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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicRock and Pop · 1 decade ago

Would you consider yourself a "selfish fan"?

By selfish fan, I mean, you don't want a band you love to become extremely popular. You don't like spreading word about [insert band].

Hate to admit, but am somewhat am one. I want a band to have money/success but it is annoying when the bands I like get more "fans" & possibly turns more mainstream to appeal to a wider audience. Like if one of the bands I liked played on MTV, I wouldn't be happy.

BQ: How do you tweet someone with the mobile Twitter website for an iPod touch??!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i am a selfish fan, although i do spread word around about bands i like in forums, i just dont like them achieveing metallica popularity, everyone whores off metallica (a phrase i just made).

    i like my bands to stay virgin, or not get laid as much as other popular bands.

    2) i think you press on the reply button, it looks like a refresh button bellow a tweet.

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I can understand people who are like that but I'm not really like that to be honest. Although, the reason behind why I love showing off bands is probably pretty selfish. I honestly love showing people bands that they don't know about and having them love the bands. It just gives me a great feeling. Although, I can kind of relate since I saw Mastodon on Mtv once which didn't make me too happy lol

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont care when they become more mainstream, it means they become more popular + richer which for the most of the bands i like im really happy for as they struggled for years trying to make it, like living out of vans and stuff and also it means more tours so im happy

    although except for a few friends i rarely share bands iv found, so i guess i am selfish haha

    what annoys me is when everyone decides that band is there favourite band and decide they want to marry the lead singer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, in that way I'm definitely selfish. I wouldn't want everyone at my school to start wearing Ramones shirts and listing all the bands that I love as their favorite. That would be A) kind of creepy B) extremely annoying and C) there would be a lot of 'fans' that don't know **** about the band.

    BA: I'm retarded when it comes to tech-y stuff. Sorry, no clue.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No. Never. I guess you would say I'm a generous fan, cause I WANT people to know the bands that I like. Its more fun to talk about it then.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    at the beginning - bravo to you on the astounding weightloss. That, in and of itself, is an unselfish act because of the fact in dropping the load you have exchange right into a extra healthy spouse and mom. Plus, i do no longer think of you're selfish at excited approximately desiring the surgical technique. If i became into hiring a private coach, i might probably look askance at somebody with baggy factors. In having the surgical technique, you're increasing your well worth as a private coach. In that line of artwork, that is all on the subject of the type you look. This so-referred to as chum sounds a splash jealous to me. you have lined all your bases and it appears that evidently like your toddlers would be properly-cared for. stable success with the surgical technique!

  • 1 decade ago

    In some ways , but not the ways your thinking of.

    I want my favorite band to do amazing, I want their singles to make number 1 and I want

    their record sale to get to number 1 just cause I think they deserve it and they have worked so


    But.. I got PIS*ED off when Edge said this will probably be their last decade. I know, I know.. they will be 59 by the time the next decade hits.. and if I love them so much they should be able to retire if they want, but then I look at Mick Jagger who is 66, and alice cooper who is 61, and Bruce Springsteen who i believe is 61 also.. and they still plan on going even longer. so what I have to say to you Bono and Edge... SUCK IT UP.

  • Caput
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i wouldn't consider myself selfish; unless you're going out and somehow making it so other people can't find out about their music.

    i'd be happy for a band that got big though.

    EDIT: even with the posers at least they're buying band merchandise and if they've heard just a few of their songs its better then them not hearing any at all. and posers are fun to embarrass :D

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a very selfish fan

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, but its weird in my case. I don't really want a lot of people to know about my favorite bands, considering that's how posers are created, but I have a habit of trying to introduce people to my favorite bands. Then I get annoyed when the people I have introduced talk about them, but don't know much about them. I don't know why I do this.

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