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Book Reviews for "Smart Girls Marry Money"?

"Why does society applaud a girl who falls for a guy’s ‘big blue eye’s’ yet denounces one who chooses to marry a man with a ‘big green bankroll’? After all, isn’t earning power more a reflection of a man’s values and character?"

This is the concept of a book written by Elizabeth Ford and Daniela Drake, tilted ‘Smart Girls Marry Money: How Women Have Been Duped Into the Romantic Dream and How They’re Paying For It”.

I thought this would be an interesting topic, sense some of the male posters here tend to bring this forward often. This book supposedly challenges the ideas and assumption that women have ‘blindly’ accepted about love and marriage, while demonstrating how they’ve done so at their own economic peril. It taps into the growing, and collective suspicion that the post feminist world isn’t as cracked up as it’s through to be. And that female ‘empowerment’ has women working hard to look sexier than ever, while carrying more than their fare share of financial responsibility. Yet, we still earn less than our male counterparts, and suffer far more economically when our marriages fail. Again, this is the synopsis for the book (not my personal statement, and you can read it in the detailed description of the book).

I just want to know what do you guys think?

Should we seek more financially stable mates who’re economically capable of taking care of our needs?

Or should we hold true to the ‘Prince Charming’ ideals that have been instilled in our psychic in regards to a potential mate since birth?

Is there anything wrong with marrying a man who financially 'well off'?


I haven't read it, I just thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss.

Update 2:

why would it be good for me Mike; I'm not getting married anytime soon; and you're right, like any body else who comes to this forum to discuss something they've seen, heard, or talked about with peers, it did prompted me to ask this question (as I stated) since this is a topic that comes up a lot in this forum.

Update 3:

Fine with me Roger, again this is a book that someone else wrote; not me. This was something that I saw posted in another forum and I thought I would bring it here for discussion with some of you guys. I’m not getting married anytime soon, much less getting married to a man with money.

No personal attacks towards me people, I’m not the author of this book. Nor do I agree with them personally.

Update 4:

This is very true Racer X

Update 5:

@ Do You? , do you believe that all women think this way, or just a collective of women who’ve made a personal choice to marry into money? What are your thoughts of a woman who actually has money herself but still prefer to marry a man that has the same level of wealth as she?

Update 6:

No, they’re not to ‘tough’ Anna, I just believe in reading a conglomerate of literature, no matter how offensive or the level of rhetoric in involved.

I think that’s a part of thinking outside the box and boarding one’s visions of the world around them. I can’t just confine myself to a small box of assumed ‘intellect’ based on what everyone else thinks is ‘good reading’.

To me personally, being intellectual is having a basic understanding of a little bit of everything.

"The more you know, the more you grow".

Update 7:

I have to agree 100% KatieMed. Although money should not be your main goal in marriage, it does play a part in the overall health of your marriage. If you marry a man that doesn’t want to work, or is comfortable in having employment at Mc Donald’s and he’s in the 40’s (not enrolled in school, not trying to learn another trade) then yes, there is a problem.

Now there’s nothing wrong with marring that Wall Street Banker or Stock Broker either they need love too. But a lot people fail to understand that sometimes they seek the companionship of specific women as well (i.e. aspiring models or ‘hot’ women). Which in my opinion is just as superficial as the women who only seek me that make a certain annual salary.

Update 8:

That’s a good idea Jazz, why don’t you get started on that Novel. I’ll read it when you’re done.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with the idea that women have been conditioned to believe that ANY consideration of money makes her a gold-digger. My take on that has always been that unless the person is a wild-eyed poet or inventor type (and you're into the wild-eyed type) then being responsible financially, at whatever level, is a reflection of character, and a person's financial situation should be considered.

    It doesn't have anything to do with wanting someone to "take care of my needs." I do that myself. It has to do with whether a man has the forethought and stability to handle the basics first, and think in the long term, or whether he mortgages the future for pretty toys or laziness now. I was just having this conversation with a guy at work, who was doing the whole, "You know all women want is that money," thing.

    If you lay around, have no goals, do not know how to work for what you want, are hostile and lazy, blow what money you do have on shiny things and then resent people who have the shiny things and *aren't* living in momma's basement, and basically spend your time whining instead of working, what woman WOULD want you? Trying to say that means "women want money" is ridiculous.

    If you're childless and making $300,000 a year, sure, drive a $90,000 car if its been your life's dream. You've earned it. If you make a $100,000 a year and drive a $90,000 car while you have two kids in high school and no college fund set up - reality check needed. Poor character alert!

    So, while I absolutely disagree with the slant from your synopsis, I do believe that women have been receiving the message for a long time that you have to be either/or. Either reasonable in judging a man's character based on his behavior (which, yes, this is reality, IS reflected partly in how he handles his money), OR marrying for love.

    I don't think there's any kind of absolute there. I don't care anything about shiny things, and since I've been responsible with *my* money, I don't need anyone to provide for me. But I absolutely do take into account whether a man is of good character before I let myself give in to the flustered crush feelings. And yes, part of being of good character is being responsible with your finances, and knowing how to work for your goals.

