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Fertility difficulties, one miscarriage and now pregnant and scared. Any words of wisdom?

I have never had a regular menstrual cycle which, of course, makes getting pregnant difficult. I never worried about it to much as I always felt that if I was to have children I would. A couple of years ago I had a sudo-pregnancy. I say that because when I had my first prenatal visit, it was discovered that I had sac that measured 9 weeks, but there was no baby. I was more devistated than I thought I would be. I had to have a D&C which made me feel like I was killing something I should love, despite the fact that there was no baby. My brain kept irrationally telling me that maybe the doctor was wrong and there was a baby there and now I was killing it. I was really messed up more than most people realized at that point. That was about two years ago and I haven't been pregnant since...until now.

I just discovered that I am about six weeks pregnant and I am terrified. What if this pregnancy is like the last? What if there is no baby? What is wrong with me? What if there is a baby and I miscarry? Why can my sister who leads a much unhealthier life style than I do manage to have four beautiful healty children and I can't get past 10 weeks with a pregnancy?

My fears and questions are irrational and don't have answers. I don't expect them. What will happen will happen I will do the best I can to make things go well and the rest is up to God, or fate, or nature, or what ever has control of these things.

I guess what I'm really looking for is a vent and maybe a few helpful words. If you want to tell me that my questions are crazy and irrational that's fine I know they are, but remember that fear is irrational. We can't control what brings it on we can only control how we deal with it. Telling me not to worry is like telling the sun not to shine, but tho' it may not stop my worries it might make me feel a little better. Please be kind.

Thanks for any wisdom you can give.


Thanks for the kind words and well wishes already coming in. I called my OB/GYN as soon as I got a positive pregnancy test. My appointment is on January 7th. It won't be a "prenatal" visit exactly, but I am hoping they will at least tell me if there is a baby this time. That will take care of some of my fears.

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I'm so sorry. but congrats on your pregnancy! i had a miscarriage last year and now have a healthy happy 6 month old son.

    You are completely justified in having concerns and questioning everything. I did too. Just relax and enjoy what you are going through. Don't stress yourself out. Everything will work out. I suggest you get into the doctor ASAP. My doctor's office refused to see me until i was 10 weeks pregnant in my second pregnancy. I called everyday as soon as i found out i was pregnant and told them i was worried and had to have an ultrasound ASAP. They fit me in as soon as they could. I suggest you just call your doctor and tell them your concerns.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you're basically 5 weeks, so which you fairly shouldn't beexperiencing too lots besides installation ordinary info like who you go with for a doctor and what scientific institution you prefer to furnish at. each being pregnant is diverse. tell your well-being care expert you have had a prior miscarriage- quite in case you be responsive to the reason. yet I had 3 miscarriages, then 3 acceptable, completely healthy babies. Get the e book "what to anticipate once you're looking forward to." it fairly is going to answer any question you ought to in all probability have, inclusive of what warning signs are frequent, what degree of progression the toddler is at, and so on. it is your little lifeline once you experience a humorous twinge. Get on your prenatal supplements, pay interest to what you're eating- making particular it fairly is healthy and nutritious and luxuriate in being pregnant! Seeing a counselor ought to no longer be a bad concept because of the fact they are in a position to help with most of the emotional themes.

  • I know how you feel I have a son (2 1/2 yrs old) and was a perfectly healthy pregnancy. I had my 2nd pregnancy, everything was going well at until at 7 weeks i spotted, u/s showed a h/b and everything was fine. I found out at 14 weeks that the baby had no h/b and measured 9w, long story short, my pregnancy after my first miscarriage ended the same way at the same stage. The difference is that I'm pretty sure yours is random and VERY rare ( I found out mine was a simple infection and could have been easily fixed if my GP was up to scratch). I had a bit of panic with my 3rd pregnancy (2nd miscarriage) at first but then I had faith, even though it ended in miscarriage. I have faith also that 2010 will be the year for me to have a healthy pregnancy, I believe that with you as well. I know you need to rant because I felt the same way when I lost my babies. How can people who smoke and drink while pregnant have a healthy full term pregnancy and a healthy baby and they take it for granted? It's not fair.

    Your questions aren't irrational they are completely normal. All that you can do is keep as healthy as you possibly can and the left is left up to Mother Nature. You might find doctors and other people will look at you strangely for even mentioning that you're worried but I bet they are the people who have never experienced pregnancy or baby loss before. It is normal to feel fear especially after what you have been through. As I said just try and keep as healthy as possible, that's all you can do. Good luck and hope this helps. xxx

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not alone. I'm feeling the same way a little bit, though I didn't have the same experience with a first pregnancy that you did. I'm sorry to hear what you went through. Your feelings ARE VALID! I am not going to tell you not to worry. You have every right to.

