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Why do creationists consistently lie about or hide facts in order to further their agenda?

How many of you have actually observed the facts and formed your own conclusions?

And by observing the facts, I mean pouring through the evidence as it's provided. BEFORE it's filtered through the censors of your faith.


"well lets turn this around

have YOU ever looked at evolution. Not what you were told but actually took the time to look at it? And the method scientists use to date the earth? Doubt it And how come the things needed to prove the theory of evolution are missing. All the key links like fossils to prove the thoeory of evolution arent there??????/ thats really weird

see what I did there"

Yes, I've looked at evolution. At first, it was with skepticism. I used to be a Christian apologist... I used to consider myself a "soldier of God" marching through the world with a beacon of truth... And I was deluded.

Not only have I "looked" at evoultion, I've fought it, I've questioned it, and eventually I actually began to understand it... And that's when I realized how foolish it is to put faith in something that REQUIRES it... Evolution only requires study and a little intelligence. You can actually understand the entire theory in less than a few minutes. It makes sense!

Update 2:

And there's nothing missing... We already have everything we need to "prove" evolution and much much MUCH more. We could even throw out the fossil record or the study of genetic, even though they both perfectly support each other, and still have an EXTREMELY strong theory. It would still be a better theory than we have for gravity or magnetism or even light... The evidence standing behind the fact of evolution is staggering. It IS a fact. Yes, it is... Please get used to it. You'll seem a lot more intelligent.

Know why? Because it happened and it's happening right now... It's a proven theory. Do you understand what that means? I'll tell you. It means that anybody with a piece of evidence or a better interpretation can challenge the theory and as long as it makes the most sense, logically, it WILL be accepted. Look up "peer review"

It's obvious that apologists haven't the slightest clue about how science (or any rational part of the real world) works.

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ev isnt fact nor true & Iv studied it - theres lots of evidence 4 God if we look but many'll do anything 2 keep God out of the equation. The crux of the problem is many (having limited knowledge) try 2 know what God did by imposing human limitations 4 understanding things 2 God's power/abilities. Only 1 God can occupy infinity & that God is the God of Israel so theres no other legit gods. Its only fully provable b/c Jesus is the true Son of God. Huge holes in Ev also call in2 ? the BB/abiogenesis (laws of probability says there'd hv 2 b a 95-99% failure rate 4 most changes = no Ev). Evidence 4 God/Jesus/Bible:

    Just b/c many scientific finds r true it doesnt mean "all" their claims r true (many dont take time & energy 2 carefully think thru things b4 coming out 4 or against it). Many dont take in2 account all it takes 2 create a universe/life (they tend 2 focus on things "seeming" 2 support what they want 2 &/or u 2 believe).

    In science we established laws of physics. We can't see laws of physics. Rather, we see the results/interpret/apply them in accordance with whats observed 2 b true by experiments/calculations. Same is true 4 God. Just b/c we can't see God doesn't mean He doesnt exist.

    Theres real evidence 4 some micro-adaptation & 4 some appearance of macro-Ev but most is inconclusive @ best, pure conjecture @ worst. Finding the beginning/reason 4 it all is unattainable by scientific method alone (a billions of yrs old cold case). We didnt see it take place.

    Things in Creation show an Intelligent Being was involved or the universe/we wouldnt b here (ignoring how it came 2 b). 4 instance:

    1. We hv 2 lungs/2 kidneys/2 eyes - each has a near perfect mirror-image companion organ. It cant b explained away. Making a mirror-image organ takes full reverse engineering/knowledge/understanding of its companion's functions & purpose or it cant b created (2 witnesses in nature).

    2. Our bodies r highly symmetrical from 1 side 2 the other. Its impossible unless 1 has an outside overview position allowing full knowledge of the entire organism (i.e. feather color patterns).

    3. We hv 2 arms/2 legs. Each is perfectly designed/precisely engineered 2 work with its mirror-image companion. An outside position is required 2 fully comprehend the purpose/functions of the organism, 2 create it 2 such perfection.

    4. The "being" of a cell is confined 2 within the cell membrane & cant know much beyond itself. A cell is magnitudes more intelligent than all humanity & has amazing powers 2 know all of an organism's functions/purpose or it isnt the "brain" behind Creation 4 many millions of incredibly diverse species. If Ev had a chance of being the source of Creation only 2 or 3 "kinds" of basic bodies with some related species would exist (would take billions of trillions of yrs longer than the universe has existed 2 hv the slightest chance of producing many millions of incredibly diverse species).

    5. Many cells of an organism never contact others much beyond its tiny cell. Cells/organisms r just copies of their parents doing about the same things as all ancestors. U wont find a bird who builds a better nest than their parents & their chicks build even a better nest. U wont find a bear improving living conditions passed on 2 his young. Either a cell has 2 lives - 1 copying its parents & 1 secret life working on improvements or some1 of higher intelligence than all mankind created it all.

    6. Others point 2 DNA (RNA in the 1rst organisms). But a cell needs DNA 2 function & DNA cant function without a cell. So, we hv a which came 1rst a cell or DNA problem. W/o 1rst having great intelligence/full knowledge/understanding of how an organism is constructed it cant b created. If an ape finds a combination lock he wouldnt know what it was. Even if he turns the dial over & over again he wouldnt know what he was doing & the chances against getting it right is astronomical - especially if it had 150 or more no. 2 find in the right order & even if he got that far he still wouldnt know what a lock is 4.

    A cell has little "intelligence" & DNA is way more complex than a combination lock (especially in higher life forms) so the odds against figuring out & using DNA (in the correct sequence) is many magnitudes higher than 4 a lock). RNA/DNA r building blocks common 2 all life - having 98% of other species' DNA doesnt prove Ev. DNA like a computer code (but way more complex) requires great intelligence 2 identify & assign its proper order - its useless unless u understand it. Give a book 2 an ape. Its useless 2 him as he cant learn from whats written - intelligence is required.

    7. In the fossil record we dont find millions of trial & error organisms that should exist if natural selection or fittest survivor is the source of Creation (no organisms existed b4). The odds r so great against near perfection happening 4 many millions of greatly diverse species, it couldnt take place unless 1 had full knowledge/understanding of what theyre doing B4 millions of organisms could b created 2 such precision. If not true millions of misfit organisms with mistakes, having only 1 or 3 eyes in odd places, 1 leg growing out of a head or where an arm should b or a fin where a leg should b should exist. Millions more misfit fossils should exist than of the perfection found in nature.

    8. U won't find species like a horse mating a goat, a frog mating fish, a rabbit mating a dog, a lizard mating a bird, a cow mating a hog, etc. Species with similar genes/characteristics rarely mate in the wild. Only a few succeed @ bearing young. Its very rare that a wild crossbreed/hybrid reaches maturity or can bear over 1 litter (usually that litter cant produce or has complications that kills off the crossbreed). Only human intervention brings more success but even that has lead 2 some bad results.

    9. Ev processes being "the" source of Creation is like having a blind man build a car he's never heard of, seen, touched, heard or rode in. It cant b done without 1rst teaching him about the functions/necessary parts & how 2 put it 2gether 4 the car 2 function.

    10. Look @ the huge amount of intelligence/knowledge/understanding/tim… & energy used 2 create & improve an airplane's capabilities (& many mistakes). If ppl didnt fully learn what 2 do we'd still b earthbound.

    11. Creation is astronomically more complex than an airplane. The more complex an organism, the greater the amount of intelligence/knowledge/understanding needed 2 create it. It can only b done by an Intelligent Designer who already fully understands what He's doing - the sheer complexity of man is evidence of God (airplanes show we're created in God's image - God had 2 b the source of all Creation or it couldnt exist let alone evolve).

    12. An incredibly Intelligent Being, capable of building a universe, knows the environment His earthly organisms r 2 occupy. So, He built in adaptability so His organisms could survive various environments.

    13. Earth happens 2 b in the best possible orbit 2 support life. It has the right amount of gravity, the right axis & rotation speed, the right atmosphere (& ozone layer/Van Allen belt/magnetic field) & needed amount of water. The moon's the right size & in the right orbit 2 provide tidal cycles needed by organisms. Just 1 or 2 relatively small variants in our orbit/environment & most likely life would b very different & higher forms of life wouldve died off in a relatively short time, if they couldve survived.


