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Sola Scriptura, is it even possible? Hardcore Protestants tell me what you think of this?

4. Magistrate—the power to declare true or holy of the Catholic Church


o "Remind them to be under the control of magistrates and authorites, to be obedient, to be open to every good enterprise."(3 Titus 3:1)


o "16We did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eyewitnesses of his majesty"

"19 Moreover, we ['eyewitnesses'] possess the prophetic message that is altogether reliable. You will do well to be attentive to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20 Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is of personal interpretation,21 for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God.

Chapter 2

1 There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Master who ransomed them, bringing swift destrction on themselves." (2 Peter 1:16,19-21; 2:1)


o The promise Christ gave the Apostles [Matt. 28:20](and another time to all his Disciples [Acts 1:8]) was he would always be with "you" (in both statements) until the end of days. Think in the context of the Lord (and the recorder,Matthew= the apostle Matthew, Acts= Luke remember one disciple was already the first martyr) as he knew all those disciples and apostles would die before the end of the world. That would mean by the classic "you means them" philosophy God would have had to lie and Christianity is a sham! Now if Christ meant Christianity, well... that would mean he intended for us to be separated and divided. Now the only possibility was to give a organization hope that they will be guided (in this case The Holy Spirit). By this statement the Catholic Church holds firm that it shall be here and on the day of the return of Jesus Christ she shall be waiting ever pure and more Holy than she's ever been before (thanks to that Divine Guidence). This spirit of Divine Wisdom (The Holy Spirit) is what gave the magestrate the knowledge and wisdom to gather the books of sacred scripture (those that are read in Churches prior Councils of Hippo [393] and Carthage [397]) from all over the Church and agree on which are neccesary for Salvation and to protect Her (The Catholic Church) from Heresies. The Roman Catholic Church has never changed it's changed Her Doctrine, unlike many others, and possibly the only one (depending on how you look at the Great Schism).

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sola Scriptura simply states that Scripture in the highest authority, that all traditions and so on are subject to the Scriptures and not the other way around. For a proper understanding of Sola Scriptura please have a read of this article:

    Sola Scriptura: What it is and What it 'Aint.

    It distinguishes between to common misunderstanding that it refers to Scripture only without any tradition. But what the Reformers actually insisted was that human traditions, even under the Holy Spirit’s guidance (as far as that could be discerned), did not have authority to supplement, augment or overturn Scripture. To establish saving truth, what was needed was a return to the authoritative sources – to the Scriptures themselves. So if a tradition goes against what Scripture says - which do you toss out? The Scriptures or the Tradition? I am sure it is obvious to all Christians that you throw out the Tradition.

    Scripture is the final authority to which all Christian thinking must be subject. However, it’s either arrogant or simply naive to imagine we are the first readers of Scripture, or that we can or should read it without reference to that tradition. And if a reading of Scripture is proposed that breaks with the witness of the tradition of faithful Christian readers down the two millennia of its being read, we do well to hear alarm bells ringing.

    The Catholic church has not changed her doctrine? Huh?

    In 1950 the dogma of the Assumption of Mary was proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church.

    In 1870-1, at the first Vatican council the dogma of Papal infallibility was proclaimed.

    In 1854 the dogma of the Immaculate conception of Mary was proclaimed by the Roman Catholic church.

    This just names a few dogma that the Roman Catholic Church has introduced in recent years. I could also add the teachings of indulgences, purgatory, penance, and a whole heap of other teachings that were introduced into the Roman Catholic church over the centuries.

    I am confused. Are these not changes in doctrine? I would appreciate an explanation how they are not.

    Source(s): The Bible Simply Christianity
  • Ryan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    the magistrates refers to the government. the catholic church was not established until much later. the Bible also says that it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle, one letter, of the Law of God to change, and the Catholic church has tried to change this many times, i.e. sunday worship. The catholic church is a corrupt, power hungry organization using the name of God to pervert the will of God. They are responsible for more Christian deaths than any nation, person or group, and live by the traditions of man instead of the word of God. the pope even changed the Bible hundreds of years after canon was closed by a committee at nicea. they blasphemy the name of God by declaring the ability to forgive sins, when only God can do so, and claim that the Pope is the representative of Jesus on earth, when Jesus himself told us that he would send his Holy Spirit, not a man, to guide us in his physical absence. the bible tells us that the "saints" are those who keep the commandments of God and bare the testimony of Jesus. The catholic church twists scripture to enhance their power over the ignorant masses, since the reading of the Bible by laymen was a sin punishable by punishments as severe as death for centuries.

  • 5 years ago

    The change among the 2 is that our Sacred Tradition is going again to the lessons of the Apostles and Christ. Think approximately it this fashion: You begin a searching camp and also you write down a algorithm. You speak over those regulations with the persons on your camp and provide them different understanding that hadn't been written down. Now, you die and different persons input the camp. These persons learn your regulations and there are 2 agencies who interpret the ones regulations another way. So, what do they do to realize precisely what you imply? They move to the long-established persons on your organization and ask them what you intended whilst you wrote the ones regulations. Since they knew you, they've a greater information of what you intended whilst you wrote the ones regulations and will inform them precisely what you intended. This is handed down and taught and although you and the long-established participants have died, the persons following your searching camp nonetheless recognise what you intended whilst you first wrote the ones regulations in view that it's been handed down: Tradition. Now, say one man or woman makes a decision he does not like that Tradition, however likes his possess interpretation of your regulations. He takes the foundations and begins an extra searching camp headquartered on his interpretation. Then an extra does it, then an extra and an extra. Now we now have 6 searching camps headquartered upon your regulations, however just one real is aware of what you intended and nonetheless follows what you intended in view that they've Tradition. This is what we do. We appear on the Scriptres and realize that this used to be given to us as a device by way of Christ, however that the Bible is not the one factor we now have. So after we appear on the Bible, we additionally appear again to the Early Church Fathers to peer what they had been taught by way of the Apostles and what the Apostles taught and knew from Jesus. Unlike our Protestants siblings who most effective move by way of the Bible, we remember the persons who knew Christ and knew greater than what used to be simply within the Bible. For illustration, it is not within the Bible that Mary is the brand new Eve, however we all know from writings relationship again to the primary century that Mary had constantly been believed to be the New Eve. So no, we don't seem to be doing the identical factor. We appear at Scripture now not simply within the context of the New or Old Testament, however within the context of God's plan of salvation and the way the Old and New paintings in combination. We can be trained plenty from watching again into the Old Testament and in addition watching again on the first Christians. And honestly, understanding the long-established language does support in view that the English language is restricted in it is translation of phrases. For the Catholic Church we now have 3 verify facets: Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium. All 3 of those have to agree for it ti be doctrine. For the Protestants they've one: The Bible and their possess fallible interpretation of the Bible. Thus why in 500 years, there are 36,000 denominations of Protestant religions. Every time one makes a decision they wish one more interpretation, they devise their possess church that follows *their* interpretation. And as soon as anyone there makes a decision they do not consider that interpretation, they will cut up off and create a church that follows *their* interpretation and it repeats over and again and again. So there's a change. We think in private interpretation, however now not for the hundreds. You could have a verse that quite speaks to you, however that does not imply that is what will have to be trained.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. Let's do the best things for the best reasons.

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  • Midge
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sola Scriptura is for Smorgasbord Christians---they only take what appeals to them and do not bother to account for the rest.

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