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Why do so many Christians have a thing up their butt against gay people?

If all sins are equal and you know that you'll committing the same sins over and over and over again without stopping, then how does that make you any more able to go to Heaven than a Gay person?

22 Answers

  • Jack
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Christianity is a euphemism for hypocrisy

    Source(s): ed
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know that Christians "have a thing up their butts" (good pun, though), but you make a great point about the hypocrisy of some Christians (and some who claim to be Christians). Homosexuality is clearly in opposition to the will of God. In other words, it is a sin.

    No one who has ever committed ANY sin will enter the gates of Heaven unless one receives redemption from those sins through Jesus Christ. Any homosexual who has GENUINELY received Christ as his savior will be in Heaven; but it's unlikely that many have.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) All sins are NOT equal. Whoever told you that? I mean, do YOU actually think that the sin of murder or rape, torture and murder of an infant are equal to the sin of lying?

    #2) What is true is that ANY sin will keep you out of heaven if you are not redeemed through Jesus Christ and receive his forgiveness and redemption.

    #3) What is unique about the homosexual is that he, by defining himself as a homosexual he is defining himself as a sinner and by defending his sin as anything other than sin he is thereby making it impossible for God to either forgive or redeem him. It is impossible.

    God's forgiveness and redemption REQUIRES 3 basic things

    A) Acknowledging your sin

    B) Confessing your sin as sin

    C) Asking for forgiveness for your specific sin(s)

    D) Repenting of your sin

    Repentance does not mean that you will NEVER commit it again. It means that you truly and sincerely are sorry for it and are seeking God's help in abstaining from it completely. There is no compromise here. God will not accept your agreement to become a better person but you need to hold on to this one sin. God will not accept the man-made demon inspired relatively new notion that you were "made that way".

    It does not matter how much of gay or secular society adopts this new theology of "it's not a choice" and "I was born this way". God will not be mocked WILL reap what you sow.

    God absolutely LOVES gay people, (as do all true Christians) but we cannot and will not compromise on what is clear in God's word. This is a fight for the souls of man and satan is laughing as souls pour into hell daily due to his many deceptions.

    Again, the mere act of defending your gayness and convincing yourself that the act of homosexuality is anything other than sin makes your redemption impossible.

    Personal Note: Before marriage I was a fornicator. ALL sex outside of marriage is sin (gay or straight). The difference is that I NEVER saw it as anything other than sin and would have never defended it. It was a struggle, I prayed for forgiveness for it and God is merciful because he knows that we all are weak.

    The gay person, unlike the fornicating Christian is trying to justify his CHOICES and his sin and say that it is not sin. A straight Christian who does not acknowledge his fornication as sin is equally in trouble

  • 1 decade ago

    All sins are not equal. Sins of the flesh are of the lowest. True Christians do not have anything against Homosexuals. True Christians do not judge others for any reason. If the person believes and follows Christ, then their sexual orientation has nothing to do with anything. The Bible was written by men during a period when gay-bashing was normal, socially and politically it was accepted.

    Simply put Humans fear what they cannot understand, or are unwilling to understand. It is this fear that causes discrimination, hatred, wars, and sins of every calibre.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No you have it wrong Christians don't have anything up their butts!

    But on a serious note, the Bible says that homosexuals won't inherit the Kingdom of G-d.

    EDIT: Ahh a thumbs down?? Many people don't like hearing the Truth. The Bible says homosexuality is sin and that no sin can enter Heaven!

    Don't you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the Kingdom of G-d? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers, adulterers, prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers--none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of G-d. 1st Corinthians 6:9-10

  • 1 decade ago

    In the old testament it was a killing offense to be gay. It also says kill your unruly children and make your women silent in church.

    Funny part to me is the old testament isn't supposed to apply anymore according to most Christian sects.

    Small sin can be hell-worthy without redemption but pale in comparison when dealing with a killing offense.

    I think a lot of Cristians stay silent on the matter when it comes forward in church. Fear of rejection by their peers keeps them quiet.

    I don't mind if people are gay but if they thought it was a sin they would be living against their own moral code.

    Where does it end with a person who will go against what they think is right just because it feels good?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    so having relations with some one of the same sex is no different than lusting after your neighbors spouse, which is the same as murder? This makes no sense especially since the first two are victimless acts and the other is the second worst crime you could commit

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I know there's a joke in your question just can't think of it. jk

    If their book says that being gay is a sin then you're constantly sinning until you change your sexual preference. Look on the bright side though, according to sum when you die and God shows you the truth he'll let into Heaven if you accept to change who you were in this life.... So... at least you still have a shot in getting into Christian heaven.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is the only sin that Jesus was not tempted with. Reason being is that its "Not Normal" therefore its not the same as other sins!

  • G C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    God commands us to speak out against blatant wrongs that God has already condemned. Homosexuals desire all to accept them with honor. There is honor in sex only in the marriage bed between a man and his wife. So says God. If this bothers you, it is because you wish to do as you wish and want respect in what God condemns with great anger.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bride has it right..

    We don't have fornicators, liars, thieves, rapists or any other sin marching in the streets and declaring that they have a right to that sin.

    We don't have thieves or murderers telling me to stick the Bible up my rear either

    But fear not those that kill the body because they can not kill the soul & spirit..

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