    Problem is theres many religions, built on what man wants God 2 b like. I realized they cant all b right (Theres 1 Bible - why so many interpretations? II Pet 1:**19-21). Religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't know) but God knows what He's doing. Who knows more about a house, the Builder or those moving in later?

    Many miss this: Jesus is the only 1 in history who stated He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & no 1 gets 2 God w/o Him (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12) & is the only 1 who came from God. Its fully true or theres no truth & cant b any God (He knows what He's doing or He's not God). Either Jesus told the whole truth or He's a false prophet, among many, who should b disregarded.

    Since Jesus is the only way 2 know God, "the" whole truth was complete & finished thru Jesus. So any claimed new or other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets/ teachers r invalid & wont lead u 2 God. God always knew all Jesus was 2 do.

    Jesus couldnt hv done nor said whats written in the NT unless He fully knew the entire OT (NT didnt exist while Jesus was on earth). Jesus couldnt hv known the entire OT unless God was with Him. The Apostles couldnt write the NT unless Jesus allowed them 2 remember & know why He was here (Lk 24:25-27,45) - Only God could cause it.

    Whoever seeks Jesus Christ with all his heart & soul will find God & His Kingdom (u shall know the truth & it'll set u free). U can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make it drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him 4ever if u dont want 2 know Him His way (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? The truth of God remains 4ever unchanged while things of a man dies with him, including his religions/gods made in his image.

    God hates us b/c of our sins - neither being a good person as judged by men or religion can save u. But God also loves us dearly enough 2 send His Son 2 die for our sins - so that thru Jesus our sins could b 4given if we sincerely turn 2 Him - Theres eternal hope only in Jesus & His Bible.