    I understand your post-operative feelings about the D&C. I had to have one a few years ago to remove a large inter-uterine polyp. I felt so down in the dumps about it because it finally hit me that the difference between that and abortion was that I was not pregnant. I've always been pro-life but support abortion in the case when the life of the mother is at stake (such as tubal pregnancy).

    I'm 9w,2d along now. I had my first ultra sound at 6 wks...the nurse insisted I'd be 7 wks along by the time I had the U/S. The U/S indicated I was only 6 wks though. There was no mistaking a growing baby was in there. The heartbeat could be seen and heard.

    I'm not a religious nut, am not one to force on-the-spot with anyone, and I don't know how you feel about prayer or religion, but I will give this next part a try.... Pray to God for wisdom and understanding, for help in alleviating your fears. Talk to God as if you're talking to someone you want to hear you and listen to you. You'd be amazed at how much better you feel afterward. It's just like talking to someone one on one and feeling better by talking your feelings out. If you're not a church-going person, so what; we are still heard. Whether or not you feel uncomfortable with prayer, go to church or not, it might help you to talk to a clergy person on's FREE.

    To cope with sickness and worry, I have to take things one day at a time, one hour at a time and not think about the next day until it comes.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy and I hope for all the best for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes pregnant women do get panic. In your case, with previous bad experience, your panic might be worse than usual.

    From your description it seems you are very conscientious person so I assume you have done everything normally advised during pregnancy, such as pre-natal doctor visits, proper nutrition, avoiding alcohol and cigarrettes, etcetera. Certainly do everything possible on a physical level to give yourself the best chance.

    On emotional level, do you feel trust in the people around you? Your husband, your parents and relatives, your doctor, your friends? Maybe now is a time to re-inforce your relationships so that no matter what happens, youi have support and help. I would suggest, make a Sunday brunch or dinner, and invite two to five selected guests to sit, have a meal, and talk for a half hour. It could be your parents or your neighbors. Keep making these get togethers about twice a month during the course of your pregnancy, sort of like regular 'team' meetings.

    Another approach is on a spiritual level. This is sort of like bargaining with God. You might want to make a small charity donation to help orphans or women in distress, or any other cause that touches your feelings. Some people like to do volunteer work, or visit their church. The idea here is that by doing something that is very altruistic, you might strengthen your own courage and faith to deal with whatever can happen.

    I hope this helps. I wish you good health and success in your pregnancy. May you have a healthy child and your family have long and healthy lives.

  • Ethel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think your fears are reasonable, just read an AP article that women who take a long time to conceive had more problems with their pregnancies and often have miscarried before. But, this doesn't mean you won't have a live baby at the end! My sister took a year to conceive, miscarried, and then got pregnant with my niece - I have had two miscarriages this year and I am on my 3rd pregnancy in 2009 and at almost 17 weeks it's a keeper.

    It happens to many of us, we are anxious the whole first trimester and some of the second after miscarriage, it's reasonable to be worried - and it can happen again (it did for me). There is no magic answer, the one thing that makes me feel okay about my miscarriages is that I know my body miscarried for a reason - they weren't good pregnancies and would not have become babies. In other words it comforts me personally that my body did what needed to be done, that my body worked the way it should - and I would feel the same way if I had a D&C.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just wanted to offer you some hugs... I'm 4 weeks pregnant, and my last pregnancy was exactly what happened with yours. See if you can get in with a Reproductive Endocrinologist, they'll closely monitor your pregnancy for you, MUCH moreso than an OBGYN. Other than that, I feel your pain, I feel like I can't celebrate my pregnancy, and I'm on pins and needles worrying if the baby will actually be born. It's terrifying!

    *hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a miscarriage with my last pregnancy, as well. I am now almost 6 wks pregnant (SAT) and going through the same mental worries. The bestthing to do would be to go ahead and sched your 1st check up. Some OB's dont do the vaginal u/s first visit. I would reccommend that you call and ask around and choose a doctor that does this procedure, for the 1st visit. You can always switch l8er. Seeing that baby and heartbeat is comforting and a sign that everything is going okay. The soonest they can get me in will be on the 18th and I will be almost 8 wks, so I am hopinjg that everything goes good until then. I have done some research, and 2 or more m/c's in a row is very rare. It is between 1 and 3 %. I am so sorry for your previous loss. I know how hard it is, and it is difficult for one to understand the pain, unless they have been through it. Good luck, and I will keep you and your baby n fam in my prayers. I am sure that everything will be okay this go around.

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