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Have you ever been astonished at your own ignorance?

I have. Just now. Case in point: Some Creationists' concept of how evolution works.

I have been a regular here at R&S for several months now. All that time, I was puzzled about questions of this type: "If man evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys on the earth?" There are several variations of the question, but that's the general idea.

I could not understand what that question meant. Really. I guess I'm too much schooled in the matters of evolution, because I couldn't see any meaning at all in that particular class of question. But then today ... I saw the light!

These people actually think that the "theory" of evolution holds that all members of a species are predestined to morph into a higher order species. According to that line of thinking, all monkeys should have morphed into humans at some point in the past. Humans here, monkeys gone. Someday, then, humans will disappear from the earth, having morphed into a higher order creature. I get it now! Yeahhhh! Now we have a whole new theory of evolution that is rather easily disproved (e.g. monkeys and humans existing at the same time). It isn't the right theory, but it is one that works. At least it successfully manages to make evolutionists look pretty darn stupid. And for creationists, that's the whole point of their theory.

I am really excited about this fresh, compelling insight into the minds of some of our young and spunky creationists here in R & S.


Thanks, Yage. That's a good one.

Update 2:

Helloworld. I am perfectly happy letting people be however the like. But I am always curous about how they think and why they think that way. I'm math teacher, so I know it is impossible to convert anyone to my way of thinking.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is good to see through the eyes of others. Most people want to be honest and make good decisions on the nature of reality. With this in mind, we can then ask, why are so many view clearly at odds with demonstrably reality? There are many answers, and it is better looking for those, and attempting to earnestly address them, than to mock those who are mislead.

    I have too often been the one in the wrong to feel to cocky about the value of my views. Am I surprised at my own ignorance? Yes, daily.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Saying we evolved from monkeys is the only counter attack that creationists have to put it on par with illogical bible stories, therefor point scoring. It also shows that they have not researched evolution to make a statement like that and also shows that they came to believe their faith without making an informed decision, doing research into history, other faiths and the meaning of evolution.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you look at evolution the way creationists seem to understand it, it does sound kind of silly.

    Of coarse the way creationists explain evolution is not the way evolution works at all.

    They do not bother to educate themselves before asking or posting.

    Religious people should do a little research, of coarse if they did they might not end up being creationists anymore.

  • Kiran
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Cynicism doesnt equel enlightenment(wide members arent always so smart). More often in 50/50 calls the generous/charitable call is the right one because people are basically good, We are born without fear,fear is a learned thing,all the negative judgement calls are learned. People are basically good. Even if a generous call is the wrong one good can still come from this. .

  • 1 decade ago

    The more I learn the less I know.

    Seriously though, I think monkeys evolved from men.

  • 1 decade ago

    all the time

  • 1 decade ago

    If I am ignorant it is because I want to be. Quit trying to convert people or change people just because somebody's different than you - that's where a lot of our problems come from. =(

  • These people gained their knowledge of evolution from Pokemon

  • thing
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am, sometimes, that's why I try to learn things

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it takes faith to believe in the creation story. If you don't have it, don't worry. God will let you know in the end what the truth is.

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