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Question for all Yahoo R&S users?

My question is, how many of you get offended when someone questions what you believe ( or not )? Can someone ask a question, or question your religion, without getting their answer or question deleted because it offended someone? If not, how will you ever talk about your beliefs outside of Yahoo, if you can't handle criticism, or the anger or rage someone may have towards your religion, or God? Someone please tell me why questions and answers, that are not directed at anyone personally, and are not vulgar or nasty, get deleted so easily. Thank you all for your responses.


After reading many of your responses, it does amaze me that people can be so defensive, to the point of deleting any question that offends them. I make this observation: to those who get offended when their beliefs are attacked; look inside, because there is an internal problem if you are so touchy no one can question anything you believe. I am 49, and have learned that not everyone agrees with me, and I come on pretty strong with my beliefs, questions, and answers, but I never ask for deletion unless the question is completely perverted. To all deleters, please consider everyone else that may what to honestly give an answer, and try not to be so offended at the different questions and answers you will receive. After all, this is the religious and spirituality section.

24 Answers

  • BLAH
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it's because you won the argument, and they get offended.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only people I believe would delete a religious question would be the religious fanatics, and that goes for all religions in the world that are on R&S, I am a free thinking Catholic and I don't give a dam who I may or may not offend, because I am vary opinionated when it comes to religion because there is so much religious fanatic ignorance out there it simply boggles the mind, and for all of the time I have been on yahoo answers I have never seen such lack of common sense and logic regarding religion, all of our societies live at a time of intelligent fact finding research and archaeology, and I believe religion was simply created by man for the sole reason to control the flock, because religion bares no credible evidence that any of it was ever true, because it's simply all hear say, I will only say that the bible does produce some wisdom for mankind to follow, unfortunately he choses to ignore that wisdom.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not offended when persons question my belief. I do not like when people compare God to a dog and other such ignorance. People can ask anything they like, but if they get deleted they should not be so wimpy about it, if they knew full well that question did not meet the criteria for posts here. Yahoo does not set the stage for how someone speaks or deals with persons off the internet. Lots of questions don't spew vulgarity, but they do spew insults and make false accusations at one organization or sector or name calling, cussing, sexual lewd and perversions that could easily be posted in other forums and not here to irritate and offend people and that is good enough reason for persons to delete Q's or A's in my opinion. I don't delete, i just ignore.

    It all boils down to perception.

    If you get offended by something, just ignore and don't answer it. there are others who sincerely want help and are not poking fun or looking to delete everything.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No I don't care what people say about me and being an atheist my beliefs or lack of are constantly abused, but I know that none of it is true, because I'm a nice person. I've never reported anyone and have no intention to. I don't understand people reporting questions and answers, if you get offended by something then just ignore it, it will disappear into the mass of questions and answers within a few minutes.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My people have been oppressed, persecuted and slaughtered for the last 2,000 years simply because of who we are and because others do not understand Judaism. Enough is enough! It's time others learned the Jewish version of Judaism rather than the Christian sequel.

    Not only are questions about Judaism allowed, they are encouraged. Unfortunately, the answers here on Y!A tend to rile the questioner.

    Ask your question again after a few centuries of being subjected to the same behavior.

    I ask you to join with us in fighting the anti-Semitism by reporting anti-Semitic questions and answers. The U.S. has made great strides against the racism of slavery, but anti-Semitism is still very much alive!


  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what kind of questions you ask, so I can't give a personal experience of how I feel about you and what you ask. But I am a firm believer in it's not what you say but how you say it. For example it someone asks why I wear hijab I will not get offended, but if someone says, hey you dumb *** why you wear hijab, then that would offend me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are a lot of meanies in here who just love to stir up trouble for whatever reason. The non-believers don't belong in this section of R&S unless they are seeking truth. To come in here and harass people just for the kicks of it is entirely wrong, childish, mean-spirited, immature and evil. I have been reported over nothing at least a dozen times and couldn't get the points back except one time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Must be how the question is asked. Like " Why are Christians or atheists so stupid?" People do tend to get a little upset with those questions. As far as real questions, that is why yahoo answers is here.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't get offended. I just don't tend to ask the questions of religion. Just answer them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya know I agree with you, but when people make comments about our Lord Jesus Christ in a vulgar, perverted, and disgusting way?..well, then, that is when I get offensive and take action and do what I feel is right by reporting them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i take no offense at all to peopel wanting to learn, thts what we're all here for isnt it

    but to outright insult soemone, for their views, to berate them, judge them, offended, no,

    sad, yes,

    i get sad that some humans have to think that way in order to live their lives and feel they are better peopel thanthey actually are instead of accepting like we all have to that you are not perfect, and have soem thigns you need to change and better about yourself, as we all do

    being cirtizised is all very well, as long as its doen respectfully, which is possible,

    "i dotn agree, we can agree to disagree, well i think this but you have a right to your opinions,"

    none of that is agrement but its all respectful

    but, it only speaks of them as a person if they cant be civil withtheir views, so why would i be offended

    report monkeys exist, they deleat evyerthing , its how they survive, they feed on the knowledge, that means they have to destroy it as they consume it


    to your edit, your very right, and i agree 100%, but most of those who your speaking to, dont listen

    thats one of the problems,they refuse to listen to others in the first place

    some people are just defensive all the time, it leads to a closed mind as you are defensive instead of open, and so not willing to be open, i think it may scare soem of them to actualyl open up a bit, to realise that you can be soemone you had no idea of

    we all think we know ourselves very well, so most peopel live by that person they think they are, rather than be who they have every capability of being

    and usually, let their inner voices control them instead of their own voice

    ie the voices saying, they are wrong, you are right, they are attaking, you deserve to retaliate, it verges on paranoia

    but only they can deal with that, no one else

    you just have to learn who is and isnt like that

    and move on

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