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Why is Yahoo still posting stories about global warming when we have to go elsewhere for climategate?

We have to go to special one-sided news sources for details on the global warming scandal. I want to know what the left thinks about this. And then, Yahoo continues to post news still supporting global warming AFTER it has been debunked!


If someone lies about something or uses bad data (or made up data), in my eyes, that automatically debunks their theory. Sad thing it that I actually used to believe it.

Update 2:

People are coming to the light, Clintwood! I am one of those 20% who changed over! (I do gotta admit, though, that those curly cue light bulbs that I bought look cool!)

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For the believers of global warming out there, you might find it interesting to know that YOU are rapidly becoming the MINORITY. The belief in global warming in America at this time is at the lowest it has ever been in 12 years. The poll was conducted by Harris Interactive, and they concluded that between Nov. 2 and the 11th (before Climategate) the percentage of people that believed in global warming dropped dramatically. 75% believed in 2001, 71% believed in 2007 and that number has now dropped to 51%.

    People that did NOT believe in global warming has also risen sharply. 73% of democrats believe in global warming, 49% of independants believe in global warming and 28% of republicans believe in global warming. As for the conference in Copenhagen, only 28% of people polled knew that the topic to be discussed was global warming/climate change. Most were prepared to talk about the economy, nuclear weapons and such. Climate gate continues to gather strength whether the global warming believers want to hear it or not. The leaked documents (over 1000 e-mails and other documents) show that some scientists were deliberatly "cooking" the books to make the global readings higher. They also refused to hand over ANY of their data to any of whom were skeptical . Some plotted to keep other scientists froim publishing their finds as it did not agree with the global warming crowd, and they kept it disclosed under the Freedom of Information law. I am sure that as more news of Climate gate rears it's head, Yahoo will pick it up. This is not over, not by a long shot.

  • This is no different from any other issue that negatively effects the poor. If 99% of the people believe they are duping us with this man-made global warming farce, they will still have meetings, debate the issue, hem and haw for a year or two and then implement a new law to sc$#w the poor. This new law of course will have no effect on the warming, even though they will say that it does!

    Another words, more of the same. Lies, lies, and more lies!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well to tell the truth Obama and his boss David Rockefeller are still trying to sell the AGW con games when the world is heading into another ice age with the sun the quietest is has ever been documented. Even during the Maunder minimum which is the quietest period we have records for the sun never shut down as deep as it currently is. If the sun remains as quiet as it currently is in the next 10 years the world is going to get very cold and we are going to sorely miss those solar power stations in orbit and the farming satellites that both Republicans and Democrats were planning on building to feed the US and the world. But Davids first super liberal president Jimmy Carter scrapped the solar power program amd the farming satellites as the first stage of Davids New World Order Pogrom designed to take the world back to the dark ages when his Bavarian ancestors created and maintained the medieval period.

    Some scientific information revealing the truth about global warming, when it happened and what probably caused it. And as well how many years, centuries or Milena it might be before the world warms up again from the coming ice age.

    Where the heat came from and why it was abnormally cold previously

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lets control the masses with mass issues

    First we had the cold war from the 40's to the 80's

    Wall came down hurrah!

    New idea required Global Warming late 80's

    There's a lot of mileage in that one!

    GW is the biggest most amazing waste of money and resources ever thought up!

    When will it end?

    We move the earth further from the sun!

    or when we realise there is absolutely nothing we can do!

    How long will that take?

    Well we're not moving the earth yet so when will it fizzle me!

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What will also be funnier than international warming Kool Aid guzzlers replacing the identify in their foolish crusade from international warming to local weather difference while info exhibit warming is NOT going down?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Warming Activists are simply putting up a smoke-screen. They are in serious denial of the fact that they have been fed a big pile of it and swallowed the whole scam..... hokk, line & sinker.

    Have pity on them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Y/A is biased! As evident by how they will remove my answer!

  • 1 decade ago

    What do you expect them to say about ClimateGate? They already ran a story that the files were stolen. The criminal hasn't been caught yet, so there's no news.

    Your claim that global warming has been debunked is totally unsupported. None of the stolen emails even remotely debunk global warming. Yahoo runs stories when they're newsworthy. The planet is still warming, even if you deny this fact.

  • David
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The fact that you "have to go to special one-sided news sources" doesn't tell you anything?

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