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Lv 58,613 points

Alex Muntaz

Favorite Answers13%

Just an american trying to get by in the uk; steadily progressing through her education as much as she can. I love stuff about legends, fairy tales, even horror movies. I love spanish indie flicks from the 70's as well, an spend my free time reading stephen king and romance novels. A strange mix of reading choices, but yea.

  • Essie nail polish: how can I get them to properly dry?

    It's probably just me, but I noticed that when I try to use my new Essie nail polish, they're always very sticky and gooey even *hours* since applying. They had been kept out of direct sunlight, I kept one of them in a fridge for a day to see if it changed anything, but they just. don't. ever. dry. It wasn't until I tried using a topcoat from Sally Hansen did it slightly change, but it still stays gooey.

    I keep seeing lots of people using them and being able to keep them nice and solid, and Essie does have some good shades and it is a shame if it's brand is so hard to use. I just want to ask how does ANYONE that uses them get them to dry.

    3 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Ideas for spooky-themed music?

    We're setting up a mock murder-mystery play back at home, taking heavy inspiration from those 'whodunnit' films like Gosford Park and 19th century gothic-themed films like Dragonwyck. We're currently looking for classical 'spooky' themed soundtrack--but every time we tried to search, the internet just points the way to the works of Johannes Brahms, Bach, Mozart, and the guy who made "Night in Bald Mountain". Those kinds of music are good...but they are too strong for what we wanted.

    We're working for something more--quieter, more noir-y. We bought a couple of songs which were from the Haunted Mansion in the disney theme parks, but they weren't selling much else.

    So do you guys have any suggestions? What are the best spooky-themed music you'd think would suit a mystery-in-a-mansion story?

    4 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • So iTunes won't display the iPod without the internet?

    This may sound odd. But I heard recently that you need the internet up and running for iTunes to even display your iPod for syncing purposes or even manual editing when you plug your ipod in. Which may prove difficult if you have to have a mobile broadband connected into one of your thumbdrives. Even with itunes in the most recent update available.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • Poll time: If a woman offers to pay for her meals and tickets?

    Does that make you think she's a cheap sl*t?

    Look, I hear this from a group of women who ranged from the 50-to-30 range. My own cousin truly believes that it *was* the reason why her ex dumped her, and why my first relationship didn't work out (to which I call bullsh*t). But I constantly hear about this from her and other women, and while I'm sick of hearing it, seeing them so truly confident about this fact, sadly, makes me sometimes doubt myself.

    Still, I just really believe no one on earth would try to treat someone worse simply because of a barely relevant action through the course of a relationship. That's just my opinion, though to her and the women I have to meet day to day, it's irrelevant because I don't date much and therefore have 'no idea'. But that's just my opinion. I always paid for my dinners and expenditures--it makes no sense to snatch a guy's money which he has to live and be able to keep a roof over his head, only because 'I'm a girl' and have to keep my 'value' up to make him feel like he needs me more. Wrong or not, it's only my opinion.

    7 AnswersGender Studies10 years ago
  • Make up savvies, how do you achieve nude-colored lips?

    I've been trying to achieve it with nude lipstick and blending it with clear lip gloss to make it shiny--but it just looks too patchy still. How do you people do it? I'm curious about what little tips and tricks you often use?

    5 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • What do you think on Angelina Jolie playing as Cleopatra?

    Okay, so I know Angelina is a formidable actress. Not as high up in talent like Patrick Stewart or Sigourney Weaver in being able to carry out any genre, sure, and she's never known to pull off even theatrical productions. But I'm biased. I always considered her parts, before she became famous, as more well done than when she became a superstar and seemed to stop trying to emulate any character which isn't her own media personality. In other words, she's since stopped trying. Still, now it seems she's back on playing more parts, and we're now seeing another film on the next Hollywood representation of the old story of Cleopatra the VII. What's your thoughts, guys?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Feeding Ducklings:How much starter crumbs do you give?

    We just had a little flock of 6 abandoned ducklings. Since they were two days old, we fed them chopped spinach/grated carrots/and mashed boiled yolk til we were able to get a sack of Duckling Starter Crumbs. Since then, we fill the bottom of a small plate (8 1/2 cm diameter exactly). and feed them every day (often emptying and refilling once they get wet or soiled every two hours or so). But something struck us and made us realise what on earth we were doing was pretty reckless and rather stupid. We have no idea how much exactly to give as their daily portions. We know we should switch to pellets after 3-4 weeks, but the bag doesn't explain anything else. So we were hoping if someone here knows and can lend a hand in this dellimma. So far the ducklings seem fine, and they're now bigger and look very much like a normal 1-week old duck now. So far it feels like they're doing okay, still, we hope to know more on what we're doing. Thanks for the help!

    1 AnswerBirds10 years ago
  • Before you were able to enjoy the nightlife? What things?

    Gave you unreal expectations of dance clubs and bars?

