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What is God's purpose for the Earth?

...or did He/She just think it might be Nice to have one, No reason?

10 Answers

  • Ernie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    HE planned for humans to populate the earth, and have dominion over it. We were created to have fellowship with God, and sin messed it up temporarily. Jesus made things right again by dying in our place, so we could live in His.

  • mom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    for humans to live on a paradise earth forever. Jehovah never changed his mind. if Adam and Eve did not disobey Jehovah we would never grow old and die. that is why Jesus Christ the Son came to earth to die for us so we can live forever

  • edoedo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    God made this earth but actually we are suppose to live on it forever because Adam made a huge stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    To see who will have the best actions. And to see who will have faith in the unseen and patience by sacrificing the false and decieving pleasures of this world for the real and fulfilling pleasures of the hereafter.

    Source(s): Islam is the truth
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  • 1 decade ago

    First, Jesus called God "Father" for a reason.........

    Second, the entire scope and theme of the Bible is : RECONCILIATION

    Take a read sometime and you might be able to figure that out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no reason. Just accept it as fact and get on with your life

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To serve as a temporary home for humans.

  • cheir
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    To get back to what it should be like.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    for us to find out for ourself what we are here for and to find God ourselfs.

    hey take a look at my answer to another persons question. im proud of it lol. it should be more detailed though. I did forget one thing in it.

    what better way to seperate the good from the wicked than to make them into little creatures and put them on a big chunk of matter

    I was baptized, but never believed... i always asked questions. i needed to know what God was. listening to a story believing it wasn't enough for me.

    ok.... i'll try and make this as brief as i can. I have learned A LOT in the past six years. I am 20 years old. I have done A LOT of thinking. It actually all came together one day 2 years ago when I herd Joe Rogan talk about the after life in a youtube video.

    so hear it goes....

    Have you ever remembered a dream? In that/those dreams have you ever talked to a friend or family memeber? did that friend or family member sound the same as they did in real life? did they say something like they would say? have the same tone? (if not at least sound the same?) in a dream have you ever met a new person? a total legit character?.... now think. was that friend, family member or person u met in the dream world sleeping at the same time? maybe, maybe not it doesn't matter (i'll tell y in a sec).

    but ask them the same question. they'll say that u where in there dream one night or another and they will say yes u did sound like as u where in the flesh.

    now imagine that they were dreaming at the same time u where dreaming. and in ur dream you where with them talking, laughing, crying whatever in a certain setting and in THEIR dream you where talking with them in a complete different setting. hmmmm u both where to places at the same time...

    ok hear goes...


    there are different plains of consciousness. We as HUMANS here on EARTH are at a fairly low state of consciousness. one step above us is where we goes every night, whether you remember or not. Its the dream world (give me a break i dont know the correct name of the levels of consciousness)

    one step below us are the people who have died and feel they had not finished something. they are the ones stuck in "limbo" or purgatory. (if u dont believe in ghost then u should, most anything is possible....and be thankful you've never been in contact with one because it is one of the scariest feelings you'll ever have, trust me ;) ) and lets not go any lower than that. I dont like thinking about those levels and why would I? I just think the purest evil is absolute nothing (will make sense later in the read)

    this is hard to make brief... ok so think. here on earth you are where you are at that very point in time, ok? when you are dreaming you can be many many many places at the same time ( i dont say everywhere, because that's an even higher state of consciousness!!! lol chill, i know little of that place)

    so as u are dreaming. you are in your dream, maybe ur moms maybe ur dads , maybe ur best friends, maybe all ur friends, maybe that character that is in ur dream... not to mention the billions of other people dreaming that you could be in as a random character. ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

    you see in that higher state of consciousness time does not apply... you are in several (to say the least) different places at the same exact point in time. Why? lol why not thats way cool!!


    simple (lol) TIME only matters to MATTER. here on earth every single thing we deal with is made of matter. we ourselfs IN THE FLESH are made of matter. EVERYTHING in the UNIVERSE is made of matter....

    God made the universe. remember how? no one knows how to explain it, but it was written in the beginning there was darkness... and then there was light. so NOTHING existed until CONSCIOUSNESS.

    God is at the top of the plains of consciousness. God is the TOTALITY of all CONSCIOUSNESS!!! you, me, that squirrel across the street.

    geeze how brief does it get huh?

    so... of course people and other consciousness things can grow away from God. I bet some grow almost entirely away from God. I don't like to think of things like that though

    I would also say that we here on earth are dead center between good and evil. again dude I dont want to think about those lower states to much. maybe the ones in limbo still have some God in them, in fact I bet they do.

    ok to rap it up... Jesus was God in HUMAN FORM!!! think about that....

    now, many beings can become close to God through dreams and/or meditation. including youself. That is why there where many great people in the world saying they knew our maker and saying follow me, do this, dont do that.

    I certainly hope that there are other way to go to HEAVEN (high state of consciousness) for those that choose not to believe in Jesus. BUT who knows for sure ;)

    dude idk what else to say man... Im runnin out of steam. its like 2:40 am here in chicago. umm oh yeah.

    so as far as following the rules of the book goes... to tell you the truth I kn

  • 1 decade ago

    for you to find your purpose.

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