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Married/living often do you shave your legs? Men, do you care?

My fiance and I have been living together for over 2 years. I don't feel like I've let myself go in any other area, except how often I shave. I still keep up my looks, do hair and make-up regularly, and even put on lingerie on occasion. But sometimes I go a couple of weeks between shaving my legs. I take showers in the morning before work and sometimes just don't have the time or energy to shave! My fiance doesn't seem to notice and we have "relations" often. How long do you go? Men, does it matter??


Lol Allison...Chewbacca! Just for the record...I'm Irish. Fair skin, red hair, blue eyes, and very light and fine hair on legs. If I would ever look like Chewbacca, I know it would be a problem!

Update 2:

Josephine: Thank you for your honest answer. And I don't mean to offend you when I ask this, but is it better to be the chick on the side or the women who may not shave everyday but is the one whom he stood up in front of god and all of his loved ones to proclaim is the one for him?

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm just going to say this, and I don't even care about thumbs down so as long as you read it.

    I've been a mistress to quite a few men. They all talk about their wives, of course. This is something they have ALL complained about. "my wife hardly ever shaves her legs, it's so gross. but I tell her I don't care, if I say I do she'll bite my head off."

    Your man DOES notice, and he DOES care.

    "is it better to be the chick on the side or the women who may not shave everyday but is the one whom he stood up in front of god and all of his loved ones to proclaim is the one for him?"

    Depends on what you're looking for. I didn't want to be a wife, I didn't want a "relationship" with these men. It was no-strings-attached-sex and that's all I wanted. So for me, being the chick on the side was better.

  • 1 decade ago

    I normally shave every 4-5 days. Even if I wasn't with anyone I would shave that often just because it bothers me. If I let it get to long it will start itching all the time from the pants. But my husband notices. He says something about it all the time. If he had a choice I would shave everyday.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    dude, don't listen to all those people who say men don't shave their legs. there are plenty of guys that shave their legs for many different reasons. if you want to shave, keep doing it. don't get discourages by a few immature people. you can shave as many times as you want with no fear of ruining you legs. a lot of guys i play sports with shave their legs year round and shave either 1 or 2 times per week. some shave every 2-3 days. it's all about preference. i am too lazy to shave except when i feel it is necessary and then i shave only 1 time per week. i actually find it easier to shave more frequently than to wait for it to grow out too long; for me that is about 7 days.

  • Gidget
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have very fine light colored hair on my legs so I don't need to shave every day. But I do live in Florida and wear shorts year round so I never go more then 3 days without shaving.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I shave my legs about every 2-3 days. If I feel stubble while I'm in the shower, then I must shave them. Husband doesn't care about leg hair.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It depends. At the moment I am not working so I shave quite often. Now when I go back to work it will be less often. My husband thinks its gross when I don't but he doesn't understand working full time, taking care of 2 kids, 2 dogs and a house is exhausting!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I shave each time I shower, I did the same even when I was single. I don't know if my husband even notices or cares, but I do these things for myself because I like my body a certain way. I shower in the evenings, so I have plenty of time to attend to all of my personal hygiene needs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont shave unless I need to. My husband doesnt mind if its a bit prickly. Hes like "I hate shaving my face everyday, I cant imagine shaving my fricken legs everyday" lol. I'm 6'0 so it seems like it takes a half hour every time I shave them.

    It doesnt matter, as long as you and your husband/boyfriend are comfortable.

    Plus. Men can say crap... sometimes we want your junk shaved... MAINTAIN IT MEN! MAINNNTAINNN.


  • 1 decade ago

    I dont have time to shave either. Especially if I am not gonna be wearing shorts. I dont let them get too out of control but my boyfriend doesnt seem to care or notice. I dont think it is a big deal at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    HAHAHHAH. I love it! I shave about once a week in the Winter. More in the summer, of course. He doesn't really care that much. But he will make fun of me every now and then saying it's like sleeping with a cactus.

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