    Source(s): The Holy One of Israel, Jesus Christ, God's Holy Spirit, the Bible, careful research & observation & 40+ yrs of personal experience provided by the Most High - He who has the Son has the Father also but he who doesnt hv the Son doesnt know the Father either - it shall b sheer terror 2 understand the real message - God doesnt respect any man or his religions. It comes down 2 do u want 2 know who our real God is? Theres many ways that seem right 2 man but its end = death (theres only 1 path [not many] 2 God & thats thru Jesus). Biblical knowledge in & of itself wont save u. Borrowing true knowledge from others wont help u - if u hv a good meal poisoned with arsenic adding better quality food (patching it) wont cure the problem but it may prolong ur inevitable death but it'll b death nevertheless - its still part of the poisoned tree. Its useless 2 try 2 patch a tire thats full of holes (adding a little truth [usually stolen] 2 a lie only makes it a bigger lie). ***If Jesus came from God as His only Son as stated in the Bible then the Quran (doesnt agree with the Bible), the Book of Mormon (no such thing as "another testament"), JWs (rewrote some Bible verses - New World Translation) & other religions r wrong about Jesus b/c they demote Jesus 2 just a prophet or good man (1 way or another). If Jesus Christ isnt God's Son (false prophet) then the Bible & all others r wrong. We cant hv it 2 ways. Theres only 1 Jesus & there can only b 1 true Gospel (II Cor 11:4; Gal 1:6,9; I Tm 6:3). If Jesus is whom He says He is then Muhammad (muslim follower of Islam), Joseph Smith (Mormon = Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, LDS), Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs = Watchtower, Awake), most Catholics, many Protestants, Ellen White (7th Day Adventists), Mary Baker (Christian Scientists), the moonies (Unification church - Rev Moon), Church of Scientology (Dyanetics - L Ron Hubbard), Buddhism, Hinduism & others presenting other teachings/practices r the false prophets & teachers & must b disregarded. But I can assure u the truth is in the Bible (where Jesus was coming from in everything He did & said). Many (see above par.) claim they believe Jesus is the Son of God (however, even the devil knows who Jesus is) but having read the entire Bible (some parts many times) I state with authority that many dont know God or Jesus. If ur foundation of teaching is wrong it cancels out all ur other claims - u can call anything anything. Calling a dog god doesnt make it God. Jesus wasnt speaking out of 2 let alone 1000s of sides of His mouth [emphasis added] (He isnt the author of confusion - God's fixed order of things Biblical). The Bible severely warns us not 2 trust humans, not even ourselves, clergy/churches (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prov 14:12; Acts 17:11). So carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe or dismiss what I write. It might save u from making the same mistake many made, getting caught up in religious beliefs that hv nothing 2 do with finding/knowing God (poisoned tree & its fruit) - see Mat 12:36 regarding whats 2 b judged. No matter how much well-meaning ppl (religious or not) read the Bible they cant find Jesus Christ without going directly 2 Jesus thru His Biblical instructions (Jn 5:39; 10:1,7; 3:3,5). God outsmarted man - the Bible is the only 1 that cant be properly understood without Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14, Is 29:11-12 - If Jewish ppl cant pierce the veil over the OT without Jesus then 4 sure all gentiles cant). Thats why theres many interpretations & many thinking its fairy tales/a delusion (Jesus came bearing the sword of division). He who would b wise gets away from all religion & seeks the 1 who actually came from God. Many ppl make the mistake of trusting a church "authority" over the Bible (where God & Jesus wrote the actual truth). If u dont know whats actually written in the Bible u cant tell if the church is on or remaining on the right path. Regarding Bibles I recommend the English Standard Version (ESV) as its an easy 2 read but more accurate version than what others will suggest. Its very important 2 understand the most accurate Bibles r those that r word 4 word or a combination of word 4 word + the right amount of literal translation (4 readability). Presently, theres 30+ versions of the Bible (generally popular 1s, some shouldnt b called Bibles). Only a few r translated close 2 whats in the original text. The ESV adheres 2 the word 4 word method while making it easy 2 read (literal method) - the best accurate Bible 4 the younger crowd - but its good 4 parents, children & others 2 b reading the same Bible 4 good communication (get 1 with verse references so u can easily look up related text). Many well-meaning ppl will suggest using the King James Version (KJV), claiming its the only "authorized" version (authorized by a human king not God). The trouble is that the KJV (& all Old English versions) is in older English (which was good in its day) thats not been spoken 4 over 130 yrs so its obsolete (u almost hv 2 learn a new language, why many stop reading it - helps promote Biblical ignorance). Other versions add in their own style/ideas or rewrite sentences obscuring the truth & the power of God such as the AV, ASV, NAV, DR, RE, NEV, [NASB], NKJV, NRSV, GNB, CEV, NCV, HCSV, JB, NJB, NLB, NIV, NIRV, NLT, Living - the Way, Message & Paraphrased (click on my ID & look 4 questions about Bibles & my answers 4 more info). Many dont know that God is well aware many would [un]intentionally twist & pervert His Word so He invented a system in the Bible that will never change (Just like God & Jesus - more visible in word 4 word [with the right amount of the literal method] versions of the Bible). Only 1 God can occupy infinity & that God is the God of Israel. Its only fully provable b/c Jesus is the true Son of God. Occupying infinity means theres nothing u cant see nor understand & u can rightly claim u dont need a cause 4 ur existence & declare the end from the beginning. The Bible doesnt tell us how old the universe/earth actually is. Time as measured from earth wasnt set in motion until the 4th day of Creation (not 2 b confused with the 7 day periods of Creation). So, God's length of a day 4 each period of Creation could b anywhere from near zero 2 billions of yrs. If it was important 4 us 2 know the length of a day of Creation God wouldve written it in the Bible (the specifics were left out on purpose - so that man could keep trying 2 guess/disprove how God made everything or realize that God made it all & he should look 2 know who God is). God's power is such that He could hv created the universe in whatever time period He so chose. But, the specific action taken was with regard 2 Gods purpose 4 everything (& yes Adam & Eve were real ppl). The wise true believer in God & His Son cant believe in Ev. Ev isnt true, opposes true Creation & sets ridiculous parameters/boundaries that dont exist with respect 2 the true power of God. Scientists & others make many assumptions/speculations 4 things - beyond human recorded history (& even within recorded history where evidence is scarce) it can only b speculation based on certain assumptions b/c we didnt see any of it take place.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    cause that's the only way to further their agenda. and to Andy, yes I see what you did there. just repeated a lie taught by someone else. yes, I HAVE gone through everything. dating systems, fossils, genetics, embryology (yes, do you know how that's related to evolution? doubt it. if you did, you'd not be giving out false information),and much much more. everything. and no, the fossils necessary to prove evolution are not missing. they were found that's why the theory was constructed and accepted. and in case you don't know, a theory is not unproved. it is a body of facts that explain some event or phenomena. without sufficient evidence, a theory and the theorist therefore is heavily criticised and rejected. so when you say it's only a theory, or that fossils are missing, you only show your ignorance.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I desire I had the supply for this, but it surely used to be a institution textbook (frequently now not even prime institution), and I wouldn't have it anymore. But they talked about that if evolution happened as the idea states, then we might anticipate one sort of lifestyles (say, guy) to be extra intently comparable within the DNA to the sort from which it advanced. That is sensible, and it isn't rough to scan scientifically. The fact is, nonetheless, that DNA indicates random hyperlinks. Like snake venom is regarding anything rather then what we might anticipate, or mice are extra intently regarding a few sort that even an evolutionist might have a rough time pertaining to evolutionally. Does this make feel? I desire I might bear in mind the lifestyles types they indexed (however that used to be greater than 10 years in the past, so supply me a holiday, k?), however the proposal caught. Now, in a few circumstances that is actual. In different circumstances, it isn't. I determined 2 articles that you just could desire to learn. Let's placed it this fashion: If I confirmed you my modern-day Mercedes within the driveway (I wouldn't have one, however for the sake of argument...), and also you mentioned, "Wow! How might you come up with the money for the sort of great auto!" Well, feel I informed you, "Oh, I did not purchase it. I simply went down and blew up the landfill, and all of the components for the auto simply fell in combination within the fallout, and the important thing landed proper subsequent to my toes. It used to be sooooo cool!" You might surprise what intellectual health facility I had escaped from and could also be style sufficient to take me again to it! Yet that is what evolution says. If we blow up sufficient landfills, finally SOMETHING usefil shall be created. Sure, the chances are satisfactory, however in the future we will hit gold. It's such a lot less complicated to feel in wise layout, even supposing you do not feel in God the way in which I do, than to feel in a mathematical impossibility. Of path, if there is not any God, there is not any sin, because of this you'll be able to do something you believe like. That's side of the large enchantment of atheism.