    For instance; mine was movies like the Matrix and Blade (pre-blood-shower). I used to think adults went to enjoy hardcore music while drinking sparingly and looking for chicks/guys (all the while trying to look good). Unfortunately, we have hyper Abba electric remixes and people caked with orange paint (and lycra) where I live at.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Potential Damage of putting drops of chemical bleach on food?


    My idiot mother thinks its completely acceptable to put drips of Clorox on vegetables now, to 'properly' clean them to reduce potential E. Coli. (yeah, she heard the news yesterday, and this is her reaction). I'm against it completely, since it does stress NO internal intake. Unfortunately, this isn't the first. She thought medicinal alcohol is the same alcohol to use for cooking. Still, besides that, I'm looking for any potential evidence that it's harmful for your health, AND is not even used to remove bacteria by professionals. I just need some convincing before she inadvertently poisons herself.

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • GenderStudiers, how do you feel about Galton's view of eugenics?

    The Eugenics movement came out earlier in the past century, and even though only its mere shadow still exists in our society today, it is a movement that had caused events such as the Holocaust. To put it bluntly, Eugenics is a thinking movement that considers the genetic health of the population. Galton's branch into eugenics connects race and social class as factors, but he believed that many people should be sterilized or kept separated from the 'good' social class and race. This man expressed in the past how people below working classes are impure and should be left out from surviving further into the next generations, for instance, and same way goes to anyone of the non-white race. What's your opinion on this, GSers?

    5 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • How do you sew a pendant on a choker?

    Just want to ask an opinion. I got this piece of jewelry that looks like circle with a length of metal extending from it with smooth branches (like a fish's spine and ribs, only not sharp).

    Which is designed to hang with the circle downwards. Since I had this idea in my head, I decided to make a velvet choker and managed to make one.

    However, what still makes me wonder as to how I can possibly attach the pendant on the choker? I don't want to mar it forever by supergluing the back, and since it does come with a small jumpring, even though if I manage to sew it on, I know it'll dangle awkwardly when worn. I was wondering if anyone has any tips or thoughts, thanks!

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • If you suddenly have a hermaphrodite for a child?

    Inspired by a question over sexual preferences of children; I was wondering how would GWS people deal with having a 3rd sexed kid. Do you treat the child with surgery, despite that the child may not develop femininely, and would grow up outcasted, and maybe resentful for having a choice taken away from them? Do you actually feel establishing a gender is such a must?

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • So let me get this straight about girls and being treated badly?

    So, with people here constantly crowing over the bed-success after treating people like cr@p, I want to know if anyone can explain further about this. As it sounds like, simply walk past someone with no eye-contact, and bam, guaranteed it shoots right through the other person and she'll follow you everywhere. And it gets better if you randomly shout at her that she's a fatty or too ugly for your time. She'll love you forever.

    I mean, really, I never knew it'd be too easy. I've always thought when a boss shouts at a female-coworker, I never knew it's a mating ritual. Or when a high school girl bullies a poor harelipped classmate, I didn't know she was wooing the other girl. Really, I'd really love it if someone gives me a mansplanation over this, since I really have no idea!

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Gender studies, how would you answer this kid?

    Hi, I'm back.

    Starting my dream career in a bang by working in the local museum staff, I was tasked on the crafts-and-activities sessions that start every morning there. We are a free-entry museum funded by donations, so many parents bring over their kids to tour around the area and socialize.

    Currently, this month, we've got this kid coming on the weekends for a whole day alone. Since this is a small museum, thankfully we are always able to keep an eye on him. This is nothing new, tons of parents bring kids and leave them to their artifact-hunting and clay-work for an hour or two. This boy is left til closing. I was tagged a couple of times before to sit with him and walk with him through the galleries. He's a quiet kid at first, but he's always hyperactive and imaginative after a while.

    Yesterday, though, after showing him the in-progress room in making the dinosaur exhibition, he was morose and quiet. until finally, he admits that he hears a lot of people telling off one of his parents. After asking why, he says he doesn't know. Only that something bad happened before which made his dad go to the hospital, and made him mum disappear off to work all of a sudden. He doesn't know why his family life had suddenly changed, and it's scares him. It had bothered him even worse though, that the friends of the family have began to tell off his mother whenever they come by, because his mother started working. That's the only amount of details he has managed to say. Before it was only his dad that worked, it seems.

    That was when he started to ask me why they'd do that. Why would his mom leave him, and why is everyone so angry at her as well.

    We were all hard-pressed over this question back at the staff. After his mom came for him, we found out his dad was a road-worker when he broke his back, and they're hoping on the eventual surgery. I could only tell him that his mom is going out to work so his dad would get better faster, and that her friends are only worried and that's why they're stressed out. Unfortunately, we can't really know what really's going on. Only that the woman seemed to be trying to juggle way too many things, and that the kid is feeling confused and scared.

    5 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Cocktail people! I need help for this recipe on rum!?

    So I found this drink recipe that even made my special-occasions-drinks-only mouth water.

    I found it from the UK's vintage gal magazine, where, in a cheerful section on party cocktail ideas, included Captain Morgan and honey.

