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Old School Hero
Seniors 60+: Did you play Angry Birds this week?
If not, do you know what Angry Birds is?
If not, do you care?
I play it too much, maybe. I'm 71 and play Angry Birds on my smartphone maybe a couple hours a week.
7 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years agoWhy does the older-man/younger-woman preference get no respect?
The knee-jerk response for most women is, "Ewwwwww," But it's considered politically incorrect these days to feel and react that way about gays, lesbians, bi's, transsexuals, cross-dressers, she-males, etc, etc, etc. Look. It isn't even listed here as a part of this group. But the older/younger scene is no less compelling for those who desire it. The world has some growing-up to do in this area.
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender10 years agoHow was the Royal Navy able to have gunships in Lake Erie during the War of 1812?
The Royal Navy had major shipbuilding ports on Lake Ontario, but there seems to be no way to get them to Lake Erie without a major portaging effort around the Niagara Falls. I see no references to a British shipbuilding port on Lake Erie. I'm stumped.
3 AnswersHistory10 years agoHow about some good, positive hitchhiking stories from the days when that was acceptable?
Please share your hitchhiking story from the golden age of that art.
When I was in the Navy in Key West, one Friday evening (late 1950s) I borrowed a car for a weekend to drive to Miami. A few hundred yards from the base, I saw a young girl, obviously pregnant, hitchhiking. I stopped for her. She wanted to go all the way to Miami, too. We had a great ride, and made arrangements to pick her up on Sunday night to drive back to Key West.
12 AnswersSenior Citizens10 years agoWhat exactly is the "Duval Crawl" in Key West, Fla?
At first I thought it must be a dance of some sort, but then it started looking like a term for wandering along Duval St. Any clarification?
2 AnswersOther - United States10 years agoCan anyone recall the sights and sounds of rail trains in the 40s and 50s?
I grew up in a railroad town. I could hear the steam engines trying to get friction on the rails as as they started to move. There were the wailing horns, and the "bang" of torpedo charges the workers put onto the track to signal the engineer they have backed up the proper distance.
15 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade agoWould anyone mind me saying that the talent that is displayed in this place is awesome?
I have been a freelance writer, editor, and now a publisher. I was totally unaware of the rich literary talent that is coming up in the new generations. Kudos, kids! You are awesome!
4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoDo women generally find it objectionable when their man likes to wander around the house in the buff?
I like to sleep in the buff, but also go around the house nekked while getting ready for bed and while getting up in the morning. My wife says that it's a "girl thing" to see this habit as objectionable. She wants me to at least wear skivvies. Is this a prevailing attitude?
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoCan I say this is NOT one reason why I'm an atheist.?
What happened to this kind of Christianity? One meant for real grown-up people.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow would you respond if your own son or daughter told you one day that they wanted to be a televangelist?
Others on R&S often ask this same question, but about the kids saying they wanted to be gay or atheist.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo you realize there was a time when most white people didn't think black people were human beings?
I wonder what people a few generations from now will think of our attitude that a human fetus isn't a human being.
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoChristian: Are you bold enough to look a stranger in the eye and say they must say the sinner's prayer?
Or would you rather hide in the shadows of Internet anonymity and think you are getting a cookie from God every time to cut-and-paste the sinner's prayer here?
Jesus taught that if we don't stand upright for the Father, He won't recognize us.
In Romans 1:16, Paul declares boldly that his is not ashamed of the gospel.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHave you ever been astonished at your own ignorance?
I have. Just now. Case in point: Some Creationists' concept of how evolution works.
I have been a regular here at R&S for several months now. All that time, I was puzzled about questions of this type: "If man evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys on the earth?" There are several variations of the question, but that's the general idea.
I could not understand what that question meant. Really. I guess I'm too much schooled in the matters of evolution, because I couldn't see any meaning at all in that particular class of question. But then today ... I saw the light!
These people actually think that the "theory" of evolution holds that all members of a species are predestined to morph into a higher order species. According to that line of thinking, all monkeys should have morphed into humans at some point in the past. Humans here, monkeys gone. Someday, then, humans will disappear from the earth, having morphed into a higher order creature. I get it now! Yeahhhh! Now we have a whole new theory of evolution that is rather easily disproved (e.g. monkeys and humans existing at the same time). It isn't the right theory, but it is one that works. At least it successfully manages to make evolutionists look pretty darn stupid. And for creationists, that's the whole point of their theory.
I am really excited about this fresh, compelling insight into the minds of some of our young and spunky creationists here in R & S.
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoOn SKYPE: Is there any way to provide touch-tone digits for responding to telephone menus?
You know, you call a business on SKYPE and the automated response is "1 for sales, 2 for service, etc." How can I respond to that?
1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade agoHow does Fireball always manage to be at the top of the Answer list?
There must be a trick. I trying to figure it out.
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan you name the process whereby one searches available raw data to find new patterns?
I have a brain freeze on the word that describes the process of culling through mountains of existing raw data in order to find patterns that have not been recognized before. I think some of the first planets outside our solar system were discovered that way.
1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade agoWhy do some free lecture videos on iTunes start streaming while others do not?
I am viewing some of those classroom lectures that are available at no charge on iTunes. Some begin streaming within a few seconds. On some playlists, however, the vids don't seem to steam at all. I can download and play them, but I want to stream them.
1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade agoChristians: Is there some kind of anti-Paul movement going on today?
I've recently had the impression that the writings of Paul were not in accord with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But I kept these thoughts to myself because if their heretical nature. Now I am seeing others who are getting that same message.
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIs there a new kind of Christianity about to arise and replace the pathetic thing we call "church" today?
Some say there is an "emergent church." It is one that cuts through the bull and offers an authentic spiritual experince.
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago