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Is it legal to drive a trackday car on the road?

Given that the car has a rollcage, is stripped down and has a 5pt harness rather than your standard belt and FIA rated seats. The car HAS plates and turn signals on it and working headlights.....

What constitutes a track car to be ILLEGAL for the road, aside from smog regulations?

I live in Oregon if that helps.


And is insured and is registered and titled.....

Update 2:

Right now exhaust is cat-back. Tires right now are a simple street tire, no slicks or anything extreme.

Update 3:

Well after calling a lot of different DMV places around here I finally got a straight answer. As long as i have the original safety equipment (Turn signals, brake lights, head lights, plates, tags) it is legal to drive as long as it passes emissions/smog... and they don't even check that in my town, so I'm good to go!

Thanks everyone for your time.

Update 4:

Dimo J, thank you for that link, that's awesome!

Update 5:

Car is over 25 yrs old, is from 1977.

5 Answers

  • Dimo J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was going to mention exhaust sound levels, but it appears that Oregon has an exemption for street rods, 815.107 : If I were you I would print that page out, make sure you comply; and highlight your exemptions and keep in the car, just in case you get pulled over.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Contact the Oregon state department of motor vehicles or your local state police. The rules vary from state to state. In my experience the vehicle must have windows and fully operational doors to allow ingress and egress to the vehicle. It must be fully equipped with all safety features normally found on road vehicles and they must be fully operational. Track day cars must have additional safety features installed before they can race. I think you will find that the age of the car determines whether smog regulations apply. A car classified as an antique-25 or more years old, in some states releases it from compliance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Check the rules in your state. Some states don't allow you to own a car over 25 years unless you have another vehicle. You may also want to get your local DMV to do an inspection; some body shops are also licensed to inspect vehicles. If the vehicle is registered its likely good but it may have been altered in a illegal way since the vehicle was registered. Also if your vehicle was illegally altered and you have an accident it may void your insurance.

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds legal to me aside from smog regulations what type tires and exhuast system

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  • 1 decade ago

    If it's titled, registered and, insured. I don't see why not.

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