    Now, the recipe goes like this, at least as I can remember:

    1. Two table spoons of Captain Morgan's spiced rum.

    2. Ice.

    3. Cream, Dunno how much you put in.

    4. Honey (also I don't know how much).

    5. I'm not sure if there's any more to add onto that...

    The desired effect, as I can remember, is where you're supposed to have the honey settle down to the bottom "like a gold doubloon". I couldn't purchase that mag (it's an indie mag just starting out, btw). So I still have to hunt it down. I can't find it online, so I'm looking ontoward this section for help. It just sounds great, hence why I'm hankering to get the recipe. XD

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How to tell your family that you're seeing someone...?

    Who by conventional social standards, can be seen as unattractive?

    Hell, I never care for such trifling matters about the other opinion of attractiveness. Which was why I'm seeing this guy for a year (unbeknownst to the family) and actually do find him more than just physically attractive when we first met. Unfortunately, my parents expect better.

    While my mom never liked me to even openly glance at another guy in front of her (she also despises the fact that my social circles lead me to be more closer to LARPers, geeks, and "those people who wear black"). But she expects that I 'naturally' should go for super model types. The chiseled cheekbones and pouting lips, etc. Didn't help that she's a size two in jeans before she had kids at 26 (I'm 21 and am size 14 for english jeans). My dad apparently complemented her as a couple before he let himself go at 21, AND he was used to being surrounded by attractive people. So while I helped my BF to get into a local hotel while he was job hunting in the country, I introduced him to my parents as a friend. My dad wouldn't mind at all, only that he'd be shocked if he realised I was hiding from him. It didn't help matters that after my significant other left, he snickered and sighed over my choices of friends often being 'overweight dweebs'. My mother, of course, would not let go the shock that his teeth weren't pure white (he just gave up smoking, so his teeth were a little stained), or that he is an endomorph in body type. Although she liked him well enough, she would've collapsed on a couch in shock and yell at me for being a desperate idiot.

    Unfortunately, she constantly ignores time and again that my standards of attraction are different than hers. The multiple times she'd drag me across the room, the train, or the bus, to shove in front of guy who looks like an Abercombie and Fitch type did only to make more awkward the situation and I constantly had to tell her that seeing a guy simply of that kind, only leaves me feeling dead below the waist. Even more so, she constantly ignores that while my dates are fewer and feature more normal people (not tourists in vacation resorts like she used to live and work in), at least I never was stuck in a abusive relationship, with a guy who's only abusive by simply fooling her around and stringing her along (Like in terms of cheating on her, or telling her that condoms hurt on guys and that it's just silly to even think about contraception). Yup, she fell for guys like that because apparently they were hot enough to forgive for anything. Really, it's a case of dealing with a parent (one who needs to look in the mirror), and another who wants to force her choices on my life since as long as she can remember).

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Would you people prefer it, if everyone rushed to a later loveless marriage?

    With more people asking why marriage is in decline, or even how our future is growing dark as people are putting it off or leading on to different aspirations; would they finally be happy if everyone, just, gets married?

    Myself, not so much. I had a grandfather, who did 'the right thing' by marrying a girl because it was the 50s, and they didn't use protection to ward off pregnancy. It took him 4 years to realize that since their first kid was born, she took to infidelity as she soon regretted not being able to date and staying with that one guy. That's what marriage did to that generation of my family. They rushed it, they expected something great like in the movies, but then reality showed how it's not the case.

    My mom and dad, definitely rushed it. My dad never knew my mom only went with him because he was just a rebound to her, and ever since then, she resented ever marrying him and claimed that he ruined her life. However, they stuck together to raise us. Even though she took her frustration out on us.

    Hence, I never want to put any harm on someone who didn't deserve it. I especially like my freedom, and prefer to know the person and appreciate him appropriately. I never want to use marriage as an escape or an accessory. Yet somehow, people think it's what's damaging our society and culture.

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • On the old issues of ex-slave's rights, and even non-white women...?

    Do you think Abraham Lincoln had made more harm than good in during his seat of power?

    7 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Does anyone truly have an issue with Katy Perry's dress?

    Since I was a kid, I was exposed to cleavage. I saw it in the vintage Looney Tunes (Um, Red Hot Riding Hood, everyone?) prime time cartoons depicting Marilyn Monroe, and in vintage films, showing in prime time, featuring golden cinema-aged actresses with similar, or close to, necklines. Not to mention, I totally saw t!ts when I watched the 1940s Fantasia (featured in the centaur scenes), The Little Mermaid (nice cleavage Ariel. And Ursula. Oh, and all of Ariel's sisters) Beauty and the Beast featured the villain's groupies with actual cleavage drawn in.

    All these movies, I've watched since I've learned to crawl.

    Really, I've only heard of her through the music on the radio, and people gushing over her vintage hair style. Honestly, I have no idea what she's really like, so how come people are calling her a slut? Educate me, please, all of you.

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago