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What do you think about this "History of Healing"?

A Brief History of Healing:

2000 B.C. - "Here, eat this root."

1000 A.D.- "That root is heathen! Here, say this prayer."

1850 A.D.- "That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion."

1940 A.D.- "That potion is snake-oil. Here, swallow this pill."

1985 A.D.- "That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic."

2000 A.D.- "That antibiotic doesn't work. Here, eat this root."

4 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I think that your list shows only one aspect of the history that started long before when one cave man was more clever than the other and found out that he could manipulate the other by pretending that he knows more and then telling them what they must do. In this way making them dependent on him. If some body got sick and felt bad, then the mighty 'healer' celebrated a ritual and expelled the bad spirit from his patient. Once the dependency was established, it was easier just to tell: Here, eat this root.

    Nothing has changed: The dependency from the established health system and the priests in their white ceremonial dress, is still the same.

    Healing from something 'bad' only can happen through the power of the established authority! What has changed meanwhile, is that the priests are not the almighty ones, now it is the pharmaceutical industry that holds the power and just using the priests to sell their products.

    Even though there are now some alternative ways to heal from the 'bad' the dependency is still the same. The ignorance and naivety of the suffering people hasn't changed at all during history.

    Lately there is some information showing up, that healing has to do with growing and must include the whole being of a person, so that eliminating just the symptoms of a disease is not enough. This information still is ignored, because being engaged in ones own healing process has to do with work on oneself and this is still something hardly is wanted and even though the need for this becomes clear, then one leaves this to a professional and does only what one is told.

    The next step and a new line in your list, would be that people take self responsibility and get out of dependencies from authorities. That would mean having the understanding that healing includes ones whole existence with all parts of ones system and the reason for ones 'disease' is that some thing on one level is out of balance and the symptom might show on an other level. So 'healing' would then mean, bringing ones system back to ones balance and that would include, that one finds out the reason why one got out of balance... Healing oneself like this would be a *growing & healing process* and with this one would connect with ones source and real being - and not being stuck any more in the illusion of a fake identification that could be used to make people dependent...

    To be continued...


  • 1 decade ago

    Highly Agreed! I love it!

    Owner of Holistic Wellness Center


  • 1 decade ago

    Lol funny.

    You forgot

    2009 AD.-"Nothing else is effective.Here,eat this Acai Berry"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hahahaha Yip, thats right.

    Soon the world will realise that marijuana can cure everything as well, and people will be instructed to plant their own medicine.

    Perfect world

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