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PARVFAN asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Did the ending even come close to justifying the means?

I am an independent who frankly,even knowing how these things are done, is in disbelief at how this health care bill got its 60 votes. YES, reform was/is needed. Do the bribes,threats and secret meetings show any kind of ethics or respect for doing anything in a decent and proper manner. What say you?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm with you, though I'm a conservative who saw the need for some reform.

    What amazes me is the mandate. It is essentially the only thing new in this package, and it flies in the face of everything that was sought (by the PEOPLE) when asking for reform. Reform is needed, I agree (though not to the extent that Pelosi seems to see). But if in asking for reform, all that we get is a mandate that we must purchase insurance from the very companies we sought to reform, then I say next time we don't ask, we just get it done ourselves.

    This Congress is totally corrupt. The federal government (I refuse to capitalize it any further) is out of control, drunk with power, and a tremendous detriment to our Constitution.

  • 1 decade ago

    And here I thought it was common knowledge it's been done this way dating back to the days of The Great Compromiser, Henry Clay, who held our country from civil war by a few years. He did it via the same methods.

    This has been done for over 150 years within our system. You became too cozy watching Bush ram through whatever he wanted after 9/11 and forget the floor fights under Reagan, Bush I and Clinton.

    Reagan routinely submitted budgets far higher than passed by Congress. So much for the great fiscal conservative. Reagan made massive debt fashionable, or as apologist George Will says "Reagan proved huge deficits don't matter".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The bribes and threats only show the lack of ethics of this bill. When so many Senators of the Ruling Party must be bribed to pass their bill I must wonder, WHY?

    It is against the will of the majority of the people, and even the opposing sides Conservative and Liberal are against it , for different reasons, yet they charge ahead to passing it. My only conclusion is that it must be about the money.

    The tax that will immediately go into effect once signed and this will be diverted into the government coffers to help to pay for the borrowing from the Chinese. This is the only logical conclusion. Why else would so many people be sacrificing their life long careers?

  • What is the difference with prostitution verses the politicians in Washington and the kickbacks and favors they they getting from passing this bill? It is amazing how much they are selling themselves as a favor to appease their own leader's lust to just get any thing through!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Wow I think this is the first time I have been in agreement with ever other answer. Looks like we are all tired of the corruption in Washington from both parties.

  • 1 decade ago

    It shows how corrupt a party will be to force their ideas on people. What happens to Obama's pledge for transparency? What happened to Pelosi saying that the era of corruption would end with her leadership?

  • 1 decade ago

    I am appalled that bribing,threats and secret meetings forced people to vote for

    something that is not supported by the voters.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A lot of earmarks were given to Senators who were on the fence. Obama had to get this passed to save his Presidency. It is a farce.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no decency, respect, morals, or for that matter knowledge in politics today.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you.,,,,,,,,,,, it is wrong and a violation of trust we placed in our Congressmen.

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