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When do you combine bank accounts?

My fiancee and I have been living together for over 2 years. Things are great, but he is hesitant to combine bank accounts or even put my name on his account. I pay the mortgage from my account and he has to drive to the bank every 2 weeks to put his share of the payment into my account. And with Christmas shopping, there were times when both of us might overdraft and we would have to run to the bank to deposit money from one account into the other's account (we didn't want to transfer from savings). Why won't he put my name on his account and his on mine so we can transfer money online? We would still have separate would just make things more convenient!


Thanks for all your answers. To those who said t's because I'm not the "wife" yet and we are living together already...I just want to piont out that this is my choice. He would gladly go down to the courthouse and marry me tomorrow, but that's not the wedding I envision. And because we bought a house this year and put a substantial downpayment on it, I don't want to spend more money on a wedding just yet. So aside from not being married (legally) yet, why would he not want to have my name on his account?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds to me like you guys are doing a lot of money transferring and things like that anyways, so it would make more sense.

    I don't know. My parents have always had separate bank accounts, and it works great for them. I don't know why they do it...but they do.

    My husband and I share bank accounts. It's so much easier that way.

    Source(s): Why don't you guys just open a new bank account for just bills? It can have both your names on it, and when you need to pay a bill, you have money in that account for just bills?
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Probably the best idea it to retain individual accounts but open a joint account as well for dealing with the household expenses and joint purchases. Each transfer an agreed amount from your personal accounts every month to cover those expenses and always consult each other about purchases you make with that money. That way you can organise your joint finances effeciently but still retain a degree of independence. It is not a matter of trusting or not trusting your partner, it is more a matter of organising your finances effectively. If you can get this aspect of your lifes sorted out now you will save yourself a lot of grief later on. There are probably more arguments between husbands and wives about money than anything else. It is a huge power base in a relationship and it can get complicated especially if you have children together later and somebody stays at home to care for them. Good Luck and congratulations.

  • 1 decade ago

    He won't put your name on his account because, even though you pay the mortgage on the house you two have ... he isn't committed to your relationship yet.

    You have committed to a home, and to sharing a bed, and a toilet and you're doing all the wifey things that a wife does ... but you haven't committed to each other. Do you realize how backwards that is?

    The bank account is the least of your problems right now - you've got a boy, who wants to act like a man, but without the responsibility, obligation and (here's that 'c' word again) commitment that marriage brings. If you were the WIFE, instead of just the girlfriend, this would be a complete non-issue ... so the solution to all of your problems is to get married.

    See ??

    Problem solved !!

    Have a nice day :D

  • 1 decade ago

    trust issues, each of you should have your own account for personal spending. You should also have a account together or just bills When you both get your checks split up and deposit into the account for bills. You may want to go ahead and open up another account and make that your person account. Even though he does not want to put his name on that account you pay the mortgage with keep it open in your name and just use that strictly for bills.

  • SarAnn
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Never. I have three accounts and my husband isn't on a single one of them. I have one for my personal checking, one for savings, and one for household checking. We both put a certain amount of our pay into the household account each week and the rest is ours to do with as we see fit. He has no business owning a debit card because he has proven time and time again that he can't keep track of money in a bank. If he has cash, he knows exactly how much he has at any given time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because he is not fully committed to you. Don't be a fool. This marriage is doomed. There must be 100 other things he is hiding. Get rid of him before you have kids and leave them with a split family in 5 years.

    A man that has more love for his money than he does for his fiancee will eventually chose the money and leave her behind.

    One other fact... If a couple lives together before marriage, they are 5 times more likely to divorce than a married couple who did not cohabitate before marriage.

  • Wayner
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not while you aren't married...and maybe not even then (just divide up the bills).

    BTW - You should be able to transfer money from your account into his (and vice versa) online...I do it with my adult kids all the time. We do have the same bank, though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why don't the two of you open a 3rd account specifically for bills and deposit the amount needed in the account and keep your seperate accounts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Upon marriage, when you become one legal entity. And not before. You have no right to this, yet. You are nothing but a shack up honey right now. When you are his wife, you will have the right to demand being treated like a wife. Not before.

    Stop playing pretend and make-it-all-look-nice, and start dealing in reality.

    Responding to your edit: Living together, buying a house.... you're doing exactly what I said. You're playing pretend and making it all look like you are something which you are NOT yet. If you want to be a wife, BE ONE. But stop doing all this pretending. That line is there for a reason. Actually, many reasons. Why wouldn't he want your name on his account? Maybe he is hiding something. Yet another reason you shouldn't be tangling yourself up together in these ways without being married. Maybe he still wants to make sure he can get out easily by keeping your name off his money. There are 100 possible reasons.... none of them good. The rules are old-fashioned, but they still work and they exist for valid reasons.

  • 1 decade ago

    "it would just make things more convenient!"

    You bet!!!

    It would also give you both another excuse for not getting married!!!

    You join accounts when you marry.

    Married couples should not have separate accounts.

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