  • 1 decade ago

    So that's why evolutionists continue to lose debates to less-experienced creationists: Because most scientific laws are against evolution:

    Law of Energy and Matter

    Law of Biogenesis

    Gas Laws

    Also, where did the information come from to program DNA, called "the most complex software on the planet"? I think you should reconsider your stance.

    I have studied evolution extensively, and it's only been found wanting.

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  • 1 decade ago

    How else are they going to support creationism, an idea that was thoroughly disproven more than a century ago.

    To be fair, most creationists just accept what they are told by people they respect. The real liars are the people at ICR and AiG who lie for a living.

    Source(s): Biologist
  • Tony C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Many are so certain they are right, they are willing to cheat and try to deceive to convince others. Personally I don't believe in evolution, even though I've studied it. Does it make sense to me? Perfect sense. It's actually very logical. The thing is that it's based on inductive proof, and just because something makes sense doesn't mean it's true. It would make sense that in a homicide case, the person was killed by a person that hated him. But that doesn't mean that the one that hated him is the criminal, it actually avoids the question. It merely states that if that person was the criminal, it would be logical.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Check it out, in Genesis God talks about the trees having fruit on them Adam being a man and not a baby, chickens not eggs, see God created the Earth complete not at the beginning so what you see and I see are the same thing you look at it saying wow this rock has been through alot and I look at it and say wow God sure knew what he was doing

  • Sam K
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    For the same reason a number of man-made climate change "experts" apparently do so; because they have a preexisting agenda, and if the truth doesn't fit with that agenda, they will bend the truth to force it to fit. They may or may not realize that when you bend the truth, it ceases to be truth at all. They are ideologues, whether they know it or not.

  • Guest
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why not study the answers before posting your blind faith in the atheistic agenda?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well lets turn this around

    have YOU ever looked at evolution. Not what you were told but actually took the time to look at it? And the method scientists use to date the earth? Doubt it And how come the things needed to prove the theory of evolution are missing. All the key links like fossils to prove the thoeory of evolution arent there??????/ thats really weird

    see what I did there?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe for a minute those peddling that creationism non-sense actually believe it.

    On one hand I get it. Sucking the ignorant dry is an easy way to get rich.

    It's just sad how many ignorant people we actually have here in the US.

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