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  • Old college friend just got married. What can I send her?

    A good friend of mine just got married in a very small, intimate wedding (only their parents were there). Although they've been engaged for 3 years, the wedding was a surprise and I just found out 3 weeks later via e-mail. I'd like to recognize their marriage and congratulate them. I usually give money at weddings, but it seems tacky to send them a card with a check. What can I send them as a gift?

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • First trip to Vegas...what show should we see? What club is good?

    My boyfriend and I are planning a trip to Las Vegas in January. We will probably stay at Paris as it seems to be very affordable and is in the middle of the strip. I know we want to see Zumanity. Any suggestions on a second show to see? Also, what's a good club to go to? We are in our late 20s and love to dance. I was also thinking of taking a helicopter ride over the strip at night. Has anyone done this? How much should we expect to pay and was it worth it?

    3 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade ago
  • About my brother and his crazy girlfriend...?

    My younger brother (22 yrs old) and his girlfriend are very off-again, on-again. I know he's not perfect, but she is just plain crazy! When they broke up this last time she stalked him, told people he hit her (which wasn't true...I know this because 1.) my brother wouldn't do that or I'd kill him and 2.) i heard the voicemail she left him admitting to lying about this), threatened to kill herself, and showed up at his job (which almost got him fired). My fiance and I are very close to my brother and we hang out with him a lot. Because he always wants her around now, I haven't been seeing him lately. My fiance thinks I'm being selfish and we should accept her back into our lives because it's my brother's decision to date her. I hate not seeing my brother every weekend anymore, but I don't want to be around this psycho-girl. The four of us used to double-date all the time and I do get along with her when we're all together, but the last few stunts she's pulled I just don't want to deal with it! My fiance is upset because my brother is his best friend and he thinks I'm being stubborn and should get over it. Am I right or should I get over it?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • We've been trying to conceive but I might lose my job?!?

    We've been trying since September with no luck. Last month, my job started laying-off. I mentioned to my hubby that I might want to wait to see what happens with my job before trying again. He doesn't agree. I earn half of the household income, and I'm already concerned about the expense of having a child! I would hate to be pregnant and unemployed. We just bought a house and we both have many expenses (student loans, car payments, credit card debt, etc.). I'm the more responsible one in the relationship. I pay the bills, he thinks everything will work itself out. If you were in this situation, would you put off having a child?

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I need a really good practical joke to play on my friend/co-worker.?

    Any ideas? We kind of have a "prank war" going on at work and I need something good!

    It started at Christmas. She was off for a few days and I wrapped up her entire office. Desk, computer, chair, tape dispenser, stapler...everything! We've been going back and forth ever since. Most recently, when I got up from my desk for a few minutes she e-mailed some co-workers from my computer that I thought I was pregnant. I retaliated by staying late and sticky post-it's on about 20 people's computer that said "see me when you get in - stacey". Almost all of them showed up at her office at 8:30am when she got in. Kind of corny, but we're having fun!

    Now I'm out of ideas...if you have any please share!!

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Did your spouse have a child before you were married? Did you take that into consideration?

    I work in child support enforcement. I've had a lot of new spouse's complain that their significant other's child support obligation is preventing them from adequately supporting their new family. My question is...don't people take this into consideration before marrying/procreating with a person? Basically, if he had 4 kids before you married him, shouldn't you have thought about his monetary obligations prior to having a child together? I would love to get some feedback from some 2nd wives concerning hubby's support of his 1st family. Also, has anyone ever decided not to pursue a relationship with someone because of their financial obligations to their first family? Thanks in advance.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Are you in love with a vampire?

    So Private Practice made it look like 13 year olds are biting each other because of Twilight. Honestly, how many of you teens or pre-teens believe in vampires and/or are in relationships with a vampire and allowed them to bite your neck? Please give details. Thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Should I confront my boss?

    I live in PA. It's a blizzard here today! Yesterday, my boss sent an e-mail to the staff about how we're expected to be at work unless the governor declares it a state of emergency. She went on to say that she will be making it in and that it would be disrespectful to herself and our fellow employees to call off and leave them to do our work. So me and my rear-wheel drive vehicle drove the 20-miles to work this morning. But she didn't show! I'm am so angry that I was expected to risk life and limb to be here, and she's at home in bed. I feel like she thinks her life is more important than ours. I don't want to ruin my career, but can I somehow bring this up to her?

    13 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How to pay tribute to my deceased father?

    I'm planning my wedding. My step-father will walk me down the aisle and we will dance the "father-daughter" dance together. He's been in my life for over 15 years. My father passed away last year. I wish he could be here to walk me down the aisle. Does anyone have any ideas on respectful, positive ways to include his memory in the reception?

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • To those who planned pregnancies...?

    What qualities did you look for in the person who was the future mother or father to your child? How did it play out? Are they everything you thought they would be in parent??

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My co-worker is mad because I called out sick due to a hangover.?