    Idiots like to call that "being a gold digger," but they're idiots for a reason.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Nah, that's just a lesbian pipe dream. The worse it gets for men, the more men will rebel and finally say, "We are putting a stop to this now! Either fix things or we will overthrow you!" You know this would not be without precedent. The reason more women are graduating and going to college is because of feminist interloping, and the b*tch-boy politicians who do their bidding. So the worse men get it, the more men will consolidate their voting power and venal politicians will have to listen. The gov't fears nothing more than armed men in large groups. Unless they manage to repeal the 2nd Amendment, Militia groups will be on the rise again, men will march on Washington, and they will demand change. So just who will fight in the military then? Women, who make piss poor ground forces, who will have to fight against heterosexual countries with male soldiers who don't even care if they die. Men are not wilting lilies; look how bad you can treat men and that just makes them tougher and fight harder, e.g., the Palestinians or any Middle Eastern country. Women have no experience running the country, making the laws, or much of anything else, so they will screw things up royally and we will be overrun. All the men and boys will be murdered and the Feminazis will be raped and killed, while others are just raped and taken as concubines. Then that's the end for the West-- the West will still be here but the people will be from non-lesbianized cultures. This has happened many times throughout history.

  • 5 years ago

    Smart Girls Marry Money

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    A Complete Life Is More Than A Series Of Transactions

    Intelligent People Work For Many Reasons

    Money Is Only One Of Them

    The Topic Is Interesting

    The Prejudices Appear Immovable

    Thank You For This Effort

    I Got It

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a friend with a child who has decided that her partner needs to have money. I guess she has been through enough struggle to feel that money is a huge factor in her happiness.

    I on the other hand have felt the complete opposite and as I live in this life with my partner I experience the struggles. To have financial stability is not everything, but it is necessary to have peace in this society.

    In terms of what life is all about, I would rather be with someone that I loved who was financially struggling than to be with someone the opposite. Companionship is stronger than funds and my ideal mate needs to have at least some ambition, hope, and positivity for financial gain.

    I will only marry for love, because I have this life to rejoice in and that is a lot better ultimately than having lots of things. It is a necessary evil. I would completely appreciate a modest life with huge piles of happiness.

    Source(s): Wisdom
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry, I can't see anything in this whole thing which I can agree at all. I-- I I...

    Okay, smothering my vomit back down my throat; I totally agree about women making a marriage allianse with a man simply because they put a guy in a pedestal based off of what they dreamed about since they were kids. I mean, even guys shouldn't do that with their women (the disillusionment that follows is not pretty, I've seen this with men AND women and it's scary, obsessive behaviour and annoying).

    But I think this book is simply just a book putting a tongue in cheek approach about GDs; but, honestly I think this book yet MORE evidence of people towing away the 'guilt' with something (for cash and fame). I mean, what's wrong with self-independence? what's wrong of taking advantage of your privileges of welfare and free education by, I dunno, USING IT and PAYING IT BACK by becoming a PRODUCTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE MEMBER OF SOCIETY?

    Yeah, NO. Seriously, smart women don't marry money. Smart women make their own dough so they could buy THEIR own dreamhouse and be able to NEVER worry about whether the hubby decides to not include her name in his will and decides to let his 40 something year old kids have it all and let them have the satisfaction of kicking her out. After all the conundrum of dealing with a rich fat cat by pandering to his needs and sleeping with him even though he's looking like death warmed up. Because you had to get on his good side to get anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are no Prince Charmings & marrying $$$ is amoral & makes someone an exclusive whore

    will never get their emotional neediness quenched.

    I agree with the fir st answer. Read Dante, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Chaucer,

    Hermann Melville, Michael Grant, Adrian Goldsworthy, B.H.Liddell Hart, Dalai Lama,

    G.K. Chesterton, Jack London, Waverly Root, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Frost

    David Lopez, Isaac Asimov, Michael Hart, Jim Cramer, David G. Chandler, Greek

    & Roman classical authors, Fernand Braudel, Henri Pirenne, Anna Maria Liberati,

    Agatha Christy, Emily Dickinson, Shakespeare, Abba Eban,

    Doris Kearns Goodwin, etc.

    Take your own advice, the more you know the more you grow.

    Source(s): Life & being a vorascious reader.
  • Jazz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    So I guess the guy equivalent for a similar book should be titled "Smart Guys Don't Marry At All". Clearly marriage isn't about genuine love anymore. It's all about materialistic desires and superficiality.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, what can you say?

    It breaks my heart (?) that what men thought was true, is in fact true.

    That women marry for money.

    A review of the book:

    "From the first chapter, the voice, the humor and candor of SGMM bid me to sit down with a cup of tea--and later a glass of wine--and hear these women out.

    I squirmed, at first, at the idea of the GDI [Gold Digger Imperative] having lived through the 70's when my NOW membership was a badge of honor.

    But, alas, reality is reality. And here we are women of all generations still struggling to make ends meet and still searching for true love instead of a good financial consultant.

    These smart girls did their homework and the research is eye opening and often hilarious. I smile at the thought of my men friends' puny little Y chromosome. Who knew about a fluffer? I should have guessed about the higher levels of testosterone in those women bosses."

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with a woman marrying a man who has money. In fact, most women marry up in income anyway.

    Isn't there the old adage that a man will try to marry the prettiest woman he can afford?

    Where else, but in 1st world nations (primarily U.S.) can a woman dramatically improve her lifestyle and socioeconomic status simply by her physical beauty (and a smile on her face)? How many men can do such a thing?

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