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Christians: What's the best way to witness to a very calloused lost person?

I work with this very lost ex military girl who is about as calloused a person I have ever seen. So much so her voice most of the time is robotic and monotone like she has no personality. I know part of the reason for her mechanical behavior is because of the time she spent in the military, but also know sin has played a part in hardening her as well.

She's covered in tattoo's ,drinks like a fish and has one of those pitted faces that looks like she's partied pretty hard. She's recently taken a liking to me, but does not know I'm a Christian, but think she senses that I'm not the typical run of the mill person who goes out and parties like the majority in the retail store we work in do. I've been praying for God to soften her heart and show me the best way to witness to such a person.

Do any of you have any advice on how to approach such a person with the gospel message ? Thanks in advance for your answers. God bless.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Genuinely love her and become her friend (interested in her life and welfare with no ulterior motive.)

    God will work in you to reach her. Your love and giving is still pleasing to God, whether she heeds the call or not.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The very commencing up of your question supply you the respond "Christians & Jehovah's Witnesses, what's .... You separated the two, in simple terms properly. The Jehovah's Witnesses are no longer Christians, they have a created faith. they have a created Jesus, a created resurrection and a created e book that they use to represent the bible. I say this as they have created Jesus from Michael, the Archangel and while their Jesus became killed on a stake and buried, he arose on the 0.33 day a spirit creature (Michael the Archangel). This comparable Jesus manifested a physique that appeared in simple terms like Jesus, yet became no longer him as he became ineffective, ineffective continuously, and he confirmed this manifested physique to Jesus' disciples, thereby deceiving them into have self belief that he rose in his very own actual physique. anyhow, he went to Heaven, invisibly and in 1874 he lower back invisibly. yet that date became replaced to 1914 and so became the full concept of his returning. His returning became his invisible presence, which meant, later teachings. that he somewhat did no longer return to earth yet in simple terms took up his Kingship and became his interest in direction of earth. of direction you will no longer locate any of those products in a real bible, so as a result they do no longer seem to be Christians. they're, although, christians, (observe little "c") as they seem to be a created faith with a created "christ" and a created salvation. So why no longer a created "apostate" call calling to inspire their club into submission. in case you have been to pass by making use of the authentic which ability of an apostate, then maximum Jw's will greater healthful that invoice as maximum have left Christianity and went to this created faith and maximum venomously pontificate against all different denominations of Christianity. they have became their backs on authentic Christianity and pontificate opposite to biblical teachings, so in all actuality this is the JW's that are the authentic apostates.

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    By example. Actions speak louder than words. Be patient, kind, loving and understanding - and yet firm in the Lord. Let her see the work the Lord has done in you.

    BTW some simply do not wish to be saved. God doesn't make them and neither do we.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You make me laugh. Here you claim to be so pious but yet you are looking for a way to attempt making another person believe as you do about fiction. That is done for an ulterior motive, and you would not be doing anything in honesty no matter how you approached her. Why not just live your life and leave her alone, and if you dislike where you work you can always quit and find another job.Right?!

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  • 1 decade ago

    with your testimony your going to preach the Gospel dont slam her with a curve ball just be the Christian that you are because your the closes image of Jesus she knows so just show her love as gGod did for you .SISTER its time to fast , and pray let the Holly spirit do the job pray for her .GOD will answer he honors those who honor him in spirit and in truth GOD BLESS YOU

  • 1 decade ago

    "As a Christian, it’s your God given mission to convert as many Atheists as humanly possible. Whilst it might seem an impossible task, be assured that it is not! Atheists are usually quite dull and will produce the same range of hopeless arguments against God."

  • 2K
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Actions always speak louder then words

  • 1 decade ago

    Even if I was a Christian ,I would be be cautious about attempting to tell a person her beliefs are wrong. It is presumptuous of you to think she wants to change.

    You seem to be well intended ,but adults know how to go to a church if they want to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here's a remarkably off-the-wall idea: mind your own business. If God wants to reach that person, let Him do it. Who are you to interfere?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    show her the joy and fulfillment in your life (w/out being annoying).... she will ask whats up

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