    The situation is I called out sick last week because I had a hangover (after going out for a friend's birthday). My co-worker knew I was going out the night before and figured out that I called off because of a hangover. Even though I didn't mean to, it happened. Now she's acting like I did something terribly wrong and she keeps bringing it up. We're the same age and my thing is, she has 3 kids. I have none. She's called off multiple times during the past few months because her kids were sick. I understand that, but I haven't called off at all. Is her reason more "valid" than mine just because she had kids? We have different lifestyles and I can respect that. But she acts like she's holier than though because when she takes off it's to care for sick kids even though I call out a lot less often than she does. We've both accrued the sick time. Why is she acting like I shouldn't take mine because I don't have children? I'm trying to be professional about it but she is getting on my last nerve. She's gotten an attitude and said things a few times this week like "oh, that happened the day you called off because you drank too much". I don't treat her like that when her kids are sick. Should I say something or just grin and bear it? Am I wrong to feel this way?

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What is the best hip hop song from the 90s?

    I'm making a cd for a friend.

    7 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • My friend is going through a tough time, but I can't deal with it anymore!?

    My friend is going through problems with her husband. Long story short...he cheated, told her he was leaving her for the other woman, changed his mind and now wants to make it work with her. The whole time I have been telling her that I would leave him if it were me. But, she keeps asking my opinion and it's getting old. Every day she calls and wants to talk about it for over an hour. This has been going on for 2 months now. I love her and don't want to insult her, but it's the same thing over and over. I don't want to give her my true advice anymore because it's obvious she doesn't want to take it. Every time I tell her what I think she turns my words into what she wants to hear or makes excuses for him. Although I want to be there for her, I don't have the time to discuss the same issues over and over..I have my own "issues" to deal with! How can I let her know that I support her, but can't talk about it for more than an hour EVERY day?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Should I tell him to take the new job?

    My fiancee makes a decent living, but has been offered a higher-paying job within another company. I know he would enjoy this job a lot less than his current position, but it does pay 1/3 more and I think it could lead to better oportunities for him. We're saving to buy a house and the extra income would help! I think he's leaning towards no, but should I encourage him to take it? I don't want him to resent me if he hates this new job.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Are fertility monitors helpful?

    We've been trying to conceive for a few months. My period is very regular (every 28 days) and so far we have been TTC based on the days I'm supposed to be ovulating. Are fertility monitors and/or thermometers helpful? Should we buy one for next month?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • When do you combine bank accounts?

    My fiancee and I have been living together for over 2 years. Things are great, but he is hesitant to combine bank accounts or even put my name on his account. I pay the mortgage from my account and he has to drive to the bank every 2 weeks to put his share of the payment into my account. And with Christmas shopping, there were times when both of us might overdraft and we would have to run to the bank to deposit money from one account into the other's account (we didn't want to transfer from savings). Why won't he put my name on his account and his on mine so we can transfer money online? We would still have separate would just make things more convenient!

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Married/living often do you shave your legs? Men, do you care?

    My fiance and I have been living together for over 2 years. I don't feel like I've let myself go in any other area, except how often I shave. I still keep up my looks, do hair and make-up regularly, and even put on lingerie on occasion. But sometimes I go a couple of weeks between shaving my legs. I take showers in the morning before work and sometimes just don't have the time or energy to shave! My fiance doesn't seem to notice and we have "relations" often. How long do you go? Men, does it matter??

    30 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do I get my laid-back mother-in-law to understand I need to make plans?

    My fiance's mother and brother live 4 hours away. They are coming for the holidays, but won't lock in a date or time of their arrival. They often do this and I try not to stress too much because it's just their laid-back personalities, but my extended family doesn't understand. This time we will be going to my Aunt's for Christmas Eve dinner. She wants to know how many people to expect and I don't blame her. But my fiance's family keeps saying they will be here "christmas eve or early christmas day". He won't press them for an exact date. How can I ask his mother to tell me when she'll definitely be here without being rude? I've already said "well my aunt needs to know if you're coming christmas eve". Her response was "if we're not there by then we'll be there for christmas"...ugh!

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I'm trying to conceive. Should I plan to go on a cruise in April?

    So my fiancee and I have been trying to conceive for a few months with no luck. I don't want to stop trying because we can't wait to get pregnant! My 2 best friends asked us to go on a cruise with them and their husbands in April. We would pay for it in January. I think it would be so much fun and would love to go, but I'm hesitant because if we got pregnant between now and then I'm concerned about morning sickness on the ship. I don't want to pay $1500+ to be sick in a cabin for a week. Then again, we've been trying for months with no luck and the vacation does sound wonderful. Should we book it or not??

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Should my cousin and her family move next door to her parents?

    My cousin and her family are getting evicted (their landlord is being foreclosed upon). The house next door to her parents is available for rent, but her husband doesn't want to move so close to them because they are a bit overbearing. I understand his point, but at the same time it would be easier as they both work full-time and her mom would help by watching the children when they need her to and with things like cooking dinner. They have 4 kids. My cousin and her husband are currently fighting about the situation. What do you think they should do?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago