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How old was your child when you grounded him/her for the first time?

My two and a half year old daughter is coming off her first week-long grounding. I chuckle over the incident now, but at the time...

Last Friday I got home from work at 10:30, and she was still awake. Between when I got home and when I went to bed, I pulled her out of her closet and put her back into bed five times. At 3:45 in the morning, she wakes me up by crawling into my bed. Turns out she had gotten through the baby gate I put across her doorway as well as the one I put across the hall entrance (so the dogs don't get into the rest of the house at night); I found numerous shoes and clothes that I had sorted for storing, books, toys, and other things from the dining room. There was also two bottles of detangler, nail polish, lotion, toothpaste, and bodywash from the bathroom, all uncapped, in her room. Because I was in *such* a good mood at 3:45 in the morning, I grounded her for a week: no movies, no dolphin lamp in her room (it's a funky little thing), no Toby (cat) at naptime and betime, and no toys besides one stuffed animal in her room at BT and NT.

So how old was your child when you grounded him/her for the first time, and what was the punishment? And the crime, if you want to share, lol.


Thank you, but I'm not looking for tips on how to discipline my child. I'm simply asking the question out of curiosity.

Update 2:

Once again, I'm NOT looking for tips on how to discipline my child. If that's all you're going to post, then don't bother posting. I'm simply wondering how old your child was the first time you grounded him/her.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For my oldest it was 3. She went out of her way to really make my niece feel bad and then pushed her off the swings. I grounded her for a week. NO TV and early bed time and no daddy-daughter day with Daddy. And no shopping with Mommy. Now she's 17 and hasn't been grounded so much in the past year.

    For my 13 year old it was 7. He rarely gets grounded. At the time he failed a spelling test that he swore he studied for but lied about studying for. We took away TV, computer and toys for a week.

    My youngest is 7 and she's never really been grounded. Just time outs. Her dad totally gives into her....and I'm suprised he hasn't learned from our oldest.

  • 1 decade ago

    She misses you, wants to spend more time with you. No amount of punishment will change that. She may up the ante and mix all those bottles of stuff into a nice brew in the hallway. She's more of the age for time-outs rather than grounding. She has no clue what that is and a day after the offense she really doesn't realize why she's being punished. Love on her. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I was 12 and I got grounded for like 3 days for staying out until midnight and scaring my mom half to death. I'm 16 and I haven't been grounded since cause I don't do anything lol. I hope everything works out with your 2 and a half year old, she sounds very curious and likes to get into things ;p

  • Amy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I never got much groundings . She might be sleep walking or just missus you. When I was littler i remember a few times not being aloud to watch tv when I was like 3 or 4 but I remember I had no clue what I had done. I would suggest you stay in her room till she falls asleep then leave and go into your room. She would know she couldn't get up but also have the comfort of you being their.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im 13 and never gotten grounded! Try a 10 min time-out!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was 11. I got in trouble because I poured soda on my dads head when I was angry at him because he was yelling at me.

    I was grounded the WHOLE summer!

  • 1 decade ago

    your daughter will never be perfect.. she will always make mistakes so she will always be grounded

    the reasonable thing to do for a toddler and young adults is a time out

    two mins for age two

    three mins for age three

    if you keep this up.. all they will remember from their child hood is what an ogre their mum was.

    if my teenager did this.. it would be appropriate

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    she is too young to ber grounded just play with her wait until she is on her teens then you ground her!

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