the great flood", God being jealous, insecure God confusing the language of the humans. i can go on

    while God in the Quran has unique attributes, unlike his creations.(walam ya kullahu kufuwan ahad), there's nothing like him in his creations.

    To some of the contributers here who say islam kills apostates I'd like them to show the ref in the Quran where it says so. if an american muslim were to renounce islam who would kill him? these are baseless allegations. In fact the Quran says, "la ikraha fiddeen" meaning there's no compulsion in religion.

    If you have any further queries on islam you can check these websites:

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's more to do with what both faiths are doing to enforce people's compliance with their dogmas. A Christian church (of any denomination) is not likely to send out people to try and round up everyone in sight and make them attend the church 3 times every single day. However, in some (conservative) Muslim communities that's exactly what's happening - 5 times a day. Back when your neighbors would report you to the inquisition for skipping church a couple of Sundays, there were much more Christian adherents than there are now.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My tale is lengthy, like others, yet i develop into an excellent Christian contained in the experience i develop right into a pupil of the Bible and that i examined or tried what develop into proposed by technique of the Bible. My journey led me to a profound disillusion with the religion. the classic Christian in Asia, Africa, and the U. S. I dealt with exhibited an outlook, a conception they lived with that eradicated the secret of creation. i imagine as a comfortable guy that develop into too a lot and not in any respect adequate to carry me. So I booked (left the Church)! Now that could no longer all mutually genuine i develop into thrown out of a mega church and advised now to not come again to others because of my greatcontinual to come across the intensity of the religion, the powers of Christ and the teachings. i assumed being a Christian meant to be Christ like and finished of the secret and that theory on my own branded me as an atheist by technique of the Christians I encountered. I don’t inevitably fall into your class yet I loved the different reads a lot i favor to throw my little element contained in the blend. .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most christains--while vocal--generally don't advocate death and execution for people who convert from christianity to athiesm or islam. This pretty much stopped happening in the middle ages for christendom. Islam however--in most of the islamic republics--converting to atheism or christianity is a good way to meet the grim reaper ahead of schedule as a courtesy of the medival governments in power there. Death is a good reason not to convert from islam to other philosophies.

  • 1 decade ago

    Uh no, Muslims are under penalty of death not to convert to anything else, let alone atheism...

    What belief is a self professed Christian giving up if they lacked it to begin with?

    Christians just aren't under any sort of earthly penalty for leaving...

  • 1 decade ago

    Most christians live in societies that are freer and more open to new ideas.Being an atheist in America may get you marginalized but being an atheist in many muslim countries gets you killed.

  • The penalty in some places for converting is death. I think If you had the choice to be alive and muslim or dead and atheist you'd stay fast to your faith

  • 1 decade ago

    Its' called hardness of heart, willing to make their world smaller to be enslaved by the things of this world that will pass away in the blink of an eye.

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