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Lv 5
RoeB asked in Home & GardenMaintenance & Repairs · 1 decade ago

Where can I find Parts and Manual for Warm Morning Propane Heater?

Have warm morning propane heater model VR-65D-MAB. I need to find parts list and parts for the heater. Understand Locke Stove once owned the Warm Morning Co. but was bought out by Martin Industries who went bankrupt in 2002. Am sure there are some parts and manuals out there somewhere but where?


Pilot lights OK but at times when thermostat turns stove off I get large puff from gas that blows out the pilot light.

4 Answers

  • gizmoe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What parts are you looking for or what problem are you having? Universal parts are available for that unit.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Where can I find Parts and Manual for Warm Morning Propane Heater?

    Have warm morning propane heater model VR-65D-MAB. I need to find parts list and parts for the heater. Understand Locke Stove once owned the Warm Morning Co. but was bought out by Martin Industries who went bankrupt in 2002. Am sure there are some parts and manuals out there somewhere but where?

    Source(s): find parts manual warm morning propane heater:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i had the same problem but reversed: i needed to convert mine from propane to natural gas i looked warm morning up on the internet and called them( i think they were in Atlanta Georgia) and they wouldnt sell me the conversion kit because i wasn't a dealer, so i had to get the local propane dealer to order it for me, so check with you propane dealer and see if they can help

  • 1 decade ago

    If google and manufacturer website are of no help then ask a search agency like - They find you every manual. The service is not for free, but

    often worthy (you only pay if they find what you are asking for).

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