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Kerilyn asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

Has anyone taken the drug: Lorazepam...(Ativan)?

I would really appreciate any information you have about it..


5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have taken it often. Hellbound gave you some very good information, but I will break it down a bit.

    It is wonderful as a sleep aid or anxiety controller, because it doesn't give you the "hangover" that some drugs can.

    Ativan (and all "benzos") can be highly addictive. Always be aware if this. That being said, I have taken Ativan for years. It is a godsend when I need it.

    Don't fear it, but don't abuse it.

  • 1 decade ago

    looks like hellbound just copy and pasted from wikipedia...

    anyways, yes I have actually taken it. It's good if you have anxiety and are nervous.

    Some things I do like about it, is that it just kind of make you more happy.. don't really know how to explain it. Another thing I like about it is that it doesn't turn me into a zombie and make me forget things like other benzo's.

    It seems for subtle and is just a nice feeling. Just don't ever think you should take more than what your prescribed like I did... Ended up feeling very sick and miserable. And when I did that much, I did experience great memory loss and forgot almost everything that happened.

    For some, it can be addicting, but for me it wasn't even very appealing to me. I'd rather drink or do opiates any day.

    If you want more info on the drug, just go to wiki or erowid has lots of information on any drug you can think of.

  • Hi...I haven't taken it but I am a medical student.

    So Lorazepam is a "benzodiazepine", which a group of medications that are mainly used to combat anxiety and convulsions (Correct altered brain chemicals) and they also relax muscles. It should not be used in people with kidney or liver diseases or those with open angle glaucoma or allergy to benzodiazepines (But I assume your doctor checked your medical history?)

    The possible side effects are:

    A. Serious side effects (See a doctor if you have any of them!):

    1. Depression and maybe suicidal thoughts

    2. Hyperactivity, agitation

    3. Hallucinations

    4. Feeling light-headed, fainting.

    B. Less serious side effects:

    1. Skin rashes

    2. Appetite changes

    3. Forgetfulness

    4. Sleeping problems

    5. Nausea and sometimes constipation

    But if you have no diseases or allergies and followed the dose correctly, it is less likely that you'll have any serious side effects or most of the minor ones.

    Source(s): Good luck My Pharmacology Textbook
  • 1 decade ago

    Hellbound has given you the most in-depth definition of the medication. I use it to tame anxiety and panic attacks. It makes me tired, especially when combined with a group of other meds I take. It does work very well, though. I used to have panic attacks and anxiety (which I still get from time to time above the normal levels I used to.... gotta thank the US Air Force) that were debilitating and now I'm under control mostly.

    Hope this helps.


    Source(s): Prior Air Force medical technician which gives me the knowledge to tell you Hellbound's info is accurate to the "T", and that I'm a patient now.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I have taken it often over there:

    but I too break it down a bit.

    Don't fear it.

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