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How long after your first did you want another?

Hi ladies,

So my son is 6 months, and I feel like he's already all grown up. Rolling, crawling, holding his own bottles, sleeping through the night, I look at him in amazement, and I want my little newborn back. I obviously know that is not possible, but how did time go by so fast? It feels like just yesterday he was just born, but I feel like tomorrow he'll be leaving for college. I miss him being a little baby all he's Mr. Independant and wants to do everything on his own...I feel so not-needed. And I'm missing being pregnant. I miss my big belly and feeling the baby moving around. Having another right now really just isn't a great idea for us. We might be moving out of state due to a job relocation, and until the training for this new job is done, he'll be working crazy hours. We originally said we would probably start trying for # 2 next fall, which will make our first son about 2 years old when baby 2 came along. When did you ladies start wanting another or miss being pregnant. I just keep constantly thinking about it.


Happy New Year

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My daughter is 8 months. I started to want another baby around 4-6 months. I too missed being pregnant and missed holding my little girl and rocking her to sleep. Now she just wants me to put her in bed when she is tired so she can go to sleep all by herself lol. She crawls and couch cruises and always wants me to set her down to play (very little cuddle time lol) I chase her everywhere and that makes me want to wait. It gets more hectic chasing her around, telling her no, and trying to keep her happy and calm when I have to find new ways of distracting her when I have to take something away she wants but ...can not have. We also are thinking about trying again around the same time arrangement if at all. The truth is...... I want more, not just because my little girl is getting older or because I want to be pregnant (a baby fix some people call it) But because I love being a mom. I love my child and want to give all the love I have to her and to many more children. Which I love her more and more everyday.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My son is 5 months old right now and I feel exactly the same way. He is so independent now and I'm miss having a newborn. I ALWAYS think about how amazing it was to be pregnant. I miss everything about it, and I NEVER thought I would say that. I was putting some of his clothes away today that he couldn't wear anymore and stubble across his newborn stuff and almost started crying. I was 3 weeks shy of 18 when I had him and I'm still not really on my own feet but I want to be pregnant again so bad. Not to mention my body is still not where it needs to be, like it was before I was pregnant. We would definitely struggle if we had another one but I cant stop thinking about it either. In a way I know it would be selfish because I couldn't give them everything they need or deserve. So yes I know exactly how you feel :(

  • I missed all that when my daughter was 6 weeks old. And it gets a little worse everyday, missing being pregnant that is. Though I am not ready for all that again or another child. But knowing my first is 2 months old already is shocking. I want to wait 3 years but I know it'll be hard. I never thought i'd forget what it felt like to be pregnant, to feel those kicks and wiggles from the inside....and most of all, to miss being kicked.

  • 1 decade ago

    You sound like me before my son started walking. LOL

    My son is a big boy so at around 6-7 months I had to get rid of his favorite toy- the jumperoo that made me laugh so many times. I was so sad and actually crying over it. I missed being pregnant too. I wanted to have another close in age so that they could be BF's. My husband and I started talking about dates/months to conceive. I don't know what I was thinking and thank God we didn't do it. My son is WILD and I can't imagine having a newborn and a runner at the same time!

    My son will be AT LEAST 3 before we even think about another one. He's well behaved (for a toddler) but he is such a handful!

  • 1 decade ago

    my son is 2.5 yrs and i miss being pregnant and miss him being a newborn it is amazing how fast time goes and how they grow and learn to become an independent individual and dont really need us to do much for them anymore (tear). I missed being pregnant right away I loved the feeling of being pregnant his movements and all, lately we have been wanting another baby but we are holding off on it so badly sometimes I feel like if it happens it happens you know..but it really is not the time for us either. he works and i am a full-time student and i will finish with university next year, so having another right now would be to hard on both since i am almost done.. we are waiting until our son is 4yrs old and i am out of school so i can focus on both children and not have to leave them at daycare while I go to school and he works.

    especially when i see pregnant women I want to be, and when i see newborns its like awww i want one... since a year ago when my brother had his little girl we have been wanting a little girl too, we visit every weekend and its so cute how much she loves us both so much she always wants to be with us (chooses us over her parents) i know its kinda sad but we love this little girl so much we have to visit all the the time.

    happy new year to you too and hope you enjoy it =]

  • 1 decade ago

    I was cleaning out a closet when my son was about 6 or 7 months old and his "come home" outfit fell out of a box that I was saving. I picked it up and practically hugged it and realized then that I wanted another one right away. lol It was preemie sized, and I remembered just how big it was on him because he was tiny(5 pounds, 8 ounces)

    I did not miss being pregnant because I had a terrible pregnancy, but this time around it is getting better.

  • 1 decade ago

    my daughter is 5 months old now and i find myself thinking about what it would be like to have another little one- I have always known i wanted several children never decided on a number my husband and i figure we will know when our family is complete. .. anyway i dont think i would be upset at all if i were to become pregnant anytime now my sister and i are only 12 1/2 months apart and so close it was like growing up with a best friend so i know i dont want to wait too long but it is all in Gods hands Good luck with your decision

  • 1 decade ago

    around 4 months I started wanting another, then at 6 months, 9 months, etc...

    She's now almost 2 and we are TTC another one.

    I really think it's best for a child to get a chance to be a baby, plus you need to give your body a chance to recovery fully or else you are cheating the 2nd baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son is 4 months and i already want another one. I want a big family. (Not too many kids) but about 4 kids. It just seems like now i want to get it over with before my schooling is over and before i am starting my career. By the looks of it i want my kids soon so they will be in school whenever i am getting out of my numerous years of schooling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey. My son is 7 mnths old and I have also been thinking about when I want to have my next one. We were also thinking about trying for the fall so then they would be 2 years apart. I'm about to go to school so it would have to work